Nisha of the Red

Chapter 28 - Loss for Words

A cold vapor of fog rolled to the glass dome and gently opened the glass door before Tinya could get to it. Tinya was startled from the action, but she continued forward without stopping. The monster maids also followed after their mistress into the dome. Nisha was greeted with all eyes on her. The man of royal blood couldn't help but avert his attention to her with a fl.u.s.tered look on his face. Ta' Lai couldn't see her face but he could see everything else, he was mesmerized. While Temple kept his face forward but his eyes followed her slightest movement. She didn't need to use her vision to know Temple's feverish stare was on her.

Gutless looked towards Luna at her side with a knowing look. Luna merely nodded to carry out her next set of actions. The air around the monster maid's hands grew wet and cold as the crystal fragments grew together into the shape of a chair. The chair was more elegant than the furniture set being used in the glass dome. Luna placed the crystal chair next to the head seat of the table. Temple showed a sign of interest in what just happened but quickly covered up his reaction. Ta' Lai, on the other hand, was stunned. The art of making something out of nothing was something high-level experts can achieve. He subconsciously straightens his posture due to his royal teachings coming into play.

Nisha took her seat at the head of the table and led Ana to take her place by her side.

"Welcome, guests for gathering here, but I apologize for the inconvenience, my Master will not be joining us."

Temple only let out a sly smile as he finally turned to her and gave her a nod in response. Nisha paid him no mind as she turned her attention to the other man. Ta' Lai grew elated from her action, as he finally felt at a loss of words. Temple was surprised by her nonchalant attitude, he couldn't help but find her to be skewed. Instead of the slightest hint of fl.u.s.ter from the woman, she acted as nothing had happened between them. Usually, a woman will shyly look away in his presence, or if bold enough meet him with blushed cheeks and would try many ways to be next to him. However, Nisha paid him no mind, even married couples will act shyly amongst each other if they rolled in the bed before.

Temple wanted to have a good talking with her right here and now, but he knew it would be improper. He would wait till tonight to have to talk to his little wife.

"Please excuse my humble home, young lord, how may I address you?"

Ta' Lai became alert as he finally got the opportunity to hear her voice and speak to her. Her soothing voice tickled his ears as he tried his best to claim his beating heart. He opened his mouth to speak but Temple beat him to it.

"No need to learn, he'll be leaving soon." he said, "Right my lord? Send my regards to your father."

The prince never felt such a thorn on his side until today. It was true he was an uninvited guest, and he couldn't be gone for too long from his duties. But how could he leave a beauty that can be seen once in a lifetime? He couldn't, he didn't want to lose this chance. He gave Temple a stiff smile before he was able to finally address the fifth miss.

"I apologize for the intrusion, I'm the 3rd prince of the ruling Song family, Ta' Lai. It's a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet your acquaintance." He said in a refined matter hoping to boost his status to Nisha. Usually, young women will become fl.u.s.tered from knowing their identity. They would suddenly become shy lambs and curtsy to show off their bearings. It was a tactic that many women used to display their desirable assets. He waited with anticipation for Nisha to follow the other previous ladies before her. This was all for him to get a closer look and appreciate her beauty. But to his surprise, she didn't move and he couldn't tell what her facial expression was due to her veil.

"Greetings, your highness." She gave him a slight nod with a raise of a teacup.

Tinya started to sweat from her mistress's display of greeting, she looked at her master's escorts hoping they would step in, but none came forward. It wasn't her place to say anything but she couldn't understand why her mistress decided to use such a queer way of greeting. It wasn't suitable for her age and nor her position. She acted like an old woman welcoming a youngster to only step into her front gate. If she could cry she would, but if needed she'll be willing to take the blame for her young mistress's behavior. 

Tinya wasn't the only one that was surprised by Nisha, Temple couldn't help being stunned by her peculiar ways. His once downcasted mood was suddenly uplifted. Ta' Lai, on the other hand, felt like he was struck with an odd sense of familiarity. It felt like he was speaking with a senior instructor at his school. He didn't understand what game she was trying to play. Was she trying to peer to his tastes, by acting m.a.t.u.r.e? Or was she acting in this way to please Temple?

Nisha saw Temple radiate with yang energy, the little prince looked slightly confused and her new silly mortal maid trying to hide the sweat dripping from her face. She found it interesting that the people here tend to overreact to the slightest of things. From here on out she took a mental note to be more straightforward in the future so people can stop misinterpreting her actions. Nisha also thought about how the simple concubine will act when she chanced upon this scene.

"I never saw such a splendid technique before. This is much expected from a follower of the Red Ancestor." The prince praised.

"Interesting." Nisha simply said, which cut the conversation short that the prince hoped to start up.

Ta' Lai was truly lost for words this time. He didn't know what to talk to the young lady before him. If he were to inquire about how she was taken in by the Red Ancestor that would be invasive and rude. If she didn't have a powerful backing of the Ancestor, he would be more opened to speak his mind. But now the young miss was an entity that his kingdom couldn't afford to offend.

To reassure himself Ta' Lai smiled in return, hoping to find a reason to stay longer. "If you don't mind asking, I only heard stories of your master and wondered if you could show us something that was taught?" the young prince finally asked.

Nisha traced her finger around the rim of a teacup placed in front of her, while Ana was trying to drink gracefully from her teacup. Ta' Lai looked at her and expected a response, but she continued to tease her teacup. Temple was also intrigued by the hidden teachings of the Red Ancestor, he was also going to inquire when a messy sound of footsteps hurrying towards them. 

"Apologizes dear guests," the headmistress said as she and her maids flooded the glass garden dome with food with them. "Welcome to my humble home."

Each plate of food was piping hot. While the headmistress tried her best to appear as docile and humble as she can before the powerful men sitting at the table. Despite her attempts to be humble, her outfit was another story.  The only thing that survived Gutless's ramage in her closet was an outfit her mother gave her in her dowry. It was one of a kind at the time, but it was outdated and of poor quality compared to the luxury dresses she owns now. The dress didn't fit well and was only meant for her to wear when she was much younger and slimmer. The colors that were once bright on the dress grew dull over the years and the fabric became fragile. Just by hurrying the garden dome was enough to tear the dress in several places. She had to wear one of her large coats, just to the cover rips. 

Everybody could tell the coat was causing the headmistress to sweat through her thick makeup. But she did her best to act like her body was unaffected by the heat of the day and with the added heat her coat was creating. She had a feeling that this was the doing of Nisha. Ever since Nisha arrived from her room alive, nothing went her way. 

After serving the Red Ancestor the headmistress thought, she would try and teach the rotten girl and sister a lesson. Her maids like seasoned flowers flared out their large skirts to flutter open and bow gracefully that was suitable for a servant, and she bowed gracefully for a woman head of her household. 

"Greetings, honorable guests. I apologize for my tardiness," said the headmistress. "Even though my daughter lacks in many ways, I hope she was able to serve somewhat of a hostess."

Nisha didn't bother with the woman even though her words were plain as day belittlement. Even though her monster maids are naive to a certain point due to their rebirths. They admittedly glared at the headmistress in a hostile matter but didn't move. Their auras that were emitting from their bodies immediately grew sharp with danger looming over their heads. But since the headmistress wasn't a woman with clear senses and with no martial path experience, She didn't know how close she was to getting her head lopped off. If it wasn't for Nisha for locking their bodies in place with her aura the foolish woman would be dead.

The monster maids didn't know why their master always prevented them from killing the foolish woman, but they knew that they couldn't move without her permission.

Prince Ta' Lai couldn't believe his ears that the headmistress to the estate said such words. He could tell that despite the crimes and scandals that the household is involved in, there's also bad blood within the family. Ta' Lai didn't understand how this sloppy woman that came out of nowhere, dare try to demean the fifth mistress. The prince looked towards his friend to figure out what was happening. Temple looked on as this was the norm.

Ta' Lai hid his frustrations well, but it didn't sit well with him that someone will insult the woman of his eye. Before he could say something to defend her honor. Nisha stopped playing with her teacup. She held out her hand and said, "The Red Ancestor did teach me something recently, it's called the Rule of Red."

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