Nisha of the Red

Chapter 26 - Playmate

A bouncing six-year-old A bouncing six-year-old couldn't take her eyes away from the tall extremely clear mirror that was encased into the crystal wall. The little girl saw changes to her body despite the beautiful and unique dress she wore. Her hair was always vibrant, but now, it was fuller and the color was as bold as red lipstick. Her skin also looked healthy and with a glow. Her dark eyes were no longer dry, now looked like freshwater pearls. She could barely recognize herself, it almost felt like she took over someone else's body. She used her small hand to pinch her round full cheeks to see if she was dreaming. But the pain she felt told her that all this was real and like her older sister she was undergoing a great transformation.

"Do you like your dress that much? I'll make you more dresses if you like." Nisha said as she entered the room with Gutless following behind her.

Ana looked up at her sister who just spoke and saw the matching dress she wore. Even though it was of different cuts, it had the same style but different patterns. Ana's dress suited her due to her young age, while Nisha's dress suited her to it's revealing nature and sex appeal. Ana looked down at her own feet and blushed while she shyly shook her pretty little red hair. Nisha gently smiled, if anybody were to see her smile paired with her stunning face the very air will escape from their lungs.

"What's the matter?"

Nisha's little sister tottered over to her and whispered loudly, "D-did the Red Ancestor change my body?"

A wider smile lit up Nisha's face as she started to soothe Ana's bold red hair.

"And why would you think of something so silly?"

"Well...t-this isn't what I look like...."

"Ana, this is what you always looked like. That lowly man of the estate saw the good in us and did his best to take it away by trying to destroy us."

Ana looked startled at first but knew what her sister said was right. At a very young age, she knew that the masters of the estate did they're best to break them like the others. However, they no longer have the ability to do so because the Red Ancestor entered their lives changing everything.

"Come, you're too young to think about such depressing things."

"Where are we going?"

"Nowhere, you're a growing child and must eat."

Nisha gave a telepathic command to the mermaid maids to set a table for Ana and her. There was not able to eat food on and chairs in the lonely room, only a large bed, and a vanity table. Luna and Una both bowed towards their mistress while Gutless looked on with pride. The twin mermaids' hands started to shimmer as crystallized ice glaciated out of the ground turning into a set of elegant chairs and a priceless crystal small dinner table. Ana was in awe at the powers displayed by her sister's escorts.

The diner furniture set was eye-catching. Even the monster maids were startled despite Nisha mentally distilling the diagram and blueprint for the dinner set. Their blind devotion towards their mistress reached a new level. Instead of view their creator as a life-giver, they now view her as an entity that was destined to enrich the world. Nisha didn't know what her maids were thinking, she didn't want them to become empty puppets if she invaded their thoughts. She only noticed their feverish stares of worship. Nisha paid no mind to them after a brief pause, afterward she directed her attention back to Ana.

Nisha just sat down unfazed by the magic that was being displayed while Ana showed 'awe' expressions at the fine details of lotus flowers and Lilly paddles gave a woven design to the table and chairs that they were about to use. Nisha saw Ana's look of hesitation and simply patted the empty seat beside her. Her little sister slowly nodded her head and carefully climbed up on the crystal chair.

The twin maids took their place at the side standing up as Gutless gently opened the door to reveal a nervous and pale Tinya cleaned up in a matching maid outfit like the other monster maids while holding a crystal platter. Tinya that once worked under the headmistress of the Westhaven estate now became the personal chef for the young sixth mistress and the personal blood bank. She couldn't help but blush from the thought of her new mistress pressing her soft lips against her skin.

"Enter, and let us all see the food that you prepared for the young mistress," Gutless said with a hint of disdain for the new addition. Gutless didn't like her for the fact a human dared to solely be responsible for their creator's younger sister. Humans were imperfect by nature and were bound to make mistakes. Young human children were extremely fragile and needed extra care. If the new maid made a blunder that compromised the young miss, she would gladly throw her into the next town like a haggard ghost.

Tinya finally came to her senses and steadily placed the food on the delicate table piece. She lifted up the crystal lid to the dish that was fit for one child based on the mistress's instructions. Ana couldn't help inhale the mouthwatering food before her as she looked at the unique meal. She saw the snow-white fluffy bread cut in perfect uniform triangle shapes that were densely packed small sandwiches of six, it was still warm to the touch. The filling had neatly placed lettuce, a thin slice of cheese, and thin slices of smoked meat inside. She never saw anything like it before, but she couldn't help but stare at it. It was too pretty for her to eat.

The new maid was also stunned when her mistress introduced her to this new type of food. She was confused at first because they didn't have all the food items available, but Gutless seemed to left the kitchen and came back with an armful of an odd assortment of ingredients. Usually, hard bread that had husks mixed in with the grain was eaten to fill one's stomach as a ration for the common traveler and soldiers. The rich did eat bread but it was grainy and extremely hard to the touch compared to the white bread that her mistress told her to make. Until today, Tinya never saw nor heard of such a beautiful miracle bread.

Ana couldn't believe this was something that was prepared for her to eat, while Nisha only thought of how kids on Earth loved to eat finger food like sandwiches. Kids this young have simple palates and tend to eat with their hands, thus Nisha taught the new maid how to make a sandwich. Nisha saw the slight tremble of Ana even though she tried to hide it, but she can tell even with her eyes closed. She gently stroked Ana's small back to calm her down. She looked at her elder sister with her big child's eyes. It warmed Nisha's heart, it made her want to spoil her younger sister more.

"It's a simple meal for you, I hope you like it."

"It's beautiful! What is it?"

"It's called a sandwich," Nisha said with amusement. Something that can be sold at a corner store at a cheap price was a treasure in their eyes. Ana's mouth opened once again like she was going to say something, but it closed like a groping fish. She stared at her until Ana finally worked up her nerves to say in a low whisper what was bothering her.

"H-How do you eat it?" she asked as her round cheeks turned red.

Nisha let out a giggle from the adorableness of Ana. She didn't tease her sister even though she wanted to. She began to mimic with her hands and arms as if she was the one eating the sandwich. Ana looked at her even more nervously.

"What's wrong Ana?"

"Isn't it unladylike to eat with your hands, you told me yesterday that I should be a lady."

"In which you are. This food is meant to be eaten with your hands."

Ana bobbed her cute little head in agreement as she hesitantly reached out to one of the sandwiches. It didn't take long for her little sister to mimic her earlier actions and bit into the sandwich. Soft fluffy aromatic bread filled her mouth with the lettuce and thinly sliced cured meat with a flavorful white whipped spread on it. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head as she couldn't stop chewing something that was so wonderful. It was so good, it brought tears to her eyes.

Gutless instantly glared at Tinya who started to shiver from the intense killing intent that was directed to her. She didn't know what she did wrong, but she was ready to fall to her knees and beg for mercy. She didn't want to disappoint her new mistress. Nisha's aura instantly suppressed Gutless's killing intent and elevated Tinya. The two maids role reversed as Gutless became the one frightful of the wrath of their mistress.

"Tinya," Nisha said as she alerted the mortal maid under her command. Tinya was nervous and became flustered when her name was called.

"You did well, thus I must reward you."

"Please forgive me, mistress! Just serving by your side is enough for this lowly maid."

Nisha was silent as the other monster maids felt jealousy towards the new maid. Not too long ago they felt superior towards humans, but this new mortal maid was already being gifted from the mistress and the day didn't even pass yet. They felt alarmed of being suppressed in a short period of time and already started to make plans to outperform themselves. This way not only will their creator gift them, but also praise them.

"I insist, this gift is something that will allow you to serve me better by my family's side. I can tell that your body is riddled with problems, and the space below your navel was damaged beyond repair that halted your cultivation in the result."

Tinya became stiff and didn't know how her mistress was able to see all the faults of her body without even checking her pulse. Even the doctor that she hired in the past couldn't even find the reason for her stagnant cultivation. If the mistress is able to help her in this matter, she'll with pleasure serve the mistress with her utmost ability.

"Thank you so much mistress." she wept in happiness.

Nisha merely nodded her head and carried on to soothe Ana's little back.

"Come to me tomorrow morning, your reward will be prepared by then."

"Yes mistress, " Tinya bowed and took her place near the other maids in the background.

Ana just finished her food while she was hypnotized by her sister's Majesty attitude. She quickly snapped out of her trance when she reached out to grab another sandwich, the plate was empty. She panics and soon filled with the feelings of guilt. She was so absorbed into looking at the scene that played out before her, she forgot to offer Nisha food to eat. Ana hugged her sister's sleeve in guilt. Nisha just soothed Ana's hair in response, which made her little sister confused.

"I'm sorry..." Ana finally said in a whisper. Nisha just merely smiled at her silly guilt. She knew why Ana felt that way because she ate all the food without saving her any. She was fine with it, she had no need for food of mortals, even if she did, she still wouldn't be angry at her little sister. Ana was deprived of many things for such a long time. Now that she took over, she can now fulfill the role of protector and attend to all her needs.

"This food is made for you. I can no longer consume mortal food. The Red Ancestor placed me under a special diet."

"The Red Ancestor?" Ana gasped, "What can you eat?"

Nisha smiled brightly at Ana's adorable question. She had the urge to tell her the truth, but her greatest fear was to be rejected by her, or be claimed as something evil. She still didn't know how undead creatures were treated on this plane. So, she settled for a half-truth.

"I can only eat treasures of the heavens and ea--plane."

It sounded so amazing to Ana as Tinya also felt it was truly a magical thing. The new maid was now able to piece together how her new mistress had such a great transformation, and why the Red Ancestor left behind maids in his stead. Only because the mistress had to be fed with treasures that an Expert of his level can obtain. There was plenty of treasures that were formed from thousands of years of accumulation of spiritual essences, it was just that not many Experts were strong enough to catch a glimpse of such treasures. Which made it more amazing to Tinya. The Red Ancestor was already a respected figure that a few blessed ones can only dream of meeting him. However, she didn't understand why Nisha took a taste of her blood. Was it a form of master and servant contract? or was a secret spell that the Red Ancestor taught her young mistress.

Nisha got up from her seat as the twin maids came to her in waiting. She held her little sister's hand as she made her way out of the room. Ana looked up questioningly at her as she followed along.

"Tinya," Nisha called for.

"Yes, mistress!"

"Lead the way to where the lunch is being held."

Tinya was lost in thought and couldn't understand what the mistress was asking her. She already prepared lunch, but only the sixth mistress ate the food.


"Obviously, the small lunch prepared for my master, the Red Ancestor."

The new maid felt instantly embarrassed because she forgot the very thing that brought her to the fifth miss's courtyard, which was very odd. Ever since she got here her sense of urgency, and important concerns seemed to diminish. She didn't know when it happened, but the moment her mistress reminded her of her original task it felt like a long-forgotten memory.

"Forgive me, mistress. I will lead the way."

Tinya hurriedly followed up and began to take them to the small banquet. The moment they left the courtyard, all eyes were on them even more so on Tinya. All the servants that chanced upon them were in awe from the beautiful sight, but they couldn't help a sudden lustful sensation dulling their senses. The monster maids were already able to detect the abnormality the moment it appeared. Gutless only need to look towards Luna and Una's direction to tell them what they needed to do. The twin mermaids nodded their heads in understanding before they began to perform their next set of actions.

They hummed. The stunned onlookers' eyes glazed over as they fell to the ground helpless. Nisha looked at the weak mortal servants that worked in the estate and thought about since her arrival that spaned only for less than three days they dwindled in numbers. She wanted to see what type of expression of the head concubine will make once she found out her workforce was almost halved by now. Some of it was caused by her by a small number, how was she supposed to feed her maids? The rest was caused but the sister ghoul Fiona she created.

She wondered how the girl was doing right now to handle her eternal hunger, just thinking about it put a smile on her face.

"Please excuse me, mistress, we're here." Tanya bowed and stepped to the side for the entourage to come through.

It was a vast garden in full bloom with pure white polished bricks laid out on the walkway. Further in was a small glass dome that served as a small area for entertainment and flower viewing. It was beautiful to look at, and she didn't mind the smell of death that came from the soil, it added a certain charm to the atmosphere It reminded her of her times on earth, a small plot of land that she acquired in France. It was an old cemetery that was created after a few wars. She built a castle to raise an army at that time. That was a time when vampires were still fighting for territories.

Nisha put her memories of her past life at the back of her mind and made it to the glass dome. Before she even went in she can already see Temple and another man sitting at a white-clothed table filled with food. He was young, and dressed in white clothes with gold embellishes The young man's looks were also considered handsome, but compared to Temple it was like comparing a cute baby to a stud. And from the boy's bearing, she can tell he was born from royalty. She began to think, maybe he might be able to serve as a playmate for her little sister.

"Ana, do you want to have a little friend to play with?" Nisha gently said.

She hurriedly shook her head in response. "I have an older sister with me."

Nisha's heart almost swelled from the sweetness she was feeling. How can Ana be this cute?

"Don't be silly, I can't play with you all the time. When I start to take my lessons, I won't be able to be around as much."

Ana looked at her in a brink of tears. Nisha smiled and rubbed her pretty red hair.

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