Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 776: Serving the sunny princess

For people of this era, the concept of surgery has never been seen before. |[2][3][w][x]

Even Tang Miao’s hand as a healing hand in Wudu’s medical profession has experienced several cases of meat-cutting injuries for decades.

But Wu Hao is now cutting meat in such a large area, and it is cutting the carrion, leaving fresh meat... Hey, it is the kind of pink meat with a sticky feeling.

This part is okay. The problem is that when the carrion is cut, the rot that overflows along the edge of the dagger will have a more serious taste.

Rao is a good master of Tang, has had similar experience, but also experienced such a disgusting grief for the first time.

Even he felt a sulking sullenness in his chest and abdomen, let alone other people who had never been exposed to such a situation. Therefore, the Yuan therapist in Yuandian Temple vomited directly.

"Don't worry, you are going to take a deep breath at the door." Wu Hao did not complain about the physiotherapist who had vomited and delayed the operation. Instead, he said the words of comfort in his mouth. He was directly on the hand holding the bamboo chopsticks. Out of the index finger.

On the index finger, the eyes formed a bright and shining light, and a small group of white light **** came out.

Wu Hao brought this small group of light closer to where he had just cut the flesh, and the dagger was constantly cutting the edge of the carrion.

If the carrion is not cut, no matter how pure the metatherapeutic technique, it is difficult to regenerate the muscles. And Wu Hao's surgical dagger, but cleared all obstacles for the construction of the meta-therapy.

Where the light ball passed, the wound that was still overflowing with blood began to rapidly turn from pink to pink. In a flash, the blood seemed to rush more, but soon the new shredded pork grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How come..." Tang Miao’s eyes were round.

Although the speed of growth is very slow, the sharp eye of the doctor is still very obvious.

Can metatherapeutics achieve this level?

Tang Miao’s hand suspects that he has had some problems with the experience of metatherapeutics in the past.

In the impression, even he himself saw the treatment of the metatherapist. This level of treatment speed and effectiveness has never been achieved.

The little girl's new shredded pork grows slowly, and although the wound is not completely healed, it has been seen that it will not immediately rush. Although the current knives are only in a shallow position, they have not yet reached the core of the wound. But the shallow flesh and blood wounds have already begun to cover a layer of faint film like wound healing.

Tang Miao knows that this is the wound that will heal. The situation in which inflammation almost disappears. This layer of film will dry up quickly and become a bloody, but the injury is much lighter. After the dry and hard knots are removed, the new meat will be exposed.

Although it does not reach the level of the legendary medicinal herbs, it is at least the top-level therapeutic effect that he has never seen before.

Is this little girl named Zhou Ruruo, powerful and powerful? Tang Miao's hands are deeply stunned by the characteristics of personal injuries, so it is good to guess by intuition.

Wu Hao's evolutionary body's vital purity, even if the piano master personally went into battle, did not dare to say that there is victory. The body that is best at evolution, releases the vitality that symbolizes vitality. Nature is a good energy in the world.

Coupled with the age structure of the little girl, it has a very good vitality. Under the treatment of Wu Hao, all the life potential will be revived, so the wound will speed up the metabolism very quickly, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye. New granulation. If you switch to an old man, the treatment response to the injury can be much worse.

Ok? This is... mixed day? Tang Miao’s hand noticed that Wu Hao’s body had a red ribbon that was slightly vibrating.

As Wu Hao released his vitality, the mixed scorpion felt the vitality of his master. A little tremor started. Fortunately, Wu Hao's vitality only released a little bit of fingertips, not all over the body. Otherwise, the sky will be like a fairy ribbon.

Originally this red ribbon was hidden in her ash gown, covered by some large folds, not too conspicuous. But now with a little movement, it can be noticed.

Tang Miao’s hand has been in Wudu for a long time, and he is very old. In the same year, he once saw the Qindian’s active use of the mixed heavens and the Qiguoyuan Temple. So know this treasure.

The main hall of the Yuandian Temple was only a few days away. I couldn’t think of the treasures of the body. Even the town’s treasures were given to the pro-disciple. Tang Miao’s evaluation of Wu Hao is even higher. Although the medical and metatherapeutics are not right, he still respects the master of the piano, and naturally knows that her eyes will not be low.

Today's treatment of this little girl's move. Most likely to succeed! There is such an intuition in Tang’s heart.

"..." The princess was helping the little girl's body next to him, and screaming at Wu Hao's metatherapeutic technique, she was shocked and stunned.

She has seen the treatment of wounds many times in the parents of Jianghu, and even saw the cure of the metatherapist several times. But I have never seen such an immediate wound recovery effect.

genius! This vocabulary is again in the mind of Princess Qing.

Then he sneaked into the physiotherapist who had already vomited. The princess of the Qing Dynasty discovered that the metatherapist named Jingyi was also surprised.

From the reaction of the metatherapist, the Qing princess estimated that this degree of treatment is absolutely shocking.

No, no. Zhou Ruo is not only a genius, but a peerless talent. The Qing Princess remembered the situation of Xiao Ruoyao’s cultivation of Xuanqi in Qi State.

Is there really a check and balance under the sun? There is a balance of power in the midst of it, maintaining a kind of stability in the world.

Qi Ruo has a Xiao Ruo Yao, Wu Guo also has this week.

The former is the best in the world of basalt, and the level of the latter's metatherapeutics is also a peak.

"Princess Qing." Wu Hao suddenly said one sentence.

The princess of the Qing Dynasty was thinking of God, and she was suddenly screamed and could not help but shake her body.

She immediately noticed her own grievances and hurriedly held the little girl's injured leg. Fortunately, Wu Hao has just stopped the state, otherwise it may cause some mistakes.

Qing Princess could not help but have a fever on her face, which is very embarrassing.

"Princess Qing, please let your guards help me wrap my hair." Wu Hao said to Princess Qing.

The guards of His Royal Highness are not allowed to be instructed by others. Therefore, Wu Hao must greet her.

"Ah, okay." The princess promised to come down.

Without Wu Hao’s second command, a female guard of the Qing Princess had taken a towel and wrapped her hair in the back of the body.

It turned out that Wu Hao found himself careless. I forgot that I am now a long hair, and occasionally some hair interferes with my own surgical movements.

The action of cutting the carrion to the little girl is to the extent of the shredded pork. Wu Hao hopes to reduce the trauma of the little girl as much as possible, so the precision is extremely high.

After starting the surgery again, Wu Hao found that her left and right hands were not enough.

She suddenly noticed that she was mixed. It has been effective in the application of meta-therapy just now, so now it is carefully controlled?

Wu Hao’s mind was moved, and the scorpion was released with her vitality. It was like a sunny flower that traced the sun's trajectory, and moved in the direction of the Yuan airflow.

The evolutionary body quickly grasped the characteristics of the mixed scorpion induction. After several trials, Wu Hao confirmed that the scorpion scorpion could not only be soft or soft under the influence of vitality, but could even be explored like a tentacle.

it is good! Wu Hao was overjoyed. Now use the third hand of the scorpion to steal the little girl's life and one leg from the hands of death!

Wu Hao exerts his full strength to infuse the whole body and precisely control the flow direction.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, I saw that there was a life like a scorpion, and I looked out like a snake from Wu Hao, who was slightly in front of the wounded. Then acted as the third hand, approaching the gap between the center of her left hand and right hand, and began to release the metatherapeutic.

"Cow the cows across the mountains?!" Qing Princess almost shouted out. Fortunately, she reacted quickly, and the hard-pressed voice suppressed the sound, just a low exclamation.

In the basaltic means, there is a kind of kung fu called a cow. It is the use of climbing on some objects by means of climbing to the target and destroying it. It can even volley out and produce an attack effect.

The metatherapeutic technique is actually displayed by this red ribbon, which is very similar to the kung fu of smashing the mountain, and the connection is passed on the ribbon. The only effect is not conduction damage, but conduction of a vitality.

Tang Miaoshou and others are also surprised, but Wu Hao has no time to take care of them, but is fully engaged in surgery.

Very loving picture.

I saw a temporary patchwork on the surgical table, in front of a wounded person with a broken leg, Wu Hao was like a three-handed machine treatment instrument, constantly cutting the meat for the rotten place, while using the mixed scorpion to transmit the vitality treatment Open wound.

In other words, Wu Hao is a **** who is both destructive and reborn. While constantly making new wounds, he uses the scorpion to heal the wound.

The carrion was pushed to the ground by Wu Hao with bamboo chopsticks. She also told Qing Princess: "Gently wipe the blood for me."

The princess of the Qing Dynasty looked and there was no response.

This is not what it is. The neurotherapist Jing Yi has already opened her mouth for a long while, but she has been out of the hare to shame.

Finally, Tang Miao’s hands were still stable, and a hand was vacated. The white cloth was taken to help wipe off the rot and pus from the little girl’s injured leg.

"Slightly rest, I will move the core of the wound again." Wu Hao's eyes did not leave the injured leg, and the mouth reminded: "Tang Miao hand, please relax the tight fishing line first."

In order to prevent the girl from hurting the legs due to ischemic necrosis, Wu Hao arranged to relax the blood.

"Good." Tang Miao did not hesitate to do it.

Wu Hao nodded: "Let her legs pass through the blood slightly, we continue."

At this time, a handkerchief probed his forehead and gently wiped her slightly sweaty forehead for Wu Hao.

Actually, the Qing Princess personally wiped her sweat. (To be continued.)

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