Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 357: This sister can’t be...

Seeing his arrogance, he was clamoring to fight, but Bo’s channel leader did not have any confidence. He persuaded: “Brick kid, you have been fighting for many games, and the mysteriousness is lost, and it’s not good enough.”

Ma brick is a person who is proud of his heart. Master said that he is not optimistic about himself in public. He rushed from the field and confessed to the teacher’s master: "Master, the child really wants to play a game, otherwise he has a tone in his heart. Not coming down."

This is the truth.

He did not say anything that would surely win, but directly spoke his own ideas. Bo Channel's long-term appreciative mind is determined, thinking that Xiao Ruoyao is amazing, but Xuanqi is still a five-star rating. Is it true that the seven stars of his own children will not beat him?

Bo channel chief turned to the sovereign: "Do you still teach her tricks?"

Everyone wants to laugh when they hear it.

This is a bit worried about it. If you teach another trick, Xiao Ruoyao is a mysterious outburst, then I really have no fight. All morale was defeated.

The Sovereign naturally smiled: "She is my disciple, how can I not teach?"

Bo Channel’s long-lost face was red, and he quickly explained: “I will control you when you are in the future. Is it still teaching now?”

"Well, look at your face, don't teach now." The master smiled very well.

Bo channel coughed and didn't talk anymore.

Wu Hao

The horse bricks sneaked into the corner of Wu Hao’s mouth and smiled. I felt a shameful disgrace in my heart. I quickly asked the Master again, even worried that Master would not hesitate to boast of Haikou: "If you play with her, if you allow it, don't keep it. I use all my strengths in strength, and I am sure I will win this game in a meeting with the ninety-eighty-one meeting..."

He almost missed the battle into a battle.

Seeing that Master still has a Henan color, Bo Channel said: "You are really sure?"

"The eighteen strokes of her arrogance are difficult! Threety-six strokes step back and retreat! Seventy-two strokes of the inner child to get the upper hand!" Ma brick proudly said: "If you do not care about injury, seven seven forty-nine There is confidence in the move!"

Wu Hao listened to her heart and sighed. Who was forced by me when I didn’t use mysteriousness?

The long channel of the Bo channel can not be erased, but he turned to the lord: "Do you really dare to let my brother play with my brick boy?"

"Less nonsense! Don't delay everyone's time. Fighting, I am a woman who dares to fight with your size. What are you hesitating?" The lord waved his hand and expressed impatience.

He waved his hand and everyone consciously bowed to Wu Hao.

Everyone is subconsciously beginning to doubt: Can you still rise to the stars?

Seeing Wu Hao’s mysterious spirit seems to have not changed, everyone can’t help but smile.

It was too shocked just now.

But some people think. Doubt is because there is no reason to undress?

If this idea is known by Wu Hao, it is estimated that one must be smashed.

Bo channel chief also pretended to wave calmly, let the disciples go to the field.

“Thank Master is perfect!” Ma Brick’s exultation and gratitude expressed his gratitude.

What is Xie Master's fulfillment? How do you feel like doing a medium? Wu Hao felt more uncomfortable in his heart and looked at the feeling of itching on the horse brick.

The horse bricks were unaware of it, and they excitedly punched the court.

"I don't mean anything to do with empty hands?" The white elder who hadn't snorted for a long time suddenly joked: "Is it a bet? I am a dealer. But I am an empty-handed dealer, and the bets on both sides are mutually compensated."

He just saw Wu Hao erupting, and he was in a good mood. He simply came to make a gamble.

The slogans of the rivers and lakes in this era are commonplace, which is very consistent with the customs of the city. Even the aristocratic country does not think it is vulgar.

"You are awkward!" said the lord. "If you are good, you will win the horse with your nose and nose."

The white elders rarely smiled and nodded.

The meaning of the sovereign is very clear. It is estimated that only the Bo channel is a person who is optimistic about the horse bricks, and everyone else will support Xiao Ruoyao.

Bo channel long shouted: "You bully outsiders!"

"A gambling game has a relationship with foreigners?" White elders open their hands in frankness.

"In any case, you guys in this group of people are unreasonable."

Having said that, he still took out two silver tickets of one thousand and two: "Bema Ma brick!"

Two silver tickets are like two sharp blades, and they are inserted into the table.

This is a very good performance of the mysterious, the soft silver ticket can be softened by him, naturally the upper layer of the Xuanqi exercises.

He is biting his teeth.

Since the disciple went into battle, he would have to beat him if he broke his nose.

This is the day when this little boy is a master. Is it easy for me? !

Although the note was made. But he didn't have a point at all.

The lord fluttered out a silver ticket with a face value of one thousand two: "I am going to Xiao Ruo Yao."

The silver ticket fluttered and fell to the table. The swaying look is vain. However, it was completely unaffected by the light winds of the early summer. It was like a long eye, and it was attached to the other side of the table where the previous two tickets were placed.

This suddenly formed a situation of betting on both sides.

Li Daochang and a group of guards smashed the world.

"On weekdays, you are forbidden to gamble in the government. Today, there are three teachers in the company, plus two young and promising children to learn from each other. The opportunity is rare. It is reasonable to put a special case." Shizi smiled and said: "You are welcome, you are free. Not begging, but if you lose, don't run me here to advance the monthly money, or be careful I will marry you!"

Everyone bursts into a hahaha, each with a scam or dozens of two, up to two hundred. They were placed on the table and squatting on the silver ticket of the sovereign.

Li Daochang and others all took Xiao Ruo Yao to win. Even the old man of the sad autumn has been forced to three hundred and two.

Shizi silently watched everyone follow the sovereign side and bet on Xiao Ruoyao.

The length of the Bo channel is too long to be hanged.

It’s really only him standing alone on the brick side.

Is there a way to do this? Think about the words of the bricks? Is Xiao Ruo Yao an awkward attitude towards the guards? Moreover, this is also mixed with the honor of the country.

Bo channel leader is one of the best masters in the Jin Dynasty, and the sovereign is the first master of Qi. Even he claimed to be the first master in the three countries, and no one dared to jump out and say no.

Two people’s apprentices fight, and everyone’s bet can involve a national honor.

It's like playing football. You can't run a home team fan to buy a gambling lottery. At least not publicly available.

Bo channel leader is holding the apprentice on the field, he is constantly adjusting the ambition to achieve the best results.

Brick kid, you know that the teacher can make a bet!

He was thinking, but he did not think that the world had suddenly pulled out a silver ticket of one thousand two: "I am also betting."

Li Daochang took the silver ticket and put it on the table.

"Hey, Li Daochang, misplaced." Shizi said in a strange voice: "How do you put my silver ticket on the side of Xiao Ruoyao?"

Li Daochang a glimpse.

Everyone is also embarrassed.

Ok? How is the world not to win Xiao Ruo Yao?

"Bo Channel's long-standing horse bricks are good, and the big talents are not inferior to Xiao Ruoyao. Now Xuanqi is high, but I am optimistic about him." Shizi got up from the seat and personally stepped forward and moved the silver ticket to Bo. The channel is long bet next to two silver tickets.

Many people are puzzled, but Bo’s long-term heart is quite useful.

At the same time, he also sighed: This Qi Guoshi is really good, quite a man.

This bet of Shizi suddenly resolves the disputed gambling atmosphere of the two countries and becomes an atmosphere of pure gambling and entertainment.

On the court, Wu Hao and Ma Brick did not notice the bet on this side, but instead they kept talking like a bicker.

Ma brick is a smart person, trying to make the other party embarrassed: "Xiao Ruoyao right? Just how is it called Long Tiaojiao? Could it be that the enemy is on the door?"

"It’s not an enemy. It’s too much money owed outside. I’m afraid that the creditor has got a message to catch up with the debt.”

"Oh... you are the apprentice of the Swordmaster."

"I don't want to pay back the money. Could it be that the brothers feel that with the honor of Master, can you not pay back?" Wu Hao exaggeratedly yelled at the field and shouted: "Bo, the long channel, you will not hesitate to destroy your honor... ”

"Ah! Wait! Of course not!"

"That will be."

The two men turned over and talked for a while, and the bricks found that they couldn’t say the other side. There was always a feeling of powerlessness.

This can't be done, it's awkward!

Yes, she is a woman. The horse brick decided to attack with the weak point of the girl's face.

"Oh... the younger sister just broke out of my mysteriousness, but I have dropped two silk cloths on my body. But I don’t know what it is for?"

"What do you think of your brother?"

"Isn't it a woman's inner clothes?"

"Oh, Bo channel is long, your words are thin and light..." Wu Hao’s eyes were red, and he was arrogant and arrogant, as if he was looking for someone to make an arbitration to discuss justice.

"Grandma, I am wrong!" The horse bricks immediately pleaded for mercy.

"Ah? Brothers admit their mistakes?" Wu Hao's face was overwhelmed, and his eyes were sweeping over the horse bricks: "The brothers and sisters are so high-spirited, and I am afraid of being injured. Can the brothers have the best medicine?" ?"

Is this a compensation fee?

"t_t..." In the heart of the horse bricks, two pieces of Jin-made Luque Pills were handed over in the tears. The brothers are really good! " Wu Hao smiles brightly.

Her bright eyes and long lashes shook so that the horse bricks felt a crisp heart.

Where is her fat sister, so slim and sturdy body, although not to the extent of glamorous exaggeration, but do not have a seductive feeling.

No! How did I get her back without fighting? !

A brick spirit forced himself to wake up.

He shouted: "Call! Get started!"

He has no hope that he can gain some advantage by using words and tricks. The other party is simply a enchanting one, and the expression changes faster than the book. I will toss it again, I am afraid that I will reach out and surrender.

This sister is not allowed to lie...

Erupting mysterious! The horse bricks are completely released from the seven-star scent by the hands-on style of the hands. (To be continued.)

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