Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 562: Xuanwu female will dominate the interference?

When Wu Hao’s hand touched the forehead spar, the Xuanwu soldier felt the head dizzy. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test

This is like a receiver, the signal is disturbed...

When Wu Hao retracted his hand, his situation quickly recovered.

The soldiers next to them sneered.

"Is it the head you want to marry?" Some soldiers made fun of it.

The centurion Ge Ming also smiled awkwardly. I felt that there was no difference between the foreheads, so I didn’t take this vertigo seriously.

For ordinary basalt soldiers, they simply do not understand what the signal transmitter and receiver are. I can't think of Wu Hao's strong interference with the signal.

After all, Wu Hao had a scientific idea, and he vaguely thought of the possibility of such signal interference.

The basaltic soldier's forehead spar responded only to the signal of a basaltic woman, which is obviously a feedback of a specific frequency signal. If you can simulate this frequency, can you command the Xuanwu soldiers?

"Hey? How will the Xuanwu girl open the enchantment? How do you feel at that time?" Wu Hao began to inquire about the news.

This kind of problem can naturally be asked separately by Shi Zi and others, but who will have more say than the Xuanwu soldiers?

Some soldiers explained while eating something: "We don't know how the woman will open the enchantment. Anyway, when the field is open, the woman will scream the enchantment declaration and announce her command area. She will scream out from her feet. With the aperture, we feel that we are all in the air."

Another soldier added: "In our field of command, the physical strength will be greatly enhanced. The skill will increase by 20%. If you look at these two, the number of people in the same group will increase by 20% at the same time. ""

Wu Hao carefully listened, but the Xuanwu soldiers were not convinced that they had a question and answer. Is it strange to ask such gossip? Don't say that Wu Hao is a beautiful woman. Her position in the hearts of these soldiers is nothing to tell.

"The original Wei woman's aperture is orange. Second-class, and later upgraded to a yellow aperture, each of us's combat power has increased by 30%."

"I also heard that if you are not a bastion of soldiers, look at those apertures without us so clearly."

"This is the effect of Samsung Xuanwu female? Red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The seven levels of Xuanwu women will be the simplest to see the difference in color." Wu Hao nodded: "How did she give orders in the field?"

"Wei's field is about three hundred steps. If we have a yellow aperture, our body's power bonus will disappear instantly. And I can't hear her battle command in my mind."

"Combat command voice?" Wu Hao can not think of the way to direct such direct instructions.

The centurion Ge Ming pointed to the brain: "It is through the spar between our foreheads that the female voice can be directly in our heads. If she loses her temper, it will also produce feedback on our side. Just now she was angry and pressured, and I felt a headache. I couldn’t wait to hit my head against the wall."

Wu Haodao: "I heard that the spar of Wei women is [the solitary peridot]? And the proclamation is that [from now on, I am invincible in the world]?"

"Exactly." Several basalt soldiers nodded together, and their faces were quite serious and awesome.

Although they are not contemptuous of Wei Ling's character, the awe of the Xuanwu women is from the bottom of my heart, and there is no such a funny expression as Wu Hao.

Wu Hao is beginning to fantasize: What kind of words would it be if he became a Xuanwu female?

It seems that the Xuanwu women’s proclamation is not decided by themselves, but a voice that comes out of the heart and naturally blurts out.

Then the evolutionary body of the basaltic woman will mode. Will you be able to speak the words you want to say on your own? This is not very clear.

He tried to touch the forehead of another basaltic soldier. The progress of the analysis of the sacred martial arts in Wu’s mind did not accelerate. Next, Wu Hao can only wait for the evolutionary body to analyze the process while it is idle.

At the end of the labor banquet, Wei Ling’s picking and dying is only an episode.

Before sleep. Jin Yunjiao smacked Wei Ling at the symposium. Unfortunately, Wei Ling naturally can't hear, and Yun Yunjiao is still quite uncomfortable.

When everyone is really ready to sleep, Jin Yunjiao is still very mentally unable to sleep.

Because she was worried that Wu Hao was asleep and confused.

When is it that she is preventing her from doing evil? still is……

Jin Yunjiao did not know how it would be, and the results have been waiting forever. However, Wu Hao did not wake up tonight, and did not even harass Mu Qingya.

However, Jin Yunjiao was there in a wishful way, and turned over and went to sleep in the middle of the night.

On the second day, the army was opened.

After streamlining, there were only 35,000 actual combat teams with more than 10,000 attendants, and nearly 50,000 people started their journey.

Many of the ambassadors have already set off two days ago.

As a ambassador, they mainly serve as a notification. There are notices of the city guards in various parts of the country, and there is a notification to the leader of the Jinguo Zuoguo Shibo. Within a few days, the major forces in the country of Jin have been informed, knowing that Qi State was influenced by Zong Zhilian and He Rongjun, and dispatched 100,000 troops to help Jin Guoping rebellion.

People who know the military naturally know that the so-called 100,000 soldiers and horses must be blown. At the junction of the southeast border of Qi State and Wu State, the soldiers are nervous. Where is the air conditioner that has 100,000 soldiers and horses? But the number of 100,000 is imaginary, but it is certain that the number of four or five thousand is still similar.

More politically understandable I have heard that the orthodox male heirs of Jin Wang have been killed. Re-association of Qi Guo actually borrowed troops to Zong Zhilian, and he began to examine the heirs who came out.

Even speculators began to try to contact people in Jindu and planned to save the relatives of the heir to make political investments.

Someone can do this, which means that Qi’s dispatching action has already strongly supported Zong Zhilian. I dare not say that it is a big red, but at least it has officially entered the political arena.

Zong Zhilian’s nephew’s identity was originally impossible to have this opportunity on weekdays.

However, the Wu State’s Du Gu Mo’s poisoning plan, the erroneous and erroneous help to kill the descendants of the Jin State, is cheaper than Zong Zhilian’s name. Jin Wang was trapped in the Jinwang Palace and could not deny that Zong Zhilian’s status as a surrogate, which is equivalent to the official voice being blocked.

Wu Hao also sent people to spread the beauty talks of Zong Zhilian. Just like another small mountain in the world, boasting three fats, what kind of priests, martial arts and martial arts, even boasting that his mother was pregnant with a dream of having a dragon to swim into the abdomen, and then when she was born, she had a sorrowful scent, and everywhere.

Zong Zhilian saw these propaganda contents and felt blushing on the thickness of his face.

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