Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 350: We lost to her instead of you

Bo channel leader is stupid on the sidelines.

My own Botong flow dust method, so I was seen through a Samsung Xuanqi girl?

Don't talk about learning, it is to see through and see through the flaws!

No work is perfect, there must be flaws. This point is very clear as a first-class master.

On the court, the two men and the offensive and defensive temporary exchanges were over, and the horse bricks had to be attacked, but they heard the girl’s good voice again: "With the knees, the wind, the sea!"

Lv Yan did not hesitate, and did not care about the dust coming to the face, boldly directly bullied, and put the knees in the legs of the horse bricks.

At this moment, the horse brick is just a moment of stepping into the move. The dusty eyes will fall on the shoulder of Lu Yan, but he will just be on the knees of the timing, as if he had been sent to be hit, the whole person lost his balance, and then the dust Can't fight.

The horse bricks were retired in two steps, and the mammoth dust was guarded in front of them, and the gasp was shocked.

Lu Yan was not greedy, standing in the spot and staring at him.

"Hey! How do you help the Wu people?!" The horse brick couldn't stand it, yelling at Wu Yan, who was on the sidelines.

"Oh... you are right, I should help you." Wu Hao scratched his head and seemed to think about it.

Dizzy, many people feel dizzy, she helped to help? I found it now. Of course, many people know that she is stupid.

Can a strong girl who can see through the martial arts defects of others, or even make a prejudgment in advance, will be confused to help the wrong person?

Who is it?

However, although everyone has a number in mind, it is not easy to say at the moment.

The Wu people were cheap, and naturally they would not speak. Even the situation that she had just reminded her to help the people against Lu Yan was embarrassed.

The Tianbofu public guards and Wu Hao have a good relationship and are naturally silent.

The three grades of the sovereign are too high, and they are all playing soy sauce. Of course, the lord is supporting Wu Hao. Even have to stir it up in the dark.

"Okay, okay, I should help you in the alliance of the country - the representative of the Jin Dynasty." Wu Hao seems to admit his mistake, but said in his mouth: "But this is just a discussion, what do you do so seriously? The long way to go, why bother to win in a moment?"

"It’s good to say, you wouldn’t think so if you were on the court.” The horse bricks slammed.

"If you don't listen, you can't listen." Wu Hao said helplessly: "Good. I will help you. Who makes you an alliance on our side?"

The horse bricks have not waited for anything to say. On the other side, Lu Yan suddenly robbed: "The dragon girl is very vocal, and Lu is taught."

Everyone in Wuguo has a glimpse.

Lv Yan ignored the horse bricks that stood up against him. Instead, he walked a few steps toward Wu Hao and handed a gift: "The dragon girl said it is very. There is no end to the martial arts, why should it be entangled in a moment of success or failure. Today Lumou admit defeat."

As he said, the Wu nationality’s disciples were awkward.

Lu Yan’s words kept on, and he said, “The dragon girl, today’s Lv is admired. It’s your big skill. Knowing the style of advocacy, you can predict the opponent’s move. This talent is a good thing.”

Hearing this, the people of Wuguo quickly calmed down.

Because everyone understands the same thing: continue to fight, not to mention the other girl who is identifiable, even young priests are afraid to win.

It’s a wise move for Lv Yan to do this.

He spoke so loudly that he was not defeated by the young Taoist. It is the name of the woman named Long Tiaojiao. It can be said that the crime of non-war is too late.

Finished these words. Lu Yan arched his hand and returned to the Wu people.

The disciples of the Wu Kingdom have nothing to say. No matter who goes up today, I am afraid that there is no possibility of any good play.

As long as the girl is present, the moves are seen and broken, what is the fight?

Fortunately, this creates an excuse. It was a strange girl from Qi State who helped me and said that the Taoist Taoists won the battle.

"The dragon girl is so good, I admire!"

"Winning in the dragon girl, we have nothing to say!"

The Wu people had to use the way of praise for Wu Hao to cover up the grief of defeat. Expressed the statement: We lost to her, but not you!

When leaving, a group of people were dejected and whispered, silently leaving with Lu Yan.

Li Daochang took a few people to accompany them out, and there was some relief on the road.

The horse brick was thrown on the court and no one took care of him.

"This, this..." The horse bricks are almost crappy.

I even played a lot of games and won the Wuguo trio! Why have you ignored me? !

He can't wait to catch up with Lu Yan and want to win a victory with him. But just stepping forward, Bo channel grows out and says: "Brick kid, what is Lu Xun?"

Ma brick urgency: "Master, just let them go? Haven't scored a victory yet!"

"You can be older than her, but I still don't understand the truth of winning and losing." Bo Channel reprimanded: "And how can you not understand, you and the warrior are defeated? Just stay!"

The horse brick sucked a few breaths, but the heart could not fit.

It’s just that the Master who is tolerant on weekdays is so heavy and harsh. He dare not make trouble again.

The Sovereign and others sat here, leisurely drinking a small half-tea, and Li Daochang and other guards came back, and they were not only them.

"Oh, I just left for a while, and there were people who came to fight and bothered the two national teachers. It was really a crime." The voice of a young man came from far away.

Shizi hurriedly walked back with the old man of Sadness, General Yang and several aides.

Everyone quickly got up, even the Sovereign was quite a face to the world, let alone the country’s visit to the left country of the country.

Everyone saw each other, and Shizi said: "The father is in poor health and needs to meet with the national teacher tomorrow~ It is really offensive, but also hopes Haihan."

Bo Channel Chief quickly replied with the ceremony: "Why should the world apologize? The poor road is visited in advance, and the rudeness is in my body. The body of Qi Wang Wanjin must take care."

Both sides understand people, although they are polite, they are not red tape.

With a simple speech, everyone will be separated as a common friend and chatted on the side of the arena.

All the affairs of the country need to be decided by Qi Wang. The world does not talk about the state affairs. Instead, he asks about the excitement of the Wu nationality’s apprenticeship.

Li Daochang talked about things a bit, but very much concealed the plots of Wu Yu’s words and reminders, but highlighted the situation in which Ma bricks were alone in the fight against each other.

"...It turns out that there is really a long way to work." Shizi listened to the situation and politely got up and turned his hand toward the horse brick: "The road is long and strong, and he has defeated the three kingdoms of the country with one person, and really helped me. Wuwei. With this ally, I am deeply honored."

In the long-term judgment of Bo Channel, this world has no shelf and no exaggeration. It is much more mature than when it was first seen a few years ago. (To be continued.)

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