Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1055: Dodge skill

As a master of basalt, I am naturally interested in this newly developed method, and I can't wait to master the whole thread of transformation. △, but it is impossible for him to give him this opportunity.

Long Lao can only sigh on Tian Chang without such a way of life. Perhaps this is the will of the Wu Yun to the end?

Heaven can't be violated, or it's worth it. Long Lao made such an explanation in his own comfort.

His approval of this life has also reduced Wu Hao's troubles. Otherwise, Long Lao would touch and touch her, and she would definitely provoke her.

Don't say that Long Lao really can touch her veins, even if it is just said, Wu Hao must consider perfection as Conan generally hangs him.

"It is really mysteriously absorbed!" Although Rhino and others can not perfectly feel the process of the whole mysterious gas being absorbed, but after careful feeling, I can know that some of the mysterious gas entered the girl's body, there is no damage. .

It is not that Xuanqi is hedged in the body, and there is no damage, so the result is naturally absorbed!

The old man and others are eclipsed.

I used to know that this is a pioneering technique, an unprecedented skill. And there is still only the ability that women can display. Because the use of vitality is a practice that only women can use the innate Zifu to cultivate.

But in the actual application, everyone began to wake up gradually, this will be a skill that affects the situation.

The opponent's certain degree of mystery will be absorbed for his own use, which is equivalent to weakening the other's strength and transferring to himself. How much this affects the distribution of strength is obvious.

"Come back!" Ying Lao and Wu Hao did not have a big friendship. At this time, they suddenly reluctantly came up and began to use the chain to make the eagle claws.

The eagle's old eagle claws lie in the fierce and fierce, and in this deliberate application, full force.

If it weren’t for the scruples that Wu Hao was not a monthly master, he only made the strength of the nine stars. But after all, it is the master of the month. Artistic conception, precision, stamina, etc. far exceed the general level, and the usual nine-star master is definitely in a difficult battle.

However, Wu Hao’s figure is constantly appearing in the air.

The eagle squatted against her fists, but Wu Hao continued to reverse backwards, slowing down the pressure on the other side.

She was like a balloon that flew in a shot, and she flew out with a little effort, making the old eagle playing quite uncomfortable. I only feel that the coherence of the move is greatly reduced.

In addition to the fierceness of the eagle claws, it is also stressful. Wu Hao used space to change time and minimized the opponent's style of play.

If it is a vulgar warrior, it is impossible to use the body to escape the eagle's old fight. The eagle's old eagle claws are also unique in their own right, entangled in the enemy to make it difficult for the other side to escape. However, before Wu Hao's precise sliding style, he was unsustainable.

"Where is Zhou’s method of warfare, is it because of the need to absorb the mysterious spirit, or is she thinking of it?” The rhinoceros watched the whisper.

He said: "If you think of it, it can be regarded as a fairly correct choice. I have never thought of the way to use this kind of flyback. Cut the time difference of the opponent's offensive."

He Lao has already clenched his fist in excitement and said to him: "Ha ha ha, I can't think of my crane technique and the trick of such application."

"Can your crane work be used like her?" asked Rhino.

He is old and stunned, and after watching a few styles, he said: "This is a retrogressive application, and in the retrogression, you can distract yourself from the mystery, I can't do it."

He laughed and said: "So it is said that Zhou Ruoruo and Xiao Ruo Yao of Qi State are a peerless genius of the ranks. There is nothing to evaluate other than that."

"So, the reversal of the tactical coherence of the eagle claws is also the ability of her temporary response?"

"Guess so."

"That is too admirable."

They commented here that Wu Hao’s figure is constantly regressing. Sometimes the direction turns because of the eagle claws hitting the left and right, and the result is like a ball being chased. In the compound outside the sanatorium, two large circles have been turned.

Of course, the movement of this ball is not a wolverine, but a feeling of floating wings.

The dragon is thinking about it. Zhou Yiru’s such wonderful sense of floating is somewhat similar to the sense of stagnation of Qi Ruo Yao’s, but it is two very different characteristics.

And from an expert's point of view, Long Lao is amazed that the progress of the girl is visible to the naked eye.

At the beginning of the rush of the Eagles, Wu Hao was simply busy with the unloading of the figure and the right dodge. The absorption of Xuanqi is greatly weakened.

Gradually, it’s just a fight between the ten and the next, and the sound of the two sides is getting smaller and smaller.

This is because Wu Hao’s hard-hitting mysterious power is getting less and less, and the body shape is gradually being removed. The mystical power absorbed into the body is increasing.

The degree of mystery absorbed. From a bit of a hectic time, it has gradually grown to between 30% and 40%.

Moreover, Wu Hao's body shape is more and more elegant as a crane, and the essence of the crane technique is brought to the extreme.

Many times it creates an illusion that the eagle of the offensive is simply a blast, while the girl is a crane that flutters in the wind.

Although the wind is large, it only makes the crane fly higher and soars longer.

Being able to absorb one-third of the opponent's mysterious power, this directly means the reversal of the strength confrontation. In particular, the similar strength is completely the overwhelming gap in manpower.

Long Lao considered it for a moment, high voice: "Eagle old, afterburner!"

The old heart of the eagle is depressed, and the heart is eager for the situation to dominate, but the actual situation is completely unacceptable. When I heard the story of Long Lao, I immediately came to the spirit and called out: "Be careful!"

He displayed the mysterious power of the crescent moon of the new moon, and the power of the eagle claws improved, and it instantly doubled.


Wu Hao’s stature is difficult to maintain the elegant The whole person was completely smashed out.

A squirt of blood spurted out of her mouth. Obviously it was an internal injury.

With a bang, Wu Hao’s back hit a red edge wall in the healing hall. Many cracks collapsed on the brick wall.

"Oh!" Long Lao exclaimed: "It is not for you to force you all!"

The eagle old reaction also came over and suddenly repented: "The miscalculation is miscalculated."

Everyone rushed past.

"Nothing is okay." Wu Hao quickly stood up. I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth, and my hands pulled down from the chest and slowly pressed.

Everyone noticed that there was a difference between the volatility and the volatility in her body. If it is not bright in the sun, it is estimated that the white light will shine on her.

The damage caused by internal injuries has been restored to 7788 in the blink of an eye. (To be continued.) ()

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