Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 412: Long escape

Wu Hao has not slept for a long time. She was amazed at the character of the Yoho County Lord who was willing to work.

For those who are noble to the royal level, it’s okay to have a little bit of fun and work, but it will definitely be three minutes of blood.

For example, the so-called royal opening ceremony, leadership tree planting ceremony, etc., all set aside to engage in formalism, and then the small **** or small soldier worked.

During the process of washing dishes and wiping the floor, the owner of the county was not lazy at all. He carefully scrubbed the bowl with the water from Wu Hao. Even when cleaning the ground, kneeling on the floor with a rag to wipe the ground, at that time made Wu Hao surprised.

Although I can't say that the owner of the county is willing to suffer for a long time, at least this kind of seriousness makes Wu Hao very appreciative.

Think again about the decisive trust of the world and the decisive trust of Qi Wang. Wu Hao had to admire that this family is definitely a wise monarch. From the perspective of notification, Qi State has the possibility of becoming a mainland hegemon.

It is only that the Wu State is completely above the Qi State, and it needs the biggest Jin State and Qi State to join forces to fight, and can only maintain a defensive posture. Obviously, the Wu State has more hegemony. The harassment of the borders of the three countries is constant, and it is not known whether the Wuguo’s move to drive the horse thief means that a large-scale war is on the verge of exploding.

I heard that the Xuanwu King of the Wu State is also the British lord of the wind, and its momentum is better than that of the King of the Year. I don’t know how it is.

I was thinking, Wu Hao felt that the long county owner in his arms was arching his chest.

Wu Hao was shocked. The first reaction was to dare to slap the wolf to the body. However, the inductive force of the evolutionary body did not have an alarm, but it was feedback from the perspective of the physical signs to Wu Hao, the owner of the county, or was sleeping. It was only an unconscious reaction to her arms.

Even so, Wu Hao can't accept it. This oyster oil thing can only be done, how can you let others eat tofu? Xiao Mei did not hold her chest at night. Instead, I held my own arm or back, so I ate my sister's tofu. And the chest is a large restricted area, even if it is a small loli.

Wu Hao slowly moved away and let the county owner sleep honestly. But soon I realized that she was still creeping over.

Forget it, give her an arm, just like the treatment of Xiao Mei. Wu Hao looked at her poor. Especially have some preferential treatment.

Wu Hao does not know that the long-time county owner likes to drill into her arms is just a subconscious act.

The children of the royal family are brought up by the nurses. It is also the nurse who sleeps with the children. If you are over three years old, you should not be in the same house as your mother. This is a habit and a way to keep your child from being too close to your mother. Therefore, many emperors and princes are more intimate with the nurse.

Although Qi Wei is like a baby in the county, he did not stay in bed after the age of three. Because this is a rule, if you are not a baby when you are over three years old, you can't sleep with your mother. Qi Qi as the head of the harem, even if Qi Wang three thousand pets in one position can not be violated.

Wu Hao’s current evolutionary body, the overall evolutionary thinking is still pleasing. Because the evolutionary body does not think that her current strength is enough to protect herself. Therefore, the evolutionary trend is still to make the surrounding people like it. Whether it is looks, sounds or body odors, it will give people a feeling of appreciation, affection and love in the subconscious.

So don't say that the long county owner and her sleep together, even Xiao Mei, Mu Qingya also like to sleep with her. Jin Yunjiao is still a little bit awkward.

Of course, men want to sleep with her... Hey, this is not counted. No man will reject the bed with a beautiful woman unless he is bent.

The next morning.

"Change clothes with me." Yoyo County owner woke up with his eyes open.

After she said this sentence, she didn't open her eyes. She felt that her limbs were sore and hurt.

Why did she ever work on dishwashing? Plus the hard work of shopping. It’s not good to be in bed. After being happy and excited yesterday, today, the bed muscles can't be eaten.

"Ah. Waking up?" Wu Xiao smiled. The name called Yoyo is quite good, and the words that wake up are all catchy.

Feeling the aches and pains of the body, and hearing the voice of Wu Hao, the owner of the county was suddenly awake.

Yes, yesterday I was taken out of the palace by Xiao Ruoyao!

The long county owner looked around and it was an inn.

"Wake up. Just wear your own clothes." Wu Hao washed it at the side, didn't take care of the clothes of the county owner. "Remember what I said when I saw you on the first day? I respect you, I see You are equal, I want to be friends with you, not to make you happy."

"..." Yoho County's main face nodded slightly red. Then I looked at the clothes at the window and was a bit silly.

Ok, come by yourself. Recalling the way the ladies gave themselves clothes, she tried to put on.

The small arms and calves move awkwardly. Although the sleeves were misplaced twice, New Zealand almost missed the wrong position, but finally dressed neatly.

Then she poured a half basin of water from the bucket and washed it.

After the face was wet, she remembered looking for a towel. Because usually the palace lady took the initiative to hand over or carefully wiped for her.

Wu Hao pointed to the corner, and the owner of the county was half-squinting, and the committee succumbed to the face.

"I don't know if the father has found that I lost." She suddenly sighed.

"In any case, I have brought a whisper to Zongmen, so you will not be too worried. I will definitely send a lot of guards to come to us. It is estimated that it will not be a big fan." Wu Hao thought that you only remembered.

"They don't worry, just fine." Yoyo County sighed. I don't know if it is relaxing or there is some kind of sadness in it.

Wu Haodao: "So if you still want to go to the country to play, or find some country friends to play, then we will leave the city early in the morning."

The expression of the long county owner showed that she was obviously stunned for a long while before she made up her mind: "We are out of town."

If this opportunity can't be grasped, maybe there will be no chance in the future...

Wu Hao took her to the noodle restaurant. When the boss saw the seriousness of their work last night, they promised to have a breakfast.

Longyou County has always eaten a lot of breakfast, but because Wu Hao said that it will be very laborious today, she only fought a bowl of noodles.

Walking out of the city, the inspection of the guards at the gate of the city is not strict, as if there was no situation where the county owner was lost.

The owner of the county is relieved. It’s lost.

Fortunately, this sentiment was swept away after leaving the city.

Qiguo is northerly, **** blossoms bloom late, and Linxia begins to bloom. At this moment, it is the golden season of **** blossoms.

It is a little different from another world. This era has been widely planted with rapeseed.

"It's so beautiful!" The long-time county owner opened his arms happily and ran across the road.

"Wow. What is this?"

There are small rivers, frogs and other small animals in the fields.

There is no such thing as a frog in the aquarium in the palace, and there are small things such as cockroaches. It is the season of the most prosperous season in the early summer.

Wu Hao pointed to a frog on the edge of the lotus pond and told the owner of the amphibious animal about the changes in amphibians.

The owner of the county is naturally amazed: "Wow, this little black guy like a fish will turn into a four-legged cyan thing?"

"Yes, everything in the world is much more magical. There are also huge changes. If you have time, I will tell you the story of an ugly duckling." Wu Hao thought about it: "Do you know the swan?"

"Know, there are four in the palace, the white is so beautiful."

"Well, let me tell you at night." Wu Hao sold a pass.

The county owner was not in a hurry, and began to stare at the various things along the river.

"Be careful! The yellow-white strips on the frog can't be touched!" Wu Yiyi pulled a small loli, and screamed: "This strip of bugs is called leeches, but it will **** blood and will drill into the body!"

The county owner was so scared that he quickly avoided.

Wu Yan smiled and said: "The world is not all beautiful. There are also many dangers."

The owner of the long county seemed to know how to nod and nodded, and soon began to play again.

Played in the **** field for a long time. Even along the **** field, I went out for a couple of miles and saw some children in the countryside.

Six children, mostly under the age of ten, only a girl in her early tens seems to be taking the lead.

Seeing a stranger coming over, several children curiously glared at Wu Hao and long.

The clothes of the two of them are slightly better than them.

"You are from the city?" asked the lead girl.

"Yeah, take my sister out to play." Wu Hao took out the handkerchief from the waist pocket. I made a small sandbag very quickly and greeted them and told them how to play: "I teach you to lose pockets?"

The children are very receptive and learn how to play very quickly when they are interesting.

"Go, play with them." Wu Hao pushed forward.

"Ah? Ah..." The long, stunned eyes slammed a few times and sneaked a few steps forward.

The children did not reject the join. She quickly integrated into it.

"Ha ha..." Yoyo and other children, running back and forth between the two lines of Wu Shi's ten steps, avoiding the sandbags thrown by the children on both sides.

She has been pampered in the palace for a long time, and her movements are far less flexible than that of rural children. One child soon discovered that she was a weakness in the team and soon hit her.

Wu Hao commanded: "You should go out to the line to throw sandbags! You can change to the middle after you hit."

"Good!" I promised happily.

She has been thoroughly integrated into the children's game, completely no longer mature when she meets Wu Hao.

The child and the sad autumn man who are secretly observing in the distance are almost crying out when they look at the long laughter.

"Great. I have never seen her so happy!" "When she sent her squirrels that year, her laughter didn't last long."

However, after a long time of playing, I began to feel very hot, and I pulled off my headscarf and rolled up my sleeves...

This time, the gray hair on the head is exposed. Because I was afraid that the ink was too allergic, Wu Hao only dyed the hair ends of the horns, so most hair color is still very unhealthy gray.

In addition, the forehead is obviously too large, and the headscarf is very glaring immediately after it is removed.

Gradually, the children began to notice her difference...

"Oh! How is her hair grayed out!" There was a child's tender surprise.

The whole person is stunned.

"She has a lot of wrinkles! It looks like my grandmother!"

The long eyes are so big that the whole person can't react.

After seeing a few eyes, the child was scared to go back a few steps, avoiding the long distance: "Wow! So scary!"

I have never been said to be scary, although I have had such an idea in the palace, but... I was called out in person at the moment, and I was as if I was on the spot by lightning.

The biggest child screamed: "Wow run. She may be a monster!"

"You are a otter monster!"

"Oh, help, she wants to **** blood!"

The children shouted and fled everywhere.

People of this era naturally believe in ghosts and monsters, and it is inevitable to see things that are difficult to understand. For example, leprosy patients have been called [ghosts], mistakenly thought that ghosts are swallowing the limbs of patients.

Seeing the aging appearance of the yo, the children are under the psychological effect of not understanding. When someone takes the lead, it evolves into a rumor-like situation.

I hurriedly reached out and tried to catch a child and not let them run.

But the children in the country saw her reaching out to catch herself, screaming louder and only running faster.

Wu Hao secretly bit his teeth, but did not say anything to stop it.

The distant child and the sad autumn old man also looked silly, and wanted to go forward, but see Wu Hao did not move, the two hard to resist. ‘

"Ah..." I want to explain that I am not a monster, but I can’t call it.

She only breathed in a hurry. The face was anxious, and the tears swirled in the eyes.

Wu Hao looked at her silently.

The children are running out.

The sandbags were discarded and lying on the land with traces of small footprints.

The scribing of the two sandbags is still obvious, but it is like an insurmountable gap.

"..." The long-time county owner stood on the spot, and the tears finally fell.

She didn't cry when her hands were dirty.

At this moment, the tears could not help, as if the broken chain of beads continued to slide down.

She has no sound crying.

Just quietly, head down.

The floral headscarf in the hand fell off the ground. Slowly blown away.

There is only the buzz of summer wind.

The golden rapeseed field is still rolling in the golden waves, but the whole scene is no longer beautiful in the long eyes...

a long time. There are many people who are noisy.

"Where is the female monster?"

"There are female monsters in the sky in daylight?!"

"Catch the monster and burn her!"

"Yes! The water scorpion is most afraid of fire! Even if it is a big day, we will also be afraid of the scorpion monsters!"

It is the voice of an adult.

Apparently, after the children fled, they reported the letter to the villagers.

Wu Hao brows and wanders, and walks quickly to the side of the long side: "Do not open up and argue, do you want to explain?"

"..." I bite my lip. Did not speak.

Wu Hao sighed: "If we don't want to explain, we have to escape."

Long still has no snoring, and he nodded for a long time.

Wu Hao picked up her, and the whip rolled up and fell off the headscarf that was blown into the distance and left.

Leaning for half a mile. Wu Hao found that the villagers had carried out raids.

The leaders of the village’s insured and chief executives called on the villagers to round up the monsters.

The autonomy order of the Qi country's countryside played a role at this moment, and it was unexpectedly targeted at the country's county magistrate.

Wu Hao’s heart was calculated, but he did not flee back to Qidu. Instead, he used the super vision of the evolutionary body and quickly found a half-mountain on a nearby hill to hide.

This big tree is full of four or five people, and the tree is half-baked but strong. In the center of the tree, there is a natural broken tree hole. Wu Hao grabbed a few sticks and could barely hide.

"You are very good at governing the country. The villagers are very organized. They actually started to search for us." Wu Hao looked helpless: "We are hiding here."

The Yo-Yu master did not have the concept of Wu Hao’s basaltic heights and nodded sadly.

Into the tree hole, the air is slightly muddy, but it is not uncomfortable. Wu Hao took out the leg side machete and dug a vent in the thinner hole of the tree.

Long has not cried, and did not care whether the tree hole is messy, as if lost the soul, the whole person is stiffly arranged by Wu Hao to sit on a dry branch.

At noon, the light in the tree hole is only slightly dark.

Wu Hao sat next to her and stared at her for a long time.

Little Loli sat on her dry branch with her knees, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

As a result, the two people were silent, so they stayed for half an hour.

"Well, got hit?" Wu Hao laughed.

No feedback.

Wu Hao is not in a hurry.

Regarding the nonsense that did not stop the children, Wu Hao had his own ideas.

This can be regarded as a psychological hurdle for the long county owner.

She can't take care of her royal status, and everyone's favor does not mind her aging morbidity.

Even if she was only a five-year-old child, her mature mind made her have a serious psychological disorder. Even serious, it is a premature mental illness.

Only by facing her own defects can her heart be reborn.

Wu Hao is now creating conditions that allow her to break through psychological problems.

"I just played two toys for you. I have one more here." Wu Hao found a thick trunk, and with a sneak peek, he used a machete to drop a simple wooden toy.

Huarong Road!

"This bottom plate is the rapeseed field we are now in." Wu Hao engraved the word "Rapeseed Field" on the floor of Huarong Road.

The yo-yo lord glared at her movements and did not stop or speak.

The mood is extremely bad and does not affect curiosity. She still looks at Wu Hao's action This is the biggest and most square piece of wood, it is you. "Wu Yan has carved a long word on it."

Long eyes blinked.

"The four vertical longboards are to catch your country's people, A, B, and D. These four small squares are the small broken children who have rumored to rumor." Wu Hao wrote the words one by one. Also self-deprecating: "This horizontal board is me."

She engraved Xiao Ruoyao on the board that symbolizes Guan Yu.

Wu Hao began to move the board on the floor to make a demonstration, and explained: "Now, in the top of the tree hole, you have to run to the exit below the floor to escape. Come and try it? Any move, look See how to move your own piece to the bottom?"

The long county owner stared at the board and did not say anything.

Wu Hao casually said: "This game is now called [Long Escape]!" (To be continued...)

Ps: A big chapter! Well, Yoyo is an important task in the later period!

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