When Suu will dig up the last brilliant red crystal today, all the time he said, “Come on, come on. Somebody should be here.”

I heard someone come here, and Sukhumi is happy to join hands and put a bunch of brilliant iron and brilliant crystals in storage ring.

Just after dozens of breathing hours, two cultivator fell next to Di Jiu and Successive.

See the two of them Mounting Cauldron cultivator, Sugar, chuckled, saying to Di Jiu, “AJiu, let’s go.”

Di Jiu and Sugar left, and a short cultivator who stayed in the original place suddenly said, “Has there been a brilliant red crystal here?”

speaking in between them, he had an open hand, a brilliant red crystal scum appeared in his hand, and that cultivator was also an open hand that shot a small piece of red crystal from the pit.

They look at each other, and then they’re all blinded by fanatics. Shorty cultivator said, “There are so many brilliant red crystal fragments that they can see here getting a brilliant red crystal nest…”

“There have been recent acquisitions of brilliant red irons, and we… add a new sentence to the high cultivator.

Neither of them, nor did they speak again, turn to Di Jiu and Sugar.

“Hey, what’s going on? Why are so many people here today? There’s only brilliant red iron here, and there’s nothing else?” Sugar and Di Jiu left, except for the two Mounting Cauldron cultivator, who were on their way to seven eight waves of cultivator.

Di Jiu suddenly said, “Brother Su, if I’m not mistaken, those two will soon catch up.”

Sugar’s got too many brilliant red and brilliant crystals and is still in the process of excitement. I heard Di Jiu say that he immediately reacted. When you dig the red crystal, you don’t clean the hole, and the other side will surely find it.

Think of it here, Sugar, scream, “AJiu, we’re going to change one direction, go around the other.”

It seems that Di Jius cultivation base is too weak, and that he and Di Jiu should not be rivals once those two people catch up.

As Di Jiu speculated, two Daoist shadows soon approached the wilderness in the direction of Sugar and Di Jiu.

Sugar stopped again, “AJiu, we can’t go to the wilderness now. That’s all I can blame for, and I’m doing things very carefully, leaking the fact that I got brilliant red crystals. Now we go to the wilderness, and we must be caught. Don’t worry, this time I get something, I’ll give you half.”

Di Jiu set up, “I said I don’t want to be brilliant, you tell me how to go to the wilderness.”

The brilliant red crystal is the best thing for cultivation base now, but Di Jiu doesn’t feel half what he wants, and it seems like it’s just like garbage, and he’s lazy enough to pick it up.

The watched Di Jiu, after a while then said, “I finally believe you’re a human planet, and I don’t know what’s good. Come on, I’ll go with you. If you go alone, I’m afraid you just crossed the wilderness, you’re dead.”

“Aren’t you scared?” Di Jiu questioned watched Sugar.

Soul had a chest shot, “I didn’t see anything. I was chased by countless experts in Great Profound Star that year, and I was not alive today, and I came to the wilderness, and cultivation base was raised to Mounting Cauldron. You’re very morale, and I can’t leave you today.”

Great Profound Star? Di Jiu suddenly felt that this name was somewhat familiar.

Crazy area.

Di Jiu came to the wilderness and thought it was not just in name, but also in reality. Crazy surroundings are yet another wave of peaks, which densely packed, spread throughout the void, and spiritual sense cannot be swept to the end, at least seemingly crazy.

There is a curve path in the middle of the peak that has been moving far away, and Di Jius spiritual sense can only bluff some outline.

Sugar said in Di Jiu’s ear, “Don’t look at these peaks and tell them that these peaks are the top natural great array. Entry into the wilderness is only through this curve, and if it comes to the peak, then I’m afraid there will be no chance to come out.”

There are continuously cultivator out on the road, and cultivator crossing Di Jiu and Successive into the wilderness. Di Jiu felt that his cultivation base was indeed the lowest in this place.

Follow Sugar’s journey along the bend mountain road for half the perfume time, and a giant mountain gate with a grain of imposing a pound of grain appears in front of Di Jius.

It’s mountain gate, because the whole door is down the hill, and it looks like a hole down the hill.

On the top of the mountain gate, sculpture has two big dancers, fanatics.

di Jius saw a few corpses in front of the city gate.

“The tall one we met before.” Di Jiu recognized a tall corpse, and this fellow was one of the two people who saw him and Sugar on that rotten planet.

Sugar is playing Di Jius hand, “Come on, this is normal, and I don’t know how many people are going to be killed here every day. That tall man was killed and was good for us, at least we don’t have to worry about that skinny guy coming to us for trouble.”

“Wait a minute, for the first time, the entrance must be handed over to spirit stone.” Di Jiu was stopped again after Suu had just walked to the entrance point.

Suolin was busy saying, “I’m sorry, AJiu, I forgot to tell you that for the first time I had to pay a thousand grand grade spirits. As long as the spirit stone is handed, you’ll get a identity token, and you won’t have to do it again in ten years.”

Sugar didn’t help Di Jiu out of spirit stone, and a thousand spirit stone would be nothing for an Origin Soul Realm cultivator.

Di Jiu didn’t get it out in half a day, and he watched Su said, “Brother Su, I don’t have a son, don’t say a thousand tall grade spirit stone, and I don’t have a low grade spirit stone.”

“Nothing, nothing, I’ll help you.” Sugar suddenly remembers that Di Jiu is from the world of humans.

He hasn’t been able to get spirit stone out yet, so Di Jiu handed over that cultivator of Ninth Stone and stopped Sugar’s movement, “Did you have a thousand spirit stone? Who are you lying to? In this place, you have to pay spirit stone on your own.”

Di Jiu wrinkled and said, “I really don’t have spirit stone, and my friend lent it to me. Can I do it again?”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Di Jiu immediately understood that the other side wanted not spirit stone, but to see this corn in his chest. This corn is the only thing that Cao left to him, and don’t say one of the other guards of cultivator, even if Domain Lord in the wilderness comes, don’t want to take this corn from him.

“I’m sorry, this maid is something important to me, and I’m not gonna hand it over. Brother Su, you borrowed me a thousand high grade spirit stone.” Di Jiu indifferently said.


cultivator laughed at the door, not until Sulu took the spirit stone out, he picked up his hands on Di Jius’s face, “A piece of garbage corn that doesn’t know what dirty he picks up, and what’s important for you to be able to deal with…”


most important person in Di Jiu’s heart is Cao Cao, a cultivator that not only beats his earlight, but insults Cao, Di Jiu is almost half of it, just a punch out.

bang! When Di Jiu this fist exploded, it became several boxing peaks, the boxing lasted, crushed the mask of cultivator in the area, ripped off the other side’s protector True Origin and bombed each other’s chest.

blomist exploded, and Di Jiu bombed this cultivation base a level higher than he did, and cultivator was a scum.

The watched Di Jiu, a Void God’s cultivator, can’t stop Di Jius, what’s divine ability? But then he woke up, and he said, “It’s over, we’re done.”

Di Jiu didn’t care about Suzuki’s joy, but watched his own fist, and said, “originally is the way…”

(Today’s update is here, friends. Good night!

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