Di Jiu eyes opened his eyes, and found a pair of eyes just less than a foot away from his face. His consciousness is going back, but it’s just a painkiller from his legs. Even his legs, his whole body is painful.

Until this moment Di Jiu knew that his bones were almost broken, ribs, legs, bones, even spinal bones.

Di Jius spiritual sense immediately stretched out, and he found out he was still in starry sky, and he was only on an abandoned, destructive planet. This planet is small, smaller, and his spiritual sense can cover most of it.

“Did you save me?” Di Jiu’s consciousness came out, and then he knew he was wrong. He’s definitely not in front of this fellow, and it’s supposed to be brought by meteors to this little wasteland planet.

See Di Jiu eyes open, this young man that looks at Di Jiu’s eyes, that’s the way out of here. Di Jiu sees each other as much as he is, and as he is, it’s old, long hair. The beard of the mouth has to shave clean.

“I saved you? I’d have to panic before I could save you.” Youth cut it out, and then said, “You’re the poorest fellow I’ve seen since cultivating. It’s all mixed up in Origin Soul Realm, not even a storage pouch. How did I say you cultivating to Origin Soul Realm? And you can still live in the starry sky and become a starry sky wanderer, and you have to say you’re a dead man.”

Di Jiu knew immediately that this fellow must have been searching for his stuff. He knew storage pouch and storage ring, but he really didn’t. Indeed, he can refine top grade spirit item, but Storage Space, something like that, requires specific material to be refined, and he does not find it and cannot be refined. All he had was a bag, and in the meteorite, he lost his bag.

Think of it here, Di Jiu, in his heart, just stretch your hand and touch his chest.

His arm was broken, just like that, and he couldn’t stand snort.

youth seems to have seen Di Jius thinking, and he laughed, grabbing a jade bottle to Di Jiu, saying, “There’s a couple more healthbruises in there, you eat it.” You’re dead, too. That’s not dead. As for the corn in your chest, in your heart, I can’t see it. Don’t worry. “

After that, young people turn around and lazy to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu, on the contrary, relaxed, has seen the corn of his chest, which is the only connection he has to do with Cao.

Jade bottle Di Jiu on the ground has not moved, and he spiritual sense has been swept, indeed several therapeutic medicinal pills, and the archives are only general.

Di Jius cultivation technique operated, and his broken bones quickly recovered. Just half a day, he’s already capable of moving. Di Jiu picked up jade bottle on the ground and put it in a broken pocket. Although he does not need these medicinal pills, the other side is also a good one.

The next few days, the youth never showed up, nor did Di Jiu use spiritual sense to look at each other for anything. A few days later, Di Jius’s broken bones recovered and stood up.

At this point, the young man turned back. His amazing watched up Di Jiu, “Are you back so soon? I gave you medicinal pill, didn’t I?

“Many thanks friend helped me, Body Refining, so recovered faster than anyone else. My name is Di Jiu, and I haven’t asked my friend what to call it?” Di Jiu Jiu, a cup of fist in the other hand, a pleasant question.

“My name is Suzullo today, as if your body Refining Cultivation Technique was good.” Sugar’s hand was stretched to Di Jiu, with no half-stop, or felt that Di Jius cultivation base and his cultivation base were so much different.

Just because of the name of Sugar, Di Jiu has a good feeling about Sugar, and “My son has a name…”

Sugar disdainfully said today, “Take advantage of this cheap, fart. You plantbase almost died here, so follow me, and I’ll take you to a little bit of money.”

Di Jiu wanted not to be rich, how to find a man’s planet, so as soon as cultivating to a higher level, open its own world, “Brother Su, excuse me, where’s the nearest human planet here?”

“You didn’t come out of the wilderness?” Di Jius asked for a conversation that surprised Suu today.

“Crazy area?” Di Jiu’s slippery watched Success, shaking my head, “I’m not from the wilderness, actually speaking of my planet as a Martial Cultivator planet, without cultivator like me. I stepped on cultivating for special reasons, and you see I didn’t even know about storage pouch.”

Sugar was staring at his eyes, and then he turned around Di Jiu, and that was how to build a thumb and say, “Great, you’re so great.” How can you cultivating to Origin Soul Realm, your Spiritual Root, I’m afraid of heaven defying? I’m under so many cultivation resources in my family, and I’m just cultivating to Mounting Cauldron thats all, you’re much better than me. ”

Di Jiu didn’t expect to be a Mounting Cauldron Realm expert today, his embarrassing smiled and said, “I’m a Opening Sea Realm and you Mounting Cauldron Realm too far.”

Sugar once again cut out, “I don’t look at that type of cultivation base, just aloof and remote stupid. Those fellows don’t look like they’re coming from low level cultivating, and that mouth is disgusting. My friend was just looking at the eye, and you look like a good eye, Spiritual Root. The only disadvantage is to like verbal cheap. Forget it, I don’t compare with you, I’ll take you to a place to find brilliant iron.”

Di Jiu again cup one fist in the other hand, “Brother Su, I’m not interested in finding brilliant red iron. Brother Su and I are also asked to talk about the wilderness, that place I’d prefer to see.”

Di Jiu, who has forgotten the subject of the conversation to Sugar today, is also intolerable and can only remind Suu of it once again.

Sugar laughed, “Di Jiu Brother, forget it, I’ll call you AJiu. What the hell is the area, you know? There’s no one in that place who talks so well to me, and everyone in that place is the first gesture of God. If you don’t move, you don’t know how many people are killed every day. Don’t say that you have an Origin Soul Realm ant to live on luck, and I’m like Mounting Cauldron cultivator to the wilderness and to be human in the tail. You follow me with a little bit of money, and when cultivation base goes up, you go to the wilderness thing.”

Di Jiu shaved his head, “No, I came out to find a place like this. If I can’t find it, my cultivation base will not rise.”

Sugar listened so resolutely to Di Jiu going across the area, and some surprises. But when you think about how Di Jiu came here, it’s a lot to explain. Di Jiu came here, basically a narrow report. So Di Jiu is a good place not to be afraid of dying fellow, so how can fellow be afraid of going to the wilderness like this promotion of cultivation base?

And in this case, Sugar didn’t laugh again, but said resolutely, “AJiu, the wilderness is one of the continent areas in starry sky. A lot of cultivator from the Series has come to the wilderness, because there are too many people in this place, which is the easiest to get to the top cultivating treasure and, of course, the most likely to be killed. Even if someone looks at you, just lift your hands together, divine ability to attack you, so you’re gonna go?”

Di Jiu didn’t hesitate, “Brother Su, I’m going.”

“Well, since you’re so determined to go across the area, I’ll come with you. Before we go, we’re still going to dig a brilliant red iron. Crazy areas, though dangerous, are also a rich place. As long as we dig enough brilliant iron, in the wilderness, we can make a big deal.” Sugar says, “

He went to the wilderness, just too dangerous, so he came here. He was going to dig the red iron on his own, and when cultivating to Life Tribulation Realm, he was going to go around the wilderness. Now meet Di Jiu, and he’s got the idea of going back to the wilderness.

Happy celebration for everyone! This is the update. Good night, friend!

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