“And then the endless Palace Lord destroyed a derivative purpose and came to the city of Dao Realm Sect, and everywhere chased senior…”

“Did you catch up?” Di Jiu was anxious to ask that he had the best affair in Dao Realm, and that the countless Palace Lord was chasing the crazy obviously because of his relationship.

This nurturing Dao Cultivator shakes his head, “I don’t know, but I only know that the endless Palace Lord went to extinguish the gates of the Hiroshima and Blue Daw Daw.”

Di Jiu immediately wrinkled his eyebrows, killing Palace Lord from the clouds and deriving his understanding. Because Lan Ru, who left the cloud, was his friend, and he understood it. When he first arrived in Dao Realm, he entered an outer section disciple that became a confession.

But he was completely oblivious without Palace Lord destroying the gates of the Hiroshima and Qingdao. He and these two Sects have no clustering at all, and the endless Palace Lord will not be able to relocate anger to both sections.

When Di Jiu heard that Dao Cultivator said that there was an increasing number of pieces of Palace Lord’s extinguishment, he knew exactly what was going on.

The powerless Palace Lord is the main section of Dao Realm that has been eliminated with his name. In other words, even if he did not destroy the endless Palace Lord, he would find excuses to extinguish the major sect one after another.

For reasons, Di Jiu has guessed. Dao Realm seems to be a terrible landscape, and the endless Palace Lord, the old thing, is probably trying to deprive Dao Realm refining, or to deprive Dao Realm of all the rules and destiny for cultivating.


powerless Palace Lord can do this, and it should be stronger than he is.

“Senior, I know all about it.” The watched Di Jiu, who raised Dao Cultivator, feared that he did say all about it, and if Di Jiu hadn’t let him go, then he could only confess.

“Many thanks.” Di Jiu said three words, and the shape disappeared.

See how Di Jiu didn’t take him, how dare you stay here with Dao Cultivator, and he swiftly changed one direction, the better he wanted to go. He just walked a few steps and stopped, and then turned to watched Di Jiu, and he said, “I understand.”

He did understand that the question he had just asked was Di Jiu.

This time there’s a fantastic look, Di Jiu, not a good one. When Jiang Dai chased Di Jiu, the result was Di Jiu Jiu destroyed the old nest, when Di Jiu cultivation base should still be low. Later Palace Lord of the House of Dependencies, which bullied Di Jius Friends and Di Jiu returned, directly extinguished the uterine.

Now, Palace Lord, the countless Palace Lord, is bullying Di Jiu friend again, and if Di Jiu is suspended, that’s not the Diego Realm’s legend.

When Di Jiu left Dao Realm, Dao Realm’s legend to Di Jius was Grandpa Di. The reason is that when Di Jiu killed the tattoo, he called himself Grandpa.

Di Jiu didn’t go to the Quantificent House, he wasn’t reckless, he went to the Quantificent Palace now, everything had happened, and he couldn’t change anything.

He must be ready before he goes to the dense palace.

The powerless Palace Lord, even Dao Realm’s rules, can be deprived, with Dao Realm Grand Dao cultivating, which Di Jiu does not feel to be strong against each other. If he is not mistaken, the endless Palace Lord is definitely a third step expert, or a third step at the top.

When Di Jiu came here, it was easy to be an ordinary middle-aged Job.

Dao Realm knows him too much, and now he’s not sure about the real power of the endless Palace Lord, and in any event he doesn’t want to meet without any preparation with the countless Palace Lord.

If it was a general cultivator, it might have killed Dao Cultivator. Di Jiu didn’t kill that cultivator, and in case he came to the ruin.

The great ruin, because of the law of Chaos, there are also a lot of five Elements, cultivator, who accidentally poisoned the rules after entering the ruin, then turned into five Elements. So in the ruins, many of the five Elements were cultivator.

So, there’s a lot of good things in the ruins, even five Elements attribute’s law fragments, and there’s not much cultivator here.

What Di Jiu didn’t think was that he was overcrowded here again when he came to the ruins. At first, there were few people here, and now Dao Realm didn’t fall, and there were more people here?

Di Jiu came to the ruin for two purposes, the main aim being refining. The endless Palace Lord has a neo-extinction mirror in which only Extreme Cold objects can be resisted. If you don’t have a cold crystal, if there’s a cold crystal, then naturally he’s going to refining. And the second thing is, how did he get out of here?

Di Jiu just walked to the gate of the Great Dark Hall, and heard the word “stabbed”, which was the sound of the strip being torn apart, followed by the sound of “blanket”, and a young woman was shot in her face, and then landed on the road to the Great Dark.

“courting death, trifling’s breeding corn, and he dares to rob things here…” Follow the woman’s landing on the ground, while a man with flesh falls in front of this woman.

There are a lot of cultivator around, but no one dares to come out and talk. The man with this face is supposed to be in Origin Realm, and here’s the top expert.

“I’m sorry, Senior, I don’t know what you want.” Women climb up, bow up and apologize.

Her hair was shattered, and her clothes were ripped up, and her face was hit with a print, which seemed to be extremely wolf.

“What’s your name?” Di Jiu suddenly walked into front of the woman, asking a question.

“What are you? If this holy word is not finished, you will also…” The United States dollar cultivator saw Di Jiu stop talking in front of him, and he will immediately be angry, and his hands will be shot at Di Jiu.

Di Jiu was lazy and handled with a mask, and Origin Realm cultivator was taken out of his slap more than 10 zhang, directly under his head, into the mud.

All right, with Di Jiu’s hand, he’s still saving a life, crawling out of the mud, and bowing at Di Jiu for a few weeks, apologizing and flying away. Let him relaxed be that Di Jiu really did when he was a fart, and let him go.

The cultivator around saw Di Jiu so powerful and low, as far as possible. The most terrifying is not necessarily in the ruins, and sometimes you are more likely to be killed outside the ruins.


“many thanks Senior…” woman quickly thanked Di Jiu.

Di Jiu sounds cold. “What was your name?”

“junior’s Eve…” the woman quickly cried out, and Di Jiu could even see her finger shaking and see how frightened she was.

“I ask you one person, do you know Di Jiu indifferently say, and when he says it, his eyes keep staring at the evening?


watched Di Jiu at dawn, shaking his head, “junior doesn’t know.”

Di Jiu sighs and says, “I want you to remember the good news later, and not the good news, even if you cultivating to be stronger, it’s a smoke in your eyes.”

“Yes, junior would like to remember Senior’s Remembrance.” The evening begins to bow again.

Di Jiu shattered and fell into the ruins. Although this evening is typical, it is impossible to compare at all with the simulation of beauty and alluring, Di Jiu has confirmed that this evening is the third and last. If she is killed at this juncture, she will no longer have a chance to return. Or, even if it was a turn, it had nothing to do with her predecessor.

For this woman, he’s not very visible, and Lord Azure Lotus is gracious to her, and she finally plot against Azure Lotus, but Di Jiu is lazy to kill her thats all. It reminds him of the twins, the woman in front of him, suicide, the opportunity to return, and there’s some shame.

According to Lord Azure Lotus, this is the third and most powerful round. But Di Jiu just knew that the evening was not a hypocrisy, and she really had no memory of the former. I don’t know if Azure Lotus was going back to the problem, or because of other problems, they were all irrelevant to Di Jiu.

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