Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 634: Xuanwu bow soldiers?

The 300 basaltic soldiers under the command of Wu Yitong, with a high degree of obedience and precise styling position, crossed the big ring knives to form a flower-like knife umbrella. Watermark advertising test watermark advertising test

For every five people, sixty knives and umbrellas bloom in the rain of arrows.

When the soldiers lifted the knives, they all had a slight bevel, keeping the direction of the arrow falling. Moreover, the blade body used as the fan surface is slightly inclined, and the arrow tip falls on the top and slides, and the potential energy of the drop cannot be fully exerted.

Everyone stayed, only stupid to watch the sixty knife blossoms on the battlefield!

Along with the screams of the arrows and the knives, and the screams of a small number of gunmen who could not escape from the Wu Kingdom, the three hundred basaltic soldiers stood there firmly. They don't need to swing the knife body to bump the falling arrow, just hold the knife face and block the arrow rain.

They believe that Xiao Niu will not harm herself. I believe that under her command, it is best to follow the instructions. I even think that even if the decision of Xiao Ning will cause them to suffer casualties, it is definitely the least casualty.

The knife flower blooms, and the arrow rain is dense again. It is impossible to damage any basalt soldier under the knife.

Regardless of the country of Wu or the country of Qi, everyone sees dumbfounded, no one can think of it, there is such a way to hide the arrows!

The snoring of the falling feathers disappeared, and the screams of the gunmen who were attacked by the Wu Kingdom were replaced. I noticed that the remaining Wuzhou gunmen who had fallen from the rain of the arrow had become a hedgehog in the rushing escape.

Death fell on their heads, and the Wu people shot their own arrows and shot their soldiers.

And they really want to strike the target, those Qiuwu soldiers of Qi State, standing under the knife of the big knife. Like a tourist who hides from the rain, there is even a lot of talk.

"Oh. It’s raining."

"Wu people really have the money, so many arrows."

"Our little girl will be really amazing! It’s really unheard of for us to form such a battle."

"Think about the feelings of Wei women in the field, the feeling is completely different!" Many Xuanwu soldiers recalled that Wei women would kneel down. The kind of stagnation between the commanders...

"But it's not. In the field of Xiao Niu's will. I feel that I can know the brothers' fighting thoughts at any time. Every attack believes that the brothers will rush together, and there will be brothers to help me block the guns."

"I feel more like a whole body!" Some people added.

"I am weird. The knife and the rain are so magical. Each of us is a different body, and the size is also uneven, but she has very clearly arranged our respective combinations."

"Yeah, yes. I don't want to understand at first. In fact, we are not squatting together. But the woman will know that letting those people stand together can perfectly block each other's swords and flowers."

"What's weird? Anything you don't understand? Very short answer, our little girl will be the goddess of basaltic!"

"Yes! Every instruction she has will have a miraculous effect!"

The soldiers laughed and said: "The moment the arrow feathers fell, I felt like the sky was dark."

"Haha, we are fighting in the shade!"

"Yes! This rain of arrows has cleared the surrounding Wu State squadrons."

The soldiers looked at the arrows around the ground. I can't help but feel like I am out of the reeds.

Centurion Ge Liang proposed: "Would we like to shout something!"

"What are you calling?"

"For example, Xiao Niu will be mighty?"

"Too customary." Xuanwu soldiers do not know how to praise their own Xiaomao.

At this time, Wu Hao heard their arguments in their minds. They simply sighed and sighed. Dagumen called the Wuguo camp: "Xie Duo Guzi gave an arrow!"

Three hundred Xuanwu soldiers took back the big knife and began to scream like a scream: "Xie Duo Guzi gave an arrow!"

Thank you? The smeller is a bit puzzled. But look at the field. In the area of ​​the basaltic corps in the battlefield, in the area where the arrow rain is like a reed, in addition to the basaltic soldiers, all the soldiers of the armed forces have been cleared. In this case, it can also be called a gift.

Du Gumo is on the podium and his face is no different. This is not so angry, but the arrow rain attack failed. The so-called gift arrow is not worthy.

"Come and not to be indecent." Wu Hao was alone and not angry, turned his head and told General Yang: "Get me three hundred bows for me."

"Follow!" General Yang did not rely on the old and old-fashioned mood, and was completely respectful to Wu Hao.

Soon, three hundred bows were brought.

"Can the old man be arranged to send him forward?" General Yang understands Wu's general intention and makes a request.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Do not work for the old general, three hundred, only a distance, throw it away."

After that, Wu Hao jumped off the podium and put the empty bow that was attached to the arrowless bag and began to throw it out.

With a breath that can pull out ten bows in a breath, she has a pair of hands on her back against the battlefield, and her head is not back. It is like throwing a cabbage like a cabbage to the battlefield.

As a mysterious martial artist, it is not surprising to throw a bow. But these bows that were thrown out were like long eyes, and they were thrown to the Xuanwu soldiers about two hundred steps.

The Xuanwu soldiers guessed the meaning of the Xiao women, and immediately inserted the big knife to the back and held the bow in their hands.

Diligently understand the matter, and immediately began to grab a few arrows from the ground. The other soldiers met and immediately began to pick up. Soon after Wu Hao’s hands were thrown away, the Xuanwu soldiers had already taken over the arrows and turned into archers in a short time.

Du Gumo and others are a bit dumbfounded.

Don't you have this fun?

"I won't shoot an arrow..." said a basalt soldier.

"Yeah, it’s not good to look at the eyes..." A soldier glared at the two eyes that were a little bit of an eye, clutching the bow and muttering. His eye problems are not delayed in the usual fight, but archery can be delayed.

"Xiao female will let dry and dry up!" Another basalt soldier knocked on his shoulder.

The soldier in the eye hurriedly said: "Hey, he is afraid that the arrow will not shoot well, and the face of Xiaomei will be lost."

Just then, three hundred Xuanwu soldiers felt new instructions in their minds.

Three hundred people raised their bows and aimed at the main camp of the Wu Kingdom.

"Don't, don't make a joke! They are knife shields, not archers!" The leopard was snarling at the command post with the enemy's Xuanwu Corps.

But he said this in his mouth, but his heart was not at the end. Because the other party is... Xiao Ruo Yao's command of the Xuanwu Corps!

"We are still precautionary..." The old eyes of the snake kept their eyes almost out of sight, and they never retracted.

The girl will look at her teeth.

She can't believe what other party can play.

Xuanwu soldiers are more adept at a variety of battles than ordinary soldiers, and they know a lot about swords and swords. But after all, people's energy is limited, and it is impossible to get everything.

From the beginning of the other three hundred people is the performance of the knife shield, is the best combat equipment on weekdays, is also the most common arms of Xuanwu soldiers.

After all, the Knife and Shield is an equipment mode that has both attack and defense. It is very suitable for emergency shooting at different locations and for different purposes.

The bow and arrow are the most hard work. It doesn't look like an ordinary knife and spear device. It can be swayed at least twice without refining. If the bow and arrow arrays have not been practiced together, it is impossible to shoot arrows.

For example, the bow and arrow array of the martial arts team will be shouted by a unified tooth to reach the level of throwing arrows. This is also because thousands of people are merged together, allowing for more fault tolerance, because the base is there.

But there are only three hundred basalt soldiers on the opposite side. There is no hope of wanting to form a deterrent. The maximum of only sixty to seventy people in the three hundred people are good at archery. How much can they play a role in the battle of the battlefield?

At least for your own Xuanwu soldiers, there are indeed arrogant people, but it is difficult to pick 30 people out of three hundred.

A miracle crowd that makes everyone unbelievable, what is going to happen!

"Pro-guard shield defense!" Du Gu ink suddenly said.

"Guarding -!" The main camp, the guards of the guards will shout, and immediately catch up, leading thousands of pro-arms to stand in front of the main camp.

One person came to the high shield, a total of five hundred faces, and they all stood up. The two men shared a shield, and there was a bite at the shield. The slamming into the ground was even stronger.

This is a shield array to guard against the enemy's impact. It is not enough to guard against the siege giants, but it is more than enough to withstand the direct charge of tens of thousands of people. It is natural to guard against bow and arrow shooting.

Three hundred people have no meaning for air-to-air ejection. And just after the camp was thrown, now you directly aim the bow to the front main array, only flat shot.

For the flat shot, the role of the shield will be played to the extreme.

The shield array that is like a wall is already set up. What new things can you make?

On the commanding platform of the Wu State, everyone smiled and looked at the opposite basaltic soldiers waiting for them to make a fool.

The battles in other parts of the audience have already ended.

Everyone is watching the situation before the main battle.

These 300-strong basalt corps have become the focus of the 50,000-strong Qiwu army.

At this time, everyone thought that the meeting would be the result of the arrow shot by the Xuanwu soldiers and the shield array. At most, the arrow is too strong, so that the shield soldiers turn their backs.

"Can they shoot well?" On the command post of Qi State, Shizi whispered a question.

Wu Hao almost laughed when he heard it.

The son of Gong Xiaolu, asking this kind of words, always makes Wu Hao feel full of joy.

On the stage, Zong Zhilian did not know where to go.

"Okay, don't delay the time." Wu Hao smiled and smashed the mace that had been dropped before, and snorted for two laps: "It's me!"

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