Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 593: Women's Army's military results

"Is it heard? Our girl Xiao Ruoyao who joined the army made a magical thing. The turbid water poured in and it was clear and bright."

"Really? What?"

"I heard that it was a wonderful technique learned from the Dragon King. I put the firewood, sand, and rags in a large bucket, and the water coming out was clear."

"Wow? These things? It’s amazing."

The 20,000 soldiers who walked with the team greatly appreciated Wu Hao's wild water filtration device, and even had a myth.

Under the arrangement of Qi Wang and Qi Yu, Qi has transferred 20,000 soldiers. At the border, the remaining 30,000 soldiers will be gathered. A total of 50,000 elite soldiers went to the Jin State, claiming 100,000 to the outside world.

Wu Hao has always looked down on the bluffing forces, such as the Battle of Chibi. In fact, there are not so many people at all. The frontal battles have always been played by thousands of people.

In fact, in the ancient wars, the so-called Qiwu 50,000 soldiers were not actually enough. The only thing that can really fight is the 35,000 people. The rest are old and weak and can only be a hard-working servant. This proportion is considered to be the level of elite soldiers in this era.

Before the Wusong pit, the 30,000 cavalry of the Wu State was also insufficient. The actual number of people who can participate in combat is only 20,000. The rest are the attendants who are caring for the horse. 30,000 horses, not just the cavalry themselves can take care of themselves.

"Fifty thousand... too fake, the actual training is only 35,000. The rest are the hard work of the preparation, and only the guns can be used to fill the number on the battlefield. What is the military allocation? "Wu Yan quite sorrowfully counted the roster and complained to the world."

Shi Zi, General Yang and others are used to it.

They ate in the camp and took the opportunity to discuss the military.

Since Shizi is now dressed in women's clothing, he can't openly enter the camp to participate in the military, so only this time can participate.

"This is the normal state of our military arrangement. The father wants to change it too. It is just that many generals are difficult to change. So there will be an explanation of the actual combat strength in the military book."

Shizi points to the remarks on the military book.

Wu Hao saw that there were 20,000 books in the book, and there was an indication of [15,000 in actual combat].

In fact, it is understandable that in many ancient wars, the number of people participating in the war was very virtual. The number of troops is determined by the number of all people, not the real combatants of the actual combat forces.

Wu Hao was the army's army and military division. Together with the trust of Qi Wei and Shi Zi, they have gained a lot of power. The army's people have been greatly reduced, greatly strengthening the bottom of the hard work and reducing management.

Because in the distribution of military funds, who else is more suitable than Wu Hao’s evolutionary body?

The supercomputing core of the evolutionary body, doing military distribution of tens of thousands of people is simply effortless. In a way that is easier to understand, the CPU does not even occupy more than one percent.

For example, after the daily Chen Shi is on the way to arrange the procurement of military affairs, she will issue a military order detailing to this extent: "passing Pingyang County, purchasing 10,000 pounds of radish. In Funing County, burning with the leeks in Jianning County. system."

"Follow!" The acquisition officer was destined to go.

The acquisition officer came out of the temporary tent. Some of the people who followed him wondered: "How do you know that even the radish is abundant in Pingyang County? If we often do the procurement, it is better to say that she has heard of a little girl's family?"

Naturally, they did not know that Wu Hao had spent an afternoon reading the reports, accounts, disc letters, and even the records of people's livelihood accumulated in Qi State in the past few years.

Now in the storage of the evolutionary body, an all-encompassing encyclopedia of Qi State has been formed.

"Hey! You are also called a family girl?" The purchasing officer rebuked: "Have you heard of any genius? When we Xiaojun was just calculating the accounts, you don't know how much you are doing. Three days of accounts, people just drank half a cup of tea. Just read it again, it is already well."

The acquisition officer talked about this. It's all a back sweat.

Fortunately, he did not have much greed, but he was completely seen by the Xiaoshen army, and he understated him a few times.

The greed on the military is very common, and the accounts are not easy to check, but if it is really detected, it will be done if it is a decapitation.

The second day of the soldiers. Xiao Sangjun smashed out a nephew, and went straight to the forty. He was thrown back and ready to be tried. It is conceivable that the Nazhan official is absolutely greedy and talented, so he got the end.

What are the most afraid of those responsible for purchasing?

Check it out!

The supply of the army is not a few hairy boys who say that they do what they do. Thousands of thousands of troops. Procurement accounts often have unclear places, but the records are available. Because there is no record, there is no access to the money. Therefore, the accounting system of this era has been quite large.

When purchasing, there are usually some rebates, but the amount is small. Some of the managers can't directly contact, and there is no oil and water, so they embark on the way to make money. Under the statistical method of Wu Hao's super-computing power, there is nowhere to be seen.

For the bad behavior, Wu Hao did not hesitate to go out and clean up. For the ubiquitous little greed, she just beat it properly. No one is perfect, no one can be forced.

In addition, Wu Hao also made a lot of overall arrangements.

The supply of rations is not only shipped from Qidu, but more is ordered by the provinces and counties along the way, and wherever possible, a large number of specialties are purchased in places where a certain crop is abundant.

Some acquisition officials are also wondering why they have purchased many of these foods along the way? I am afraid that the expenses will be more than too much?

During the war, every time the money spent on sending troops was counted. Although the record is the first, the expense of the march is a hidden indicator. It's not as simple as how much you want to spend. Otherwise, aren’t all the troops want to spend more, cavalry, and grades?

In the past, the food of the army was simple and uniform. For example, a pot of big dish, a pot of rice, it is so simple. However, under the overall arrangement of Wu Hao, the pattern of the dishes has grown by leaps and bounds, and it has changed almost daily.

Most of the soldiers in the army are from poor people, and their minds are very simple. The change of the dishes, everyone eats in the mouth, in the heart. When you meet such a senior who cares about your subordinates, you naturally claim to be good.

However, the money was spent as a stream.

Anyway, Xiao Ruoyao is the big red man of Qi State. It is natural for the procurement officials to dare to question. When she joined the army, she ordered it.

There are a few acquisition officers who are still in the heart: the little girl will not live, seeing such a waste, what should the military do? Don't send it out at the time.

Shizi is a very careful person. When he pretends to walk over the soldiers' military accounts casually, he will have problems from some dietary changes.

Of course, the graceful appearance of his women's dress also attracted many soldiers to covet. Even more in the night, the night dreams are unlimited. Fortunately, the world does not know...

In his own car account, Shizi looked at the financial records, but he was extremely surprised: "It’s strange, weird. Every day, the sergeants’ food changes a lot. How do the financial accounts have less expenses?”

Although he did not personally take the military to travel long distances, but under the guidance of the Buddha Shuai has considerable experience. In the past three days, 20,000 people spent at least two thousand munitions, but now they only consume a thousand rations.

"If Yao Yao joins the army, is there a doorway?" Zong Zhilian also looked around and couldn't help but be amazed: "I don't understand, but I understand that it seems wrong."

After a few days, the two have almost become known. At this moment, there is no evasion in discussing military affairs.

The female voice of Shizi is quite magnetic: "If Yao Yao is out, he will not bring enough food. It should have been 10,000, and she only took 5,000. Although she reminded her, she insisted on her own opinion. To this end, Bu Shuai also reminded me to pay attention to avoid jokes that lacked military needs."

Zong Zhilian laughed and said: "Listen to your meaning, the Buddha handsome originally thought that she was inexperienced. When the army joined forces, it would make a joke that the army broke the supply?"

Shizi laughed and laughed at himself: "I thought so at the time. So I risked exposing my identity and quietly called people to take accounts. But at this moment, if Yao is a powerful person."

"Oh? Tell me?"

The smiles on the face of the child are: "There are 20,000 soldiers in Qidu, including 4,000 cavalry and 5,000 horses. In the past, these horses must take care of the grain, otherwise the animal power and manpower will be insufficient. More food, but now only 5,000 rations of military food are accompanying, the loss of military horses is small, and the power of cavalry is naturally accumulating."

"This means that the combat power is improved."

"Yes. And the servants of the army are correspondingly reduced. Even if it is a few thousand people less, the burden is greatly reduced." Shi Zidao: "And if you use the free military grain that Qi has used to convert the money The total cost of the miscellaneous grains and vegetables that were purchased along the way was actually 30% less than originally expected!"

"Three percent!" Zong Zhilian does not understand military affairs, but can also imagine the amazing results of this 30%.

Shizi gave an example: "The war is just around the corner, the national treasury is tight. In order to reduce the cost of a certain transaction, many officials have also sharpened their heads and drilled into the eyes of the money. But she actually cut off 30% of the time. Treasury costs!"

Zong Zhilian carefully looked at the recent procurement records. After thinking about it for a long time, he understood: "There are two key points. First, there are fewer military food belts after the outflow, and the consumption of animal power and manpower is reduced. Second, the purchases along the way are all The local abundance is cheap."

“Yes, and she accurately arranged the daily sergeant recipes to the extent that it was so detailed. What is even more unexpected is that the soldiers’ feedback is quite good.”

"It seems that she is not only able to join the army, but also to the extent of her performance." Zong Zhilian said: "The son of the world has the privilege of admiring, admire, admire!"

They don't understand, this is the result of modern logistics, coordinating law and other science applied to the military. (To be continued.)

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