Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 145: Have meat, dare not eat

When the girl sipped a bottle of wine and slammed the bottle to the Huang Gongzi, he only reacted for a long time. m

"Good! No matter what you ask for. But if you look so good, I will do my best to help my sister!" Huang Gongzi showed impassion, and then grabbed a bottle of wine and lifted his neck to drink.

The shop buddy who is not far away is playing drums in my heart: This girl doesn't know how to look good. She doesn't look like a woman who looks like her. How can she dare to drink less? Not afraid of being spoiled by him after drinking?

But at this moment, the girl was so dare to directly pour the entrance to the wine, and the shopkeeper suddenly looked straight.

Of course, not only was he surprised by his amount of alcohol, but he was also amazed that this little girl was coming upstairs and didn’t really look at it. But after three rounds of wine, how do you look more and more to look at the moon?

Even the little cockroach on the side of Huang Gongzi couldn't help but look a little dazed.

Even the maid who accompanied the rocker to pour wine, secretly made a comparison in my heart. I just thought that this little girl was favored by the son, but at the moment it seems that there is some money.

Huang Gongzi wiped the drink from the side: "Hah, it’s so happy. It’s a fate that comes from the sister’s hundreds of silver coins. It’s really worth it.”

Wu Hao blamed: "Huang Gongzi would not talk about money at the wine table again. How about we talk about something else?"

"Okay, okay." Huang Gongzi felt that the beautiful girl sitting opposite was different from the ordinary beauty. Although it was not like everyone's show, it was not like the villagers, but they did not dare to be abrupt. The beautiful woman, quickly responded: "Hey, my sister, I am the first time I have met a beautiful woman like you. I don't need a face to be charming, but I want to use my wine to fill my brother."

"Look at what you said." Wu Hao smiled and said: "There is no sentence, men are not drunk. Women have no chance."

"Haha, it's fun and interesting. It's a woman who doesn't get drunk, and a man doesn't have a chance."

"But I want to ask you something, naturally I have to get drunk before you can answer it."

Huang Gongzi's eyes turned around: "That is if I am drunk, but I promised to come down but I don't cash it. How are you?"

Wu Hao is not annoyed. Just put your hands together: "The wine will naturally drink white, and you and I will get to know each other. Afterwards, they don't know each other, that is."

"Haha, it's straightforward. There are also beautiful women who talk so straightforwardly in the rare women!" Huang Gongzi laughed.

"Come back, come again!" Wu Hao grabbed another bottle of wine and poured it into the mouth, then cried to Huang Gongzi: "Do you dare to drink?"

Huang Gongzi said: "You dare to drink this woman, why don't I dare?!"

He grabbed another bottle and looked up and down the entrance.

then. When you came to me, they started drinking directly with a white porcelain bottle with a thin neck.

The semi-altar wine quickly fell, and Huang Gongzi began to wriggle. Fortunately, there is usually the amount of alcohol, the tongue is a bit big, but the mind is awake.

"The girl is good at drinking." Huang Gongzi’s name for Wu Hao is no longer a beautiful girl or a sister. In his current feelings, this woman is no longer among the women and women.

"If Huang Gongzi doesn't mind, I have to say that I want to ask you something." Wu Hao tried.

"It doesn't matter. But for the Cuihua pleading?" Huang Gongzi said.

"Huang Gongzi is clever, it is true." Wu Hao said calmly: "Cuihua has a deep affection for the blacksmith. Although the son and her have a contract with the parents, it is not a normal room. It is not lost when they enter the door." face."

Huang Gongzi shook his head and said: "The face is always lost."

"The blacksmith has now collapsed even the shop. The neighbors know that the son has sent people to look for the scene. The blacksmith fled, and the face belongs to it. The flower has been passed by the blacksmith here, even if it is catching Come back, can you really get in the door again?"

"Haha, of course not. I don't want the hat to be green." Huang Gongzi laughed.

Yes. Are you used to adding some green to others? Wu Hao’s abdomen, and advised: “If the son doesn’t mind, this is the case...”

"That's it!" Huang Gongzi screamed first: "I don't care about them anymore. But then they can no longer step into the land of Juru Town, so as not to add to me, and will not pursue them in the future."

"Huang Gongzi is refreshing! The Cuihua parents also want to thank the sons for a lot."

"Cuihua parents naturally do not care." Huang Gongzi is still a big family. Although I was a little bit on weekdays, the ability to listen to the sounds was really not bad, and I immediately made up my own position.

"So, on behalf of Cuihua and her parents, I am grateful to Huang Gongzi." Wu Hao raised the bottle.

"Wait, my surname Huang sold the girl's face, but it couldn't be so easy and it really took the girl's thing." Huang Gongzi's look was positive, and the sigh of anger suddenly caught a lot of words: "It doesn't matter, before I am still fascinated by the beauty of the girl, but the more I drink, the more I understand. The girl is not an ordinary person."

Wu Hao secretly shocked. It turned out that this Huang Gongzi’s mind was so clear.

There are not a few fools who can deal with people. Wu Hao remembered the comments she had seen in a book. It is a fool to say that you are looking down on others.

At this moment, I can understand this kind of meaning. I thought that a few bottles of soup would be poured down. This Huang Gongzi could have promised to let go of Cuihua, but I didn’t expect him to understand and confuse.

By the way, he is the son of the Huang family who sells cloth, so Huang Huang is his sister? In the pharmacy, the Huangshang woman who grabbed the Shouwu and the casino interfered with the task. Wu Hao recalled that the two are really similar in appearance.

At this point, the two offerings have been turned back, it seems that they have not caught the king's sledgehammer, and they are arguing against the son of the public under the restaurant.

"Hey, you are back." Huang Gongzi cried: "Nothing is ok, go."

The two brothers and brothers handed another hand and went away. After all, the task was not completed, and it was a bit of a name for worship.

Seeing that he did not arrange for a tracing, Wu Hao vowed: "Thanks to Huang Gongzi for allowing the request."

"Let's say something." Huang Gongzi shook his empty bottle and smiled: "I have already said that the girl must not be an ordinary person. I am not even sure, are you really surnamed Huang? Is it really from Peach Blossom Island?"

"..." Wu Hao silently.

He actually pointed out that he might be cheating on him, so he said that he is not like a dude.

"I usually eat and drink and tease girls on weekdays, not to say no evil, but at least it is notorious." Huang Gongzi put the bottle down, the wine is slightly, but the discourse is clear: "I can live to this day, no big offense." Identity people, at least, can tell me that I still have some brains."

Wu Hao nodded. Purely a child, if you don’t even have a strong brain, why is it so easy to live?

"Today's concession for the girl, there are at least three advantages. First, the girl owes me a favor. Second, I have not offended the girl. The third is..." Huang Gongzi’s words paused: "The girl redeemed, I still It’s not good to talk face to face."

Wu Hao was awkward, and it was really uncomfortable to say a few words.

"What the girl is expecting, I have already done it. This wine is drinking again, that is, there is a suspicion that the girl is cheap. Just leave here and have a chance to reunite." Huang Gongzi got up slightly and called Xiaoxiao to check out and recruit The maid came over to help herself, swaying and holding the restaurant down.

Wu Hao was sitting on the restaurant and worried.

Huang Gongzi came out of the restaurant and took the carriage that Xiaoyan called.

In the carriage, he lay down in the arms of the maid, only to say a burst of wine: "The third is, at least there is still a chance to eat in the mouth... If it is urgent now, I am afraid that this piece of meat will be hot to the mouth. ......"

The carriage was slowed down, and the singer of Huang Gongzi floated out: "The good fragrance is a fragrant piece of meat. The fragrance is drooling, but the partiality is not dare to eat! Unfortunately, it is a pity... I dare not eat it..."

This dude is a smart person. The life deacon of the secret office followed the carriage for a long time and confirmed that the Huang Gongzi would not do anything unfavorable. After turning over, he continued to observe Wu Hao and others.

Wu Hao sat in the upper half of the restaurant, recalling the words and deeds of the Huang Gongzi, and could not help but shook his head.

There is a very unpleasant mood coming to my heart.

"Oh, our beautiful girl's beauty plan has failed!" The narcissistic voice of the narcissistic son was introduced into the ear.

Zong Zhilian, Mu Qingya, and Yun Yun injured three people on the restaurant.

"Who said that he didn't succeed, at least he promised not to chase them."

Wu Hao did not take a look at Zong Zhilian.

"Oh, Huang Gongzi-" Zong Zhilian sat down on the occasion, deliberately lifting the orchid finger, exaggeratingly imitating Wu Yu's words.

Wu Hao stretched his feet to go, not enough.

Zong Zhilian squinted his head: "Ha ha ha, how do I feel that a little beautiful girl is very uncomfortable?"

"The surname of Huang is not not fooled, but not dare to be fooled." Yunyun injured the words for Wu Hao defense.

"Oh-?" Zong Zhilian yin and yang smirked and laughed: "If it is a cloud injury, will you be in the beauty?"

The cloud is blushing.

Wu Hao reached out and went to copy the flying knife.

Zong Zhilian changed the topic and squeezed his eyes and said: "Okay, don't say anything extra. We have to eat something quickly, there is still something to do in the afternoon, right?" Zong Zhilian squeezed his eyes.

After all, there are many people in the restaurant, and it is best not to mention the contents of the task.

"Man put on a new dish." Zong Zhilian called the buddy service.

The restaurant only manages business and is naturally entertaining. Soon it was a table of delicious food.

The taste of the cloud is the same as chewing wax. I feel that the nephew of the surname Huang is too blind! But think about it if the guy really wants to get drunk, but it is really disgusting.

Wu Hao stopped the tableware. I drank a lot of wine before, I was afraid that the body shape would develop to the fat and fat buttocks, and I dare not eat more.

"Oh? It seems that our little beautiful girl can't even eat the rice." Zong Zhilian teased her.

Mu Qingya is a real girl, with a sign language to Wu Hao said: "If you don't care about your heart, your charm..."

"It's not so much a thing..." Wu Hao was crying and laughing. Even Mu Qingya had to join in the fun, and it was difficult to explain that he was afraid to eat more.

Wu Hao’s heart is sad. The evolution of the body is not only a charm, but also a headache. Even if you don’t dare to eat more, it will add up. RS


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