Nisha of the Red

6 The Head Mistress

A middle aged woman with a square flat face and thick powered makeup laid on a lounge chair in a relaxed matter. Her dress was decorated richly with bright and bold colors of purple. The showcase of bold and bright colors was a show of noble status that was hard to afford by the common folk. A yard of fabric the middle aged woman wore could feed a regular household for two years. A set of maid served her on the side a bowl of grapes and the others gently fanning her with feathers from a large and unknown creature.

She took her time as she pressed each grape between her thin lips the was covered in a bright red rouge as if she didn't have a care in the world. After the long wait the woman finally spoke in disdain towards the three maids kowtowed before her shaken. They acted like a ghost chasing after them.

"Head maid, I sent you to do a simple task to bring sixth miss to be prepared for my husband. Why is that I don't see her?"

The head maid was the same old woman that was beat down by Nisha by pure overbearing power. There was still dry blood on her face and her battered and dislocated bones were in no shape to be kneeling. The old head maid felt like dying, but she endured to deliver her new findings to her mistress as fast as possible. Instead of seeing the condition that she was in, she and the two maids who accompanied her were punished to kneel for almost three hours with out a peep. If they spoken or disobeyed the head mistress they would be sentenced to beatings by the guards that was stationed outside. Now that their mistress of the household spoken to the head maid, it was their turn to report of the abnormal happenings that occurred a few hours before hand.

"Mistress please have mercy! I have grave news when we finally caught the sixth young miss." The old woman pleaded causing the head mistress to be slightly startled. She sneered as the thought of the sixth miss ended up dead like her older sister. If anybody inspected the body, the evidence of an slow acting poison would be found, an all leads would pointed back to her. She has to depose of the bodies of the fifth and sixth misses, before anybody caught on.

"Hurry! Tell me what happened!" She demanded impatiently.

The old maid hurried and recounted the events that transpired a few hours ago. As the head mistress listened her eyes widen in disbelief even the maids that was serving her stopped in shock. The story was so far fetch the head mistress felt like beating the head maid to death. How can something so unbelievable happen in a short span of a few hours? She thought frustrated. But the head maid did have merit to her words, anybody could tell the state the old woman was in and her lackeys when they came to her courtyard. She looked like someone beaten half to death and the two maids helping was in no better condition.

The head mistress felt her head throbbing from all the questions that popped up from this ridiculous story. She needed answers before her disgusting husband came back to the estate or all her efforts would go down the drain.

"Old maid do really believe that Nisha is backed by an expert?"

"Yes mistress!"

The head mistress grew silent, she recollected her thoughts before saying, "Think about it, do you really think that sickly dying Nisha can be so strong in such a short period of time?"

"Please educate this old servant." The old woman bowed in her kneeling position.

"From what you tell me, only an cultivator at the level of 'Heavenly King' can control such pressure. How could within a week Nisha, who had no ability to become a cultivator, not even have the ability to maintain her life be as strong as a Heavenly King. Even the emperor himself has to treat a person of that level great respect."

What the head mistress said was true, but what the head maid saw couldn't be a lie. The old maid didn't know how, but Nisha was somehow able to obtain great strength in a short period of time. A cultivator was a blessed few that were given the ability to harness and cultivate spiritual energy around them to surpass their mortal limits. A cultivator could live as long as several hundreds of years and process the strength to split mountains apart. But the process to become a cultivator was a long and dangerous road that had no shortcuts. There was seven levels of a cultivator that imitated the seven levels of heaven and in each level was made up of 10 sub-levels. The title of 'Heavenly King' was the fourth level and only three cultivators in the whole kingdom held that honorable title.

It frightened her just thinking about it, and that maid, Mandy that stood behind the fifth miss knew all along. She was a traitor or somebody from their mother's side that was planted a long time ago.

The old maid wasn't the only one to have such thoughts, the two younger maids that was with her also felt the same way. However, the head mistress of the estate refused to fully believe such tall tales. An expert backing her was more believable rather than Nisha becoming a 'Heavenly King' within a week. The only thing that she could think was logical was that this expert gave Nisha a powerful treasure that was 'Heavenly King' grade. Powerful lifesaving treasures where very rare. If she would try to buy one, even her cheap husband and all of his assets wouldn't amount to 1/5th of the price of a 'heavenly king' treasure.

"Old maid relax, Nisha didn't become strong, most likely the expert that is backing her gave her a 'heavenly king' grade treasure."

The old maid eyes widen due to being enlighten. The surrounding maids also smiled after hearing the words of the head mistress. It made the most sense, and they were happy to follow the head mistress rather feel sorry for the left-over daughters of the estate. If they did how would they survive with an opponent as smart as their mistress.

"Now," The head mistress began. "Send someone to pass on the message that the fifth miss was taken in by an expert."

"If I may be so bold, why would you alert master? Wouldn't he treat the two misses better?" The head maid asked urgently. The head mistress didn't mind her bold actions and instead explained patiently to calm the nerves of her servants.

"I've served my husband for over 20 years, I know his personality the most. He enjoys to bully the weak, what would happen if a weakling sudden obtain the strength to overpower him? Rather than treat her with favor, he would kill her since she challenged authority. Expert or not, why would a mighty figure interfere with a girl with no cultivation? Especially over a family matter."

"Head mistress is very wise, the expert felt pity towards the fifth miss." The head maid smiled in acknowledgement. Now that everybody calmed down, it was easy for the head mistress to send them off to recover and to think about her next course of action.

The battered maids bowed towards their mistress and was carried off to get treated for their wounds. When the head mistress saw that they we out of sight she dismissed the servants that they were serving her of her chambers. A lone maid that was graying at the temples and hair that was braided into a bun remained behind.

"Kori," the head mistress said in a excited manner. Kori came before the head mistress with no expression on her face. She didn't bow and only stared at the mistress before waiting. The head mistress wasn't bothered by Kori's actions as she was use to it.

"I never knew such great news will fall into my hands!" The head mistress cheered disregarding her status. Kori just stared at the emotional woman in silence.

"The gods must favor me to send an expert to take Nisha in. If that nasty bastard kills her, than the expert has no choice but to kill him. When that happens my son will take over the assets and my daughter would marry into a good family, then estate will be finally ours!"

Kori showcased no expression at the head mistress's ravings and motioned with her hands a bottle in her inner robe.

"No need to feed poison that little red hair headed runt tonight. It only works unless he has sex with them, now that the fifth one is alive, that bastard won't be sleeping with runt tonight. He'll be too busy killing little fifth, by tomorrow that bastard will be killed by the expert and he won't be able to defend himself from being poisoned from sex after all these years." She snickered haughtily. The head mistress claimed down her excitement after catching her breath. She turned to the mute Kori as she became more serious.

"After that bastard dies, kill all his sex toys. They already served their purpose since they won't be needed anymore to poison him." She said in a good mood. Kori simply nodded as she walked out from the head mistress's courtyard to make preparations for the mass grave.

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