Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 461: Mention must also use their brains

When Wu Hao took this hand, both He Lao and Xuan Prince thought that it was only a small blow made by the little girl. The sound is estimated to be large, but there is no real momentum.

But this palm was shot on the table, there was not much noise, just like a person accidentally took a teacup and accidentally photographed the table. But with a burst of cracking wood, the whole table became a pile of broken wooden sticks that had been opened with a sharp axe.

Xuan Prince was shocked, and it was instantly obvious. This girl is really not ordinary!

No one knows more about the layout of this account than Xuan Wang himself. Whether it's a seat or a shackle, even a candle and a rug are arranged according to the prince level. This square table has experienced many years of wind and rain, what is the general hardness? Even if it is an ordinary seat, it has been shot by a person into a pile of firewood, which is something that non-genuine masters can do.

Xuan Prince's qualifications are not good, and the Xuanqi level is not high, and there is no need to consider whether his own level can be achieved. Several ordinary Xuanwu staff members of their own are afraid that it is difficult to complete. Only by considering the deer old who always follows you, can it be done? But Lu Lao is a new moon step master, that is the basaltic saint of the age of Jiazi! How big is this girl?

"..." I glanced at the old man and the deer who personally protected themselves. Xuan Prince saw that their expression was also difficult to suppress the horror.

"How is it possible?" There are more Xuan princes guarding the deer, and slightly open their mouths, indicating that they can't believe their eyes.

Just a moment of mysterious flashing, this girl smashed a table?

Deer and He Lao can do this to their own discretion, but Xuanqi does not need to be stimulated. It is only a moment of release that has reached this level. Even in a blink of an eye, the girl’s mail has returned to normal, as if there is no basal power. Ordinary girl. Such a mysterious state has not been seen in this life.

"This girl is a mysterious geek..." He Lao was not surprised.

"You are a freak. Your whole family is a freak." Wu Hao is a master who is not willing to suffer at a loss, immediately reversed: "Hurry up, Shizi, you should know who I am talking about, hurry to bring people bring it on."

"Who?" He Lao and Lu Lao asked in unison.

Although Xuan Wang mentioned the former county owner, they still couldn’t react.

"Understood." Xuan Prince looked at the Chu girl. No longer hesitate to say a little more: "Deer old, you take my hand, go to the country to come here."

He took a jade card from his waist, this is his hand. The owner of the county is watching the back camp, and the guardian is naturally a confidant of Xuan Prince. Even the deer must use the warrants to mention people.

"Xuan prince, can't! Long county owner but our big mission goal, if it is lost..." Deer old one was anxious, and suddenly tried to block.

"Don't say more, Chu girls will matter." Xuan Prince understands that he can't refuse to agree to this condition.

The Chu girl will not only be a national-level fourth-class Xuanwu female. It is also the representative of Chu family in their own camp. If you are not willing to spend the time of the county, if the Chu girl will have a bad pool, can not explain to the Chu family is one of them, more importantly, the heart of the cold camp.

The key figures of the allies do not try to rescue, although everyone understands your hardships, but the heart of the mustard will definitely be planted. Xuan Prince can only secretly bite his teeth, agrees with Wu Hao's request, and he can not do any hesitation.

This is the cleverness of the king power. Anyway, you have to agree. Do not delay the resignation. Otherwise, Chu will not be grateful to you, but will doubt whether you have considered sacrificing her. That would have lost both the owner of the county and the sinister woman.

The deer old Xuan Xuan Prince was so determined, and after a courtesy, he took the warrants respectfully and shouted Wu Yi before he left.

"Xuan prince is really refreshing, or a smart person. Admire and admire." Wu Xiao smiled and said: "You take the chair and sit down, don't keep staring at me. Especially the old man, you always want to find me." I am not afraid that my hand will shake, and Chu will be injured?"

He Lao is indeed quietly observing Wu Hao’s reaction, and he is looking forward to seeing the opportunity to suddenly take off Wu Hao. I can't think of her opening. Let such a young girl point his own thoughts, and the old man can't help but look old.

"Girl, do you do this, don't worry about your family and friends?" Xuan Prince asked.

Wu Hao’s listening and smelling are kept open, and he is reminded of what tricks Xuan prince plays. When he sees him, he said: “Hey, naturally someone helped me to protect, and Xuan Prince had to worry about it.”

She said this, Xuan Prince was not surprised. Did she actually have someone behind her instructions? Who made her mix into my contribution? I am doing this trick, is there someone planning behind it?

As the prince of the armed kingdom, Xuan Prince is not said to be a thin ice, but also in the circle of intrigue to the extreme. Very sensitive to this kind of thing, suddenly how to turn around and how to be wary.

Wu Hao looked at Xuan Prince's face change, and couldn't help but be happy. Estimated to make him cranky, this is good, he is more distracted, there is no time to think about dealing with me.

He Lao coughed aloud and said: "Girl, the old man sees you Xuanwu special, the Xuanqi wave is very different, I dare not ask your teacher..."

"My teacher is Donghai Yellow Pharmacist, that is, 咱爹. My surname is Huang, called Huang Rong." Wu Hao began to believe in Hu Wei, and at the same time casually said: "Is the old man you are planning to ask? I will tell you It doesn't matter."

"You are not the **** my watch?" Xuan Wang brows.

Wu Hao screamed and screamed, laughing: "If I am, can you force the Xuanwu girl?"

"Yellow girl, how is the suppression of your volatility fluctuations?" He Lao tried to use Xuanwu to distract Wu.

"This is a long story. When a friend came to visit, he was a crazy old urchin. He took a book called "Jiuyin Zhenjing". I thought about it, my mother knew this book for a long time. The design is back..." Wu Hao cheerfully began to use the story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" to hang people.

After listening to a long while, the curtain of the big account was picked, and the deer had already entered with a little girl.

"..." Wu Hao looked at the little girl under the deer's ribs and couldn't help but sigh: "Hey - are you kidding me?"

Because the little girl with the old deer is similar to the head of the You County, but it is not the owner of the county! I don't know if they are preparing for the substitutes that have already been done, or for the little girl who is waiting for the female military commander. It may also be that Qi State arranged for the same age playmates to stay with the county owner in the travel industry, and was caught by the martial arts team in the chaos.

Wu Hao also thought about whether it was a trap that Shizi had already done well, and the county owner found a substitute, but there was another way of absconding.

But think about the rebellion of the silver chief, and even kill himself. Since it is an enemy, there will be no such mistakes. If it is a fake enemy, then the county owner has been hidden, why bother to come forward? So it is definitely

Wu Hao’s right hand suddenly shot on the shoulder of Chu’s daughter.

"Ah---" Chu girl will cry out.

Under the sinful attack of Wu Hao, the shoulders were dislocated in an instant.

Although it is not the extent of the injury, but what will the Chu girl suffer? This pain is not as good as the whip.

The Chu girl almost flew out of her tears and looked at Wu Hao with sorrow, but after a cry, she bite her teeth and refused to talk or beg for more.

"Huang Weitou, you dare to kneel down!" Crane old exclaimed, almost rushed up.

Wu Hao’s eyes glimpsed, and the girl’s dagger at the waist ribs slightly moved, and suddenly the old man did not dare to move.

The dagger is placed in the gap between the waists of the wrap-around body. If the control of the other person is slightly insufficient, I am afraid that the girl will be injured. Only Wu Hao’s control level can achieve this level.

"Slow and come slowly!" Xuan Prince hurriedly swayed his hands: "The Huang girl has something to say, what is it that provokes you? But are we disrespectful to the lord of the county?"

Wu snorted: "Where did you come from the wild donkey, I wanted to lie to me? I said it was my girlfriend."

Xuan Prince had to deliberately paint his own personal guardian: "Deer old, I told you to mention the owner of the county, how dare you make your own changes?"

"Yes, the master's lesson is. The subordinates also have some different ideas, and they have done such a thing." Lu Lao is very convinced with his hands.

"Let me play here, and then I will slash people with the tricks." Wu Hao’s voice gradually increased, and suddenly he shouted: "Go and pick up the lord!"

This life is mixed with Wu Xuan's nine-star volatility level, but also contains the power of mercy and the power of the magic charm.

At the moment, the feminine female voice turned into a lightning-like existence, and slammed into the surrounding people.

In addition to the deer old girl's coma state is not affected ~ ~ Xuan Wang snorted, plunge to sit on the ground.

Lu Lao and He Lao were not prepared, and even wanted to help the Prince in a moment, but his own action seemed to be a stagnation. Although the time of rigidity continued for a short time, it was too late to support the Prince.

The Chu girl will spit out a blood. She was next to Wu Hao, and Xuanqi was closed again. It was a phantom in a flash. So the shock was the most serious, so that hematemesis.

Although it is a beautiful woman, but now it is hostile and hostage, I can only say sorry. Wu Hao glanced at her, but did not care much.

"Go and go to the owner of the county." Xuan Prince calmed down the breath and slowly stood up under the support of He Lao.

Deer old looked at Wu Hao deeply, and had no choice but to go.

Not long after, the real long county owner was mentioned.

The handsome-looking county magistrate saw Wu Hao, and his tears were faint and faint. "Hua Rongdao, this time my sister is the one that helped me get out of trouble." (To be continued.)

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