Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 400: The horse was smashed?

The dagger's cold light shines, and I don't know how many people have killed.

This can be regarded as the last test for girls.

If it is a female catcher or a woman, it must have been heard that the leader of the horse thief used this dagger to live the heart and lungs, and it is inevitable that the face will become discolored.

And if it is a horse, the horse thief will be caught behind him, and then the dagger will be thrown directly. Who is the hostile who dares to easily reveal his back to his opponent?

"Well, the big man makes me a point too." Wu Hao had to sell it cheaply: "Let's go around the mountain for the race. Let me say first, if I win?"

The girl’s performance made the horse thief leader and the dog-headed division’s thin old man suspicious.

"Well, if I lose, then let you be the boss!" The horse thief leader smiled unconsciously.

How about making a woman a boss? Didn't I conquer the bed? See who is the master when I see it. How can you possibly win me when it comes to equestrianism? The horse thief leader thought with pride.

"A word is fixed!" Wu Hao will take the horse's reins.

With the roar of the horse, Big Black immediately lifted up.

The girl's white-packed attire is more spiritual in the black horse. At this moment, with this Lema action, the body shape rises up, and a charm of graceful and charming enchanting coexistence is revealed.

"Wow---" The horse thieves involuntarily uttered an exclamation.

Then they started to scream.

"Boss, won her!"

"If you don't win, you will win her!"

"I want to take her anyway..."

The leader of the horse thief began to look at his mind and suddenly shouted: "Give me shut up!"

He is on the horse. Drinking around the road said: "I am more than a horse racer, you guys dare to make noises. Be careful, I will cut off the water in the belly and dry it!"

The horse thieves suddenly shut up and knew that the boss felt that he was bothering him.

He used to kill people like him, and somehow wanted to show his manhood in front of this girl, hoping to show his best side to the opposite sex.

In fact, this is a special effect of the evolutionary body.

In order to seek the maximum survival rate, the genetic changes of the evolutionary body make Wu Hao's appearance closer to the favor of the opposite sex. This is a subtle change, in which the visual, olfactory and even the sixth sense will have an effect on the opposite sex.

Such as the stupid behavior of laughing for the Bomei people and screaming at the princes, it is not a similar effect. Although Wu Hao’s current appearance is not as dazzling as the beauty of the beautiful city. But it is just that the opposite **** will produce such a mentality.

Too beautiful, but will make the evolutionary body in crisis, so the intelligence of the evolutionary body hopes to gradually control the degree of beauty in an optimal state.

"Shantou, we are racing for the game! We are optimistic!" At this moment, I hope that Marseille will be the leader of the horse thief who will capture the beauty of the heart. I will throw the dagger into the air and scream: "Get up!"

Wu Hao did not hesitate, and the horse flew out. In the blink of an eye, it is already twenty steps away.

At this time, the dagger was grounded and slammed.

"哟吼————" The thief leader shouted and leaped from the back of a horse, and sighed to the horse on the horse.

When did the horse thief comply with the promise? Moreover, the leader never promised that she would not ride her horse. The horse thieves are simply not responsible for the leader’s rebellion.

The **** horse of the leader ran for the girl, of course, riding the girl's horse to chase it, this is also a matter of righteousness.

The horse thief's leader took a foot and let the horse start. Then he picked up the dagger with a beautiful horseback and leaned forward to catch up with Wu Hao.


"Boss cheers!"

The horse thieves began to applaud the leader.

There are also horse thieves whispering: "Don't catch up in the middle of the road, drag it into the grass and do it?"

The flying dust rises and the horse starts.

The sound of snoring is getting more and more urgent.

The horse thief leader judged, a good horse. Although not the first-class **** of my **** horse. But it is also a good thing to adjust.

The distance between the two has been fifty steps away, but he is not worried.

To talk about the horse thief. Only you are qualified!

Who dares to compete with himself in the world? I dare not say that I dare to confront the cavalry that kills people in the army, and that the horse thief is definitely the best in the world!

Because the horse thieves are accustomed to life on horseback, they are in the group of people who are desperate to succumb to the horses, and who are struggling to chase merchants and escape the officers and men.

Not to mention the horse's habits and focus, even the horse's every breath is very familiar, even if the familiar horse is running under his own arm, how much sweat will flow, the horse thief can count as many treasures.

Although the mount that he is riding now is not the most familiar black horse in the past, the horse thief leader still leans closer to his horse-controlled technique.

Look, is that girl flustered? The leader of the horse thief is very proud. Actually, in the Mercedes-Benz, I still look back, she doesn't understand? This is a big taboo!

Or is she not swearing at my distance, or is it swearing at me? The horse thief leader feels good about himself.

However, this girl's figure is really good. In particular, if you need to get up slightly in the Mercedes-Benz, it is very pleasing to look at from the back. Look at this small buttocks, look at the faint wiggle of the slender waist, all swaying the evil fire of men.

But no more than a dozen, the horse thief leader found that the girl in front of the horse did not look back.

She started in the front and simply ran around the mountain, never twisting herself and licking herself.

It doesn't matter. The key is that the distance between the two sides will be farther and farther.

The leader of the horse thief rounded his eyes and couldn't believe what had happened.

Because with his 20 years of experience in the fight on horseback, the girl who rushed in front of the horse, even the horse control technology is not under their own!

Even in many movements around the tree, the equestrians appear to be learned from oneself. There are still many moves that I have never seen before. I vaguely have the shadow of my equestrian master.

Is she the old guy and another apprentice?

will not! will not! The old guy had been stabbed in by fifteen years ago and died. Where is the 13-year-old little girl?

The thief leader is thinking about The distance between the two is getting farther and farther. Even if he used all the techniques of the horse, he would not help.

Originally, the **** horse was stronger than the one sitting down. At this moment, the girl’s vertical equestrian seems to be still high, and she could not catch up.

But as the figure grew smaller, he almost disappeared almost without seeing it.

More than a horse? The horse thief leader can't believe it.

"Hey that girl! Stop me!" The horse thief panicked and began to want to recruit.

Fortunately, there are not many roads around the mountain. The time for a cup of tea has returned to the temporary station of the horse.

Not right! The horse thief leader came back to the horse, and suddenly there was an instinct for the coldness of the back.

What about the brothers?

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