Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 359: 36 kicks you silly!

The horse brick listened to Wu Yu’s words and could not help but have a fever on his face.

No way? how is this possible……

However, the deep trembling feelings brought by the arms and hands, as well as the urgent pressure of Dan Tianzhong's mysterious gas, are constantly reminding him that there is nothing wrong with this girl's mysteriousness is really better than her own!

"I..." The horse brick took a deep breath and didn't know how to open it.

A face that feels shameful is starting to be a little red, and the horse brick is a little embarrassed.

The words that have just been boasted are really shameful at the moment.

But fortunately, in the fight, maybe others can't see it? The bricks were stunned and thought that their faces would not be noticed.

Wu Hao’s mysteriousness is so powerful that only five stars can suppress the seven-star horse bricks, which is greatly unexpected.

Even the lord and the white elders were surprised.

Although habitually expected, she will have an amazing performance. However, the horse bricks are not vegetarian. It is the apprentice of the leader of the left country of the Jin State, and their mysteriousness is much stronger than that of the general-level warriors. However, Xiao Ruoyao’s free magic can surpass the bricks. It is amazing.

They don't know, Wu Haoji is reflected in the 100% mobilization of the mysterious meridian operation.

Before her evolutionary body, even in the process of rising stars, it did not completely run the mysterious gas.

In October, pregnant, qualified and natural. Nobody's body veins are optimized for a certain magical power. However, Wu Hao’s evolutionary body is just that. The formatted meridian, 100% super-adapted to the operation of the magic.

The running speed and operating efficiency of Xuanqi are completely incomparable to the average person. Under the conscious and deliberate urging of Wu Hao, the evolutionary body catalyzed the mysterious gas as never before.

It's like a Mercedes-Benz engine, 100% adaptively installed in the car of the Santana shell, it can really reach the level of awkwardness.

Especially in the continuous output of Xuanqi, even the sovereign is difficult to match her. The number of times the sinus can be continuously emitted in equal time. Wu Hao is the best in the world.

The evolution of the body of Dantian is like a high-efficiency furnace, which allows Xuanqi to be produced at the fastest speed. And they are all high quality and efficient, and the purity is amazing.

The Tianbofu guards on the sidelines were amazed.

Very good Xiao Ruoyao!

Before the casual battle, it was obviously not an adversary. It was necessary to settle the rules without sin. But at this moment, she is more stable than the young Taoist.

"The eighteen strokes have made her a mysterious enemy!" This is Haikou that Ma Biao had boasted before.

The crowds on the crowd also felt that this was not a boast.

But now, the horse brick is the tragic person who has been beaten hard.

Everyone can understand that the young Taoist who is up to seven stars. It was embarrassed that Xiao Ruoyao, who was a five-star Xuanqi, was beaten.

Xuanqi is everywhere in the wind!

"Is this the power of the gods?" There is a whisper of the Tianbofu guards.

"Perhaps it is the mysterious power of the gods can be challenged." Another bodyguard should say: "Otherwise, the lord is not the first person in the Three Kingdoms."

"Maybe we are right?"

"Hey! You still care about the silver? When did the world suffer from us, when did you get caught?"

"This is, for the sake of the Buddha's face, we should also support Xiao Ruoyao. But her performance is really amazing."

"Isn't it. But it is such a young girl who can treat the sinister poison of the Buddha's handsome. Is it a surprise?"

"The young Taoist just now, it seems to be called Ma Brick, right? He said that she can force her to retreat within thirty-six strokes!"

"Don't mention it, look at the field now."

Wu Hao on the field called out: "I started to move this round!"

The shape of the skeleton is twisted, and it makes people feel awkward.

I dare not say that it is a water snake waist. But at least not like the bucket waist before half an hour ago.

However, the kick of this flying kick made the horse bricks complain.


With one arm against the heavy sound of kicking, the horse bricks took a step back.

Not waiting for him to breathe a sigh of relief, Wu Hao is a foot.

After kicking, kicking and kicking, Wu Hao was just a stepping leg and kicking back the bricks.

How can she continue to be so fast! The bricks are in awe. Such a heavy mysterious move, even can continue to burst.

In just a few tenths of a moment, Wu Hao continued to turn like a windmill, kicking out a 36-foot chain kick like a windmill!

The horse bricks retreat in small steps.

Change to others. I have been kicked into an eggplant.

Fortunately, his teacher is famous, and Xuanqi is just long. The length of the Bo channel is taught in terms of stamina, and the bricks can be held in such frequent and fast attacks.

However, all the way back, was actually stunned by Wu Hao to the edge of the arena.

Fortunately, the fight did not say that if you missed the outside world, you would lose, otherwise the horse bricks have already stepped out of the circle to admit defeat.

The guards cheered for a while.

"Beautiful! Good foot!"

"Flying leg method! Seeing people dazzling!"

"Good guy! I saw for the first time that a woman could make a 36-foot chain kick!"

"Don't talk about women, it's rare for men!"

"Old Wu, you are best at footwork, can you get it?"

"Maybe the power of violent force can be achieved. But in such a short period of time, it is so intensive and frequent to make a flying foot, absolutely can't do it!"

The guards talked non-stop, but Bo and other people were watching the doorway.

Suddenly kicked out thirty-six feet of flying feet with Xuanqi, she was not breathing clearly? What kind of constitution is this? How can a woman have such a good bone? !

After making thirty-six feet, Wu Hao stood still. Smiling and asking Ma Brick: "Senior brother, I don't know if there are thirty-six strokes, I will say you, or me?"

The horse bricks were smashed all the way back until Wu Hao stopped the action, only to find that his arms could not lift up. The mystery of the chest and abdomen has been difficult to continue, and it is possible to declare the body's mysterious gas breaking at any time. Maybe you only need a few more feet I am afraid that I will resist the other side's mystery with the flesh.

At this moment, his face was flushed, and he had the components of his arms to stop his leg pain, and he was more shy.

The thirty-six strokes that I just boasted for her not to retreat have completely become the laughing stock of bragging!

This is the face of the red fruit!

The red color on the face of the horse brick at the moment is really consistent with the effect of the face.

"School, Shimei..." The horse bricks spit out a name for a long time.

"Is there something for my brother?" Wu Hao smiled at him. Could he want to admit defeat?

He tempered his temperament with enthusiasm, hoping to return to his physical state as soon as possible with his own boy.

At least say something now, let's take a moment.

"I want to ask one first." The idea of ​​delaying the horse brick is correct, but it is a good question to ask: "Can the sister have been married to someone else?" (To be continued.)

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