Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 630: I am the Xuanwu Corps!

A few minutes before the announcement of the word resounds through the battlefield.

When Wu Hao saw that the battlefield situation was not good, Wu Guoqiu, who led the basaltic corps, had decided to rush to send their own Xuanwu female qualifications.

As Wu Hao’s hand with the sapphire of the sky was close, Wei Ling’s body had gradually cooled, but the palm of his right hand began to get a little hot...

This situation also happened when the Chu girl was gone.

Now, the [orphaned peridot] buried in the hands of Wei Ling gradually lost its effectiveness, but gradually floated out under the influence of the sapphire of the sky.

Everyone is paying attention to the battlefield, and no one notices the strangeness of Wu Hao. Moreover, Wei Ling’s hand was relatively hidden under the armor, and it was difficult to notice.

The metal tips in Wu Hao’s mind sounded: [Xuanwu female will find the second stone of the life stone! With the help of the heavenly sapphire, devour the main spar [the solitary peridot]! 】

[Xuanwu Tong rate learning progress is accelerated! The current progress... 100%! 】

[Xuanwu female will master the skills acquisition! 】

Wu Hao was overjoyed.

[The existing three hundred control terminals are still to be linked, confirmed as Xuanwu soldiers, is it connected? 】

Wu Hao did not hesitate to choose yes.

The Xuanwu soldiers who trembled on the ground were bursting their heads and were not as good as they were, but at this moment, they suddenly felt like a squatting, and the whole mind suddenly returned to Qinglang.

The body no longer trembles out of control, and the voice of the Xuanwu female singer resounds in her mind.

This, is this?

The voice is the female military officer Xiao Ruoyao! Did she replace Wei Ling and become our new Xuanwu female?

The Xuanwu soldiers immediately saw the blue halo appearing under the feet with Wu Hao as the core, as if filled with hope and generally bloomed around.

They simply couldn't believe that the unique [Tread Ring] of the Xuanwu soldiers reappeared at everyone's feet.

This represents the restoration of the identity of the Xuanwu soldiers!

Even soldiers rushed to the ground and almost kissed the aura under their feet. More is to squat in the direction of Wu Hao, tears flowing in the mouth muttering. Declaring one's most lofty loyalty to life.

As a female singer, Wu Hao’s first command sounded in the minds of three hundred basalt soldiers: “Brothers, killing the enemy with me! The shameful traces that were previously implicated by the rebel Wei Ling will be washed with our exploits!”

Brothers, scrub shame!

The basalt soldiers grabbed the weapons and screamed and screamed. Lined up to the battlefield.


On the other side of the Wu State camp, the Xuanwu Corps led by Qiu Nu is foolish there.

How did Qi Jun have a five-level basaltic woman? Isn't there only one Wei Ling who is a third-level female?

However, the girl will observe a little, and then she will determine that the other woman will be the woman standing in front of the array. And by virtue of experience and feelings, the woman is the first to stimulate the field of basaltic law.

No, the girl will feel incredible.

The soldiers under his command also face each other, and many people are worried: "This Qiguo female general's proclamation is a good word!"

The enemy is flying away from the smoke... The world is burning at the foot... It’s very sensational when listening, it’s even worse than our female.

At the foot of the [Tread Ring], the green [Tread Ring] is covered in the cyan field of the other side, and it is inexplicably dimmed a lot, which makes people feel a little bad feeling.

quickly. Du Gumo’s order will be heard: “Qiu Nuo will lead the regiment to withdraw and stop at the central main array!”

The girl will understand that this is the military power that the Lord will love. In the case that the other woman’s strength will be incomprehensible, the solitary ink does not dare to let the two sides fight.

In particular, Xiao Ruoyao’s basalt field looks so scary.

Will have come, she did not dare to violate the order, immediately led the team back to the main battle.

She withdrew her position here and counted it. The full-fledged 900 Xuanwu soldiers lost more than 60 people. Then remove the heavier injuries, almost exactly eight hundred basalt soldiers can fight again.

"Qiu female will have outstanding achievements. The situation is tilted only by the loss of less than 100 people." Du Gumo strongly smiled and said: "And take a break, and then help our army to sweep the camp in one fell swoop."

The girl said, she stood in front of the front and looked at the opposite side. She asked: "Who is that woman?"

The leopard is always on the side: "Xiao Ruoyao."

"Is she? Is that the woman who will make the Chu girl fall, and let the 30,000 strange attackers fly away?" The girl frowned.

Leopard old, snake old and solitary ink channel: "It is her!"

The girl will no longer speak, carefully staring at the battlefield and starting to observe.

Wu Hao’s three hundred basaltic soldiers have slowly embarked on the battlefield of killing.

It is different from all previous battles of Xuanwu women. There is no Xuanwu female in this group of basaltic soldiers.

Because Wu Hao did not follow the regiment together. She stepped on the podium slowly, holding her sword in her hands, as if a knight was standing tall.

The ordinary Xuanwu Corps, the woman will be wrapped in it, guarded by the close-fitting master. There are also basalt soldiers around to protect themselves. Of course, the enemy will occasionally come into contact with the enemy, and the Xuanwu girl will be killed in person.

The girl will be stunned in the distance, and her nose snorted: "Just kidding. Don't you go in person? How to command soldiers?!"

But after saying this, she is also a glimpse.

By the way, Xiao Ruoyao doesn’t seem to need to go on...

Because her basaltic commander field is not based on a hundred steps, but on the basis of one mile and two miles!

I am caught in the Xuanwu soldiers left and right to kill, for what? Still not afraid of soldiers leaving a limited area? The situation on the battlefield is changeable, and it is fainting and gradually rushing away, but it is beyond the limit of three hundred steps.

How big is this sky in the battlefield? Even the Wu State camp was enveloped in the commanding field!

Even if Xiao Ruo Yao is lazy, even if Xiao Ruoyao is afraid of death, the other party has that condition.

The scope of your command is bigger than you!

The girl will want to understand this, and she can't help but stagnate.

People are better than people, mad!

The girl will notice that Du Gumo and others did not meet, and her face was red, and she snorted: "How about the effect of strengthening her leadership area."

Du Gumo and others listened and nodded.

indeed so. Everyone is skeptical that the birth is the authenticity of the five-level female. If the Xuanwu soldiers are illusory, they will be exposed if they are on the battlefield.

At this time, the Xuanwu soldiers have gradually replaced the frontal gunmen, and took over with a gunman from the Wu State with 1,500 troops left.

Many people in the audience are paying attention to this side.

The commanding camps of both sides are even more embarrassing, and it is necessary to look at the strength of the Xuanwu Corps led by Wu Hao.

The foot is stepped on a blue tread ring and a left hand shield. The three hundred basaltic soldiers of the right-handed big ring knife resisted the five-figure gunmen on the opposite side.

Winning is sure to win. But to what extent, you can see the addition effect of the women's command area.

The Gunners’ team took advantage of the gap in the team’s hands and had re-arranged. With the face-aligned army as the attacking direction, more than five hundred rifles were erected on each side, just like a huge hedgehog slowly moving forward.

The current weapon configuration of the Qijun three hundred basalt soldiers belongs to the knife shield, and has certain advantages in the face of the long gun. Just open the rifle with a shield and stay close to melee. The pikemen will have to suffer big losses.

However, everyone expects that the Xuanwu soldiers will brush their shields in front of their tops and do not appear.


The shields in the left hand of the Xuanwu soldiers were all thrown to the ground.

Three hundred shields landed.

Great courage! Even when the abandonment of the armor, the face of the gunmen is undoubtedly a dead end!

Deep trust! The abandonment action of the brushing is obviously that no one of the 300 people questioned the command of the woman.

Because Wu Hao was at this moment, the order issued to the three hundred Xuanwu soldiers actually discarded the shield!

The three hundred strong men did not hesitate, and they completely executed Wu Hao’s command.

They dare to give their life to the new girl!

And, after losing the shield. They held the big ring knife in both hands, and they all hanged on the ground. Partial left hand position.

Three hundred people seem to be disdainful of the enemy, but they hang their eyes on the ground.

When the onlookers of the Qi camp are puzzled and even shocked, the enemy will not be merciful.

"Stab" at this moment, the front of the long gun array of more than five hundred long guns, the brush points to the front and stab.

In front of this spurred long gun, three hundred basalt soldiers were in a line. It is also an unprepared gesture, like a weak person without resistance.

But when the long shots were stabbed and the basalt soldiers were to be pierced, three hundred people moved!

"Broken" three hundred basaltic soldiers, in a flash, brush up the big ring knife, from left to top. The rifle was slammed open.

The power is great. Many pikemen’s tigers have cracked, and the guns in their hands have been shot and flew out!

"斩" Xuanwu soldiers seem to have no influence of inertia at all. From the moment of picking up the long gun from the left, they are even stepping forward, and in a short period of time, they are rushing from top to bottom!


With the screams of the Wu nationality pikemen, flesh and blood broke.

The five hundred soldiers on the front were instantly cut into thousands of paragraphs!

People are broken!

The body is chapped!

The two sides of the camp, the generals of the camp, were all shocked.

A terrible rate of success!

This is only the 50% of the five-level women's willingness to add seems to have a double!

What is also puzzling is why the Xuanwu soldiers can see the timing of this moment?

Even more terrifying is that this is three hundred people! Why can you master the time that suits you best? !

Then look at the three hundred basaltic soldiers on the field, the blood on the face and body with the enemy splashing, but also quite surprised at the timing of their own shots.

They know better than anyone else: It seems that the order that the Xuanwu girl will issue directly affects the movement of her body.

At the moment, I suddenly knew that the shot was going!

No words, just a spiritual moment of thinking!

[I, that is, the Xuanwu Corps...]

Wu Hao’s first sentence of the proclamation statement was suddenly recalled in the minds of many people.

Difficult, can you say...

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