Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 391: Back to Akiha

Two days later, the Wusong team returned to Akihabara in peace.

On the way, Wu Hao has already said to Xiao Yu Xiao Niang that she is a disciple. This can scare the old couple.

Xiao Yu summed up the feelings of the two old people in one sentence: "It is time to worship the ancestral graves! It must be that our Xiaojiazu graves are green."

The two did not doubt whether their daughter was lying or not. It was only a matter of strength that the daughter must study hard, and must not disappoint the teachings of the sovereign.

Wu Hao’s heart is guilty. The lord is so embarrassed, can't adjust the old man, can you teach the students well? It is said that I don’t want to be broken by him.

She also said that her name has changed. The second old did not mind, did not change the family name, and even thanked the lord for giving his name.

Finally, you have an aesthetic, what is Xiaoyan is too shameful. Wu Hao’s heart is extremely suspicious of the name of Xiao Yu’s name. His name is only higher than the fathers of Mu Jie and Mu Chao.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the park, hundreds of people came out and stood on both sides of the road: "Welcome to the East."

The **** martial artists and others quit. Wu Hao rushed to thank.

"Niu, are you married to rich people in Qi?" Xiao Niang looked at the big aquarium garden, and she looked silly. She also blamed: "Why don’t you say anything to your mother? What is the exchange of the media? Who is the good family?"

Wu Hao secretly turned a blind eye, how do the older generation always care about marriage? I quickly explained: "This is just a friend of mine who gave me the construction director. Of course, I will lend it to me."

In fact, she said this is not quite right. Mo Shiren had already placed the title deeds and other objects in Wusong, and they were given Wu Hao.

"This big garden is too wasteful." Xiao Yu looked at the many places where the garden was empty, and planted decorative flowers and so on. I can't help but swear: "If you planted radishes, how many harvests you can make in this year."

"Maybe rich people are paying attention to this?" Xiao Mei is more open, speculation.

Ai’s parents were also amazed. Wu Hao told them to live here, and when the backyard's ten acres of land can be planted by them, they are simply stupid.

"It’s a good time, and my family’s hoes are blessed with your girl.” Ai’s parents could not believe that they could live a good life.

The four old men found the most inconspicuous house and lived in the field of the backyard. Wu Hao took Xiao Mei to make up.

"Wow! Sister, you are so powerful! Can you paint me so beautifully?" Xiao Mei coughed softly, looking at himself in the bronze mirror could not believe it.

Xiaomei, who has undergone cosmetic surgery, is more similar to Wu Hao, who has undergone evolutionary evolution. At least 90% of them look the same.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "It is your own good condition. I helped to play it out."

Xiao Mei nodded hard: "I hope that I am as satisfied as my sister, and I have a cough. Now I have a wish."

"The wish is gone, do you want to be a monk or a suicide?" Wu Hao joked.

Xiao Mei laughed: "All right, but I want to get along with my sister."

The two have been in trouble for a while. There was a sound coming from outside.

"If Yao Yao is back?" Zong Zhilian's voice.

"How come back, this has gone for six days!"

Zong Zhilian, Mu Qingya, Yun Yun injured, and Yun Yunjiao, who were in the Chang’e Club’s care business, rushed back. After receiving the news, Akihabara informed the long-term hate club that the family had returned to the park.

"You try to see, can they see that you are not me?" Wu Hao's playful interest has not faded, I want my sister to go out and tease.

"Good!" Xiao Mei happily went out to prank.

"Wait." Wu Hao wrapped her skin whip around her.

When Xiao Mei went out, he didn't talk much. He just went there one stop.

"If, eh?..." Jin Yunjiao screamed, but soon stopped talking to Xiao Mei.

A few people saw her out, and at first glance thought it was Wu Hao. But when you look at it carefully, you feel wrong.

Mu Qingya stopped his footsteps and determined that it was not Wu Hao. Go to the room right away.

Wu Haozheng looked at the door and probed his brain. He was suddenly hugged by Mu Qingya, and his heart was soft.

"Oh, do you think I am right?" Wu Hao called. "I miss you too. Let me see if I am thin and thin?"

Wu Hao’s hand began to touch her.

Mu Qingya turned red and let go of Wu Hao, and gently hit a strange hand.

Outside the door. Jin Yun injured asked: "You are Ruo Yao's sister?"

"Oh? Sister, cough, stuffing." Xiao Mei turned her head and spit her tongue into the room.

"No? It turned out to be a cloud injury." Wu Hao walked out of the room. The idiot can still guess that it is his sister in a short time. It seems that the speed of the brain has increased.

"Ten people can see it?" Zong Zhilian, who is holding his left face, said: "Although the face is similar, the figure is completely different from you. The height of the chest is just..."

"What are you talking about when the people are present!"

Xiao Mei has never been said so, and after a reaction, she has been blushing.

Yun Yun injured quickly explained: "I have a sister, naturally the first to think of a sister."

Wu Hao nodded.

The cloud hurts and sighs. He cared with enthusiasm, secretly sent people to understand Wu Hao's family, knowing that Wu Hao had a similar sister.

"My brother's brain is hard to turn faster. It won't be because that person is special?"

"Sister, are you special?" Xiao Mei heard, and asked Wu Hao inexplicably. She is not open, and naturally does not know the mystery.

The cloud was suddenly reddened.

Wu Hao is stupid and full of enthusiasm, pulling Jin Yunjiao and Mu Qingya to the backyard to introduce themselves and Ai’s parents.

The four old people are all simple people, and all parties get along well.

Mu Qingya came back from Wu Hao and did not leave her. A pair of wonderful eyes stared at her, seemingly afraid of losing again.

Wu Hao also pulled Ai's head on the night and taught Xiao Mei to hate the makeup of the pavilion.

Xiao Mei is very interested in learning, and Ai Yutou also exchanges experiences.

After Wu Hao confirmed that Chang hate was free.

Before going to bed, the five-member group held a discussion meeting.

"When you left these days, our business for Chang'e Club was just to complete the task, and the focus was on the study of Xuanqi." Zongzhi said: "We are surprised that the cultivation of Xuanqi is at least faster than before. Two or three times."

Jin Yunjiao’s resignation is generally rejoicing: “We have not improved in the ranks at least, but at least in the improvement of the ranks.”

Jin Yun injured: "This is thanks to Ruo Yao for helping us clean up the gas."

"You don't have to be polite." Wu Hao waved his hand.

Zong Zhilian said: "Zongmen had a mission yesterday, and it was the sect of the sect. Let us wait for you to come back, and then cooperate with the squad and horses arranged by the world to pay for a horse thief who has moved from Wu."

"The horse thief moved from Wuguo?" Wu Hao listened and felt strange: "Is there a thief who walks around?"

"The war in Wuzhou is very strict, and the horse thief can't get along. It can only be moved to Qi." Zong Zhilian said: "The power of Zongmen, as well as our own inquiries, things have been basically checked, and those horse thieves must kill countless Annihilation."

"Will you marry a horse thief?" Wu Hao asked: "Maybe some horse thieves do the heavens? Is it not good reputation?"

"Our investigation is very careful." Jin Yunjiao helped: "On the way of the horse thief's migration to Qi State, there are many suffering victims. Two hundred caravans have been killed by horse thieves."

It seems that I have seen more online novels. Wu Hao’s heart is always not good.

Wu Hao suddenly thought of one thing: "Wait, the country can't be mixed in the territory of Wu... Is there a native horse thief in Qi State?"

Jin Yunjiao questioned: "What is the origin? Is it born locally, not from the outside?"

Wu Hao nodded.

"Of course."

"Is Qi tried to destroy them and forced them to go nowhere?" Wu asked.

Jin Yun injured: "The troops or masters have been surrounded, but it is difficult for the horse thieves to run around. It is necessary for our sinister masters to cooperate with the officers and soldiers to annihilate."

Zong Zhilian nodded: "The same is true for horse thieves in Jin."

"So is it possible that it is a precursor to the sneak attack by the armed forces of Wuguo?" Wu said: "If I take a squad, I can be afraid of being known about the whereabouts of the army. I must kill all the people I saw along the way. Horse thief is one of the early measures."

"Isn't it? It's too embarrassing. How many people saw the army marching, and sometimes even the whole village saw it?" When Yun Yunjia thought about it, she felt a little creepy.

"Then all have to be slaughtered. After all, the overall situation is heavy, and the news of the sneak attack is leaked." Zong Zhilian sighed: "The horse thief who comes to the fast is very likely to leak the army, so it is necessary to clear it in advance. If Yao Yao wants to get it at this point, it is necessary to remind this idea to the world."

"Well, I will tell him tomorrow." Wu Hao thinks that the child is now half his employer. After all, Tianbofu has half a guest title.

Sleeping at Mei is clamoring to sleep with Wu Hao.

Although Mu Qingya can't talk, but the kind of will revealed in his eyes...

"You enjoy the happiness of the people! The big room and the second room must sleep with the master. Who is the master?" Xiaoyun Jiao looked at the big laugh.

Can I flip the sign? Wu Hao heart yy. But the two girls are really bad choices, Wu Hao finally chooses one...

Three people sleep in a bed!

It’s hot... she is caught in the middle.

Wu Hao grieves how there is no air conditioning. Fortunately, the evolutionary body quickly adapts to the illusion and regulates body temperature to reduce calorie expenditure.

When Xiao Mei fell asleep, Wu Hao turned around and slept with Mu Qingya.

Mu Qingya is easy to satisfy, and she doesn't mind if she walks on two boats.

Both women are very satisfied, but Wu Hao has begun to feel that the future is not good... (to be continued...)

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