purple clothed man was laughing at his face, saying, “I am the Union Lord’s tent of the Holodomor, who has long been named Divine Doctor Di, and today I see name is not in vain.”

After the spelling out of the hill, his heart had been shocked by the appearance of the Cao, and his beautiful girl had no idea how much he had seen, and had never really seen such a portrait before. But looking at the eyes of the visors outside, he knew it wasn’t his tent to cross the mountain without seeing it.


soon as you see Di Jiu such an expert with a tent across the hill, you feel that Di Jius’s power will not be lower than him. His eyes did not stay on the Cao Cao, and then he stayed, and that was detrimental to his reputation.

Di Jiu saw the rest of them coming up and saying, “I’m hanging my friend outside the city of Heaven, seriously injured, and I’m going to save my friend, and I’m going to talk about something else.”

Hear Di Jius, the face of the hill is hard to look immediately. Di Jius is the famous leader, but his tent is not a famous generation. In just one sentence, he was wiped out of the affair he had welcomed.

Di Jiu has crossed the tent and entered the city directly.

When Di Jiu suddenly turned around, “By the way, the Union Lord, I want to excuse me, who strangled my friend outside the medal building in the city of Heaven?”

“Divine Doctor Di Di, although you’re astonishing, the brand building outside the city symbolizes absurd dignity. Now you’re ruined, I’m afraid the consequences are worse.”

“Oh, so I’ll wait in the city of heaven and see how serious it is. Looks like the tent union Lord isn’t going to tell me the answer? It doesn’t matter, and when I save my friend, I’ll come and ask it out.” Di Jiu disdainfully said.

“Union Lord, the man blade turned four iron woods into pieces and saved the Choi Moon.” A young martial artist whispered in the ear of the tent.

The hill of the tent is wondering how Di Jiu saved the Choi Moon, and why the four iron pollinations in the brand were fragmented. Now someone gives him the answer, and he’s a jump in his heart. One blade turned four iron poles into pieces. Can he do that?

Whether you can do it, the hill of the tent has made a determination at this instant time, and he laughed, his face has no previous shadow, “Divine Doctor Di, that’s not gonna tell you, because everyone knows. Chowdhury was guilty of the Great Holodomor, hung up by the Great Alliance Lord of the Great Holodomor and forcing you to ask your whereabouts upstairs.”

Said the hill was still sighed, “Musbrother did something too exciting, but what’s wrong with it?”

Di Jiu was so lazy about the sighs of the hill, chilling and saying, “Where’s the Great Holodomor?”

“Oh,” the tent goes up the hill, and it doesn’t seem to be half hidden: “I heard the former daughter was suddenly well, and the son of Holodomor was the same as the former daughter, so he first found the city of Zinghai. The same was true of the President of the Martial artist Hospital, the mayor of the City of Heaven and the others. I’m a little lazy, and I didn’t follow the back.”

Di Jiu swept the same tent across the mountain, slightly smiled: “The tent Union Lord, we’ll see you soon.”

In conclusion, Di Jiu has again been lazy about the mountains and the others, and has entered the city at a speedy pace.

“Union Lord.” After Di Jiu entered the city of heaven, the woman who crossed the hill said, “Shall we do it?”

Sneered, “Do it? Why did you do it? What can I do with Di Jiu?

“He destroyed the brand building, and I’m afraid we don’t take action, and when Chai and the others come back, they’ll find us in trouble.” Women have some worries.

If you didn’t answer the girl’s words, just walk to the front of the iron scum that turned into a bunch of crumbs, bend up and picked up a few pieces of iron crumbs, and give it to the woman, “Do you think that expert could arrest him even if I did? Besides, guarding is not just about my tent crossing the mountain.”

There is also a saying that Di Jiu is a Divine Doctor, and that if it’s easy to cure the illness of the son of the Holodomor, it’s not possible to say about the mass graves. His tent is guilty of Di Jiu at this time, unless he’s almost stupid.

“That woman, should call Cao Cao? So beautiful, what’s the start?” The tent watched has disappeared at Di Jiu and the others in the depths of the city of paradise, and it’s a wrinkle. He’s sure that even if Di Jiu is not Divine Doctor, the advent of Cao Cao would raise very large disputes. A woman like Cao Cao had appeared, and the Holodomor didn’t take action to fight, even if his tent was blind.

The Holodomor Panther Hotel, which is actually not much of a big hotel in the city of Heaven, is the most visible, and can be seen when it enters the city.

Di Jiu was going to rescue, and immediately after seeing the Panther Hotel, he was greeting Cao and entering the Panther Hotel with his back.

Regardless of the future end of Di Jiu, Di Jiu is a great absurd, Chai, Divine Doctor, who was sought by these top experts, and the Union Lord’s tent of the Holodomor federation, who is not a bird. Such people come to the store, and the hotel will come out of the best room, even if there is no room.

Di Jiu’s three people are in a top suite soon, and four rooms are in a big guest room.

“AJiu, go in and save the moon, whatever it has done, I want her to say it myself, why?” When she gets into the room, the Cao can’t stop saying it.

For many years, Choi Moon, Grand Mao, Xiao ‘an and she have been through too much, all between life and death. The big deal, the Choi Moon rebellion, made her unacceptable.

Di Jiu brought the Choi Ho to the room, grabbed golden needle from the bag, went down with his current cultivation base, a golden needle, and the aura in the body’s depression was immediately evacuated. Even the wounded internal organs, quickly recovered under Di Jius’s mediation. Di Jiu is now the power of Origin Soul Realm to bring the Choi Moon to full rescue without a little medial ingredient, or just half an hour.

“You’re AJiu?” Choi Hoeyopened’s eyes and saw Di Jius’s first sentence was shocked.

Hearing about Choi Moon, Cao and Xiao ‘an were forced into the room.

“Sister Cao, you’re all right, that’s great.” The Choi Moon is real and the eyes are red when you talk.

Good day, snorted, “I’m dead, not you blade. Poor man, he should have been killed by you. Chowdhury, if you want those things, you just say that I’m not gonna rob you at half a point, but why are you so hot? You want to kill the big ass?”

Xiao ‘an said it here, and remembered that he was killed and couldn’t stop crying.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” but she couldn’t forgive her own eyes.

Mr. Cao had a breath, slowly said, “The Moon, the four of us are sympathetic to siblings, why are you doing this?”

After the Choi Moon slowed down for a while, she was calm down, and she watched Cao said, “Sister Cao, I really didn’t think about doing this, but when I touched that god, my body wasn’t free. My body is like entering the second soul, which controls my actions and everything, even my thoughts, and I’m crazy about getting back to control of my body, but I can’t do it. I plot against Xiao ‘an, plot against the top, but that’s not what I meant.”

Good day, laughed, “You can say something more unknown, maybe I’ll really believe you.”

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