Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 787: Ingenious teaching of metatherapeutics

"Please note that this is a picture of the human blood and meridians. \\ (23) (wx)" The elders of the board unfolded with a help of Wu Hao and hung on a large black board.

Wu Hao promoted the modern teaching method of another world in the Yuanhe Temple. Even she made a blackboard.

The picture is unfolded, which is a picture showing the acupuncture points and meridians based on the woman's body. The frame is large, twice the size of a normal person. It is made up of more than ten pieces of rice paper, which is similar to the large picture of the combination of puzzles.

The color of the whole picture is different from the previous ink paintings. It is not a simple black and white color, but a mixture of colors.

Colored patterns! The owner of the piano is a bit strange.

She has some research on painting and calligraphy. Although it is not deep enough, it is customary to think that ink and wash are the basics of painting. Even the infertility of only two colors of expression has never been questioned.

Although the two colors of ink painting can also show a lot of layering and tone, but the single color of the innate is undeniable.

Presented in front of hundreds of disciples is a pair of colored female body paintings.

"Oh, paint this little man without clothes." Some disciples whispered.

However, they have recently been influenced by Wu Hao, and they have received a lot of power, so they will not be exclaimed.

Although the woman on the picture is not very embarrassed, it is a bit embarrassing, but it is finally marked with the red and yellow colors, such as the bloodline of the meridian, and there is no skin and other depictions. And the scene is a woman, everyone is easy to accept some.

On the scroll, the acupuncture points are drawn in blue and black, and a few key points are marked with a large red color. The color of the meridian is displayed, which makes the operation of the vitality in the woman's body clear.

This is of course painted by Wu Hao.

The main hall of the piano is full of eyesight, and carefully observes the meridians of the person above the painting.

It is accurate. Even a lot of contexts that are rarely involved in them have been marked out.

"Compared to Xuanqi, our strength is not from Zhongdantian, but from Shangdantian..." The elders of the board of directors did not have a bit of shame, and seriously explained: "At the earliest, many spiritual practitioners also tried to work from Zhongdantian. The gathering is full of energy. But none of them have been seriously defeated."

The chairman of the board slammed the wooden pointer on the display painting: "Please pay attention to the disciples, this is a serious historical lesson. Many seniors have committed stubbornness on this and have fallen. The specific one is our Dawu Kingdom. A 50-year-old master of the yuan therapy, she did not practice until she was 30 years old, but she was severely frustrated on this, and even went into flames. When she was 40, she was already awkward."

"So serious?" Many disciples don't believe it.

"Next, I will tell everyone why this is the case." The elders of the board of directors slowly swayed on the picture: "This is the direction of the usual meta-therapy, everything is smooth. But if it is from the mysterious In the middle of Dantian, let us give it a try."

She uses a special color ink pen. Draw a few times on it.

All the disciples have seen it. The two approaches seem to be the same, but they lack the cohesion of Shangdantian. Even if you want to go through the upper Dantian after you breathe out the breath, the lines in the body are too entangled, even if the genius is afraid, it is difficult to control the breath.

"I think everyone can see it. The master of the yuan therapy is not on the spot. It is already very lucky. Ordinary people will die on the spot. If you think you are not a genius, don't test it." The elders of the board of directors combined the principles of metatherapeutics. After the explanation, I also deliberately told everyone: "This is the master sister taught me in advance this morning. I have combined some of my own understanding and explained it to everyone here. Good. My class is here."

The elders of the board of directors are very admired for Wu Hao. Her character does not want to seize the theoretical pioneer. Naturally, Wu Hao’s name is truthfully presented.

All the disciples nodded and expressed their understanding below.

The master of the piano is really stupid outside the window. She never thought that a class could be like this.

The image, vivid, and the deadly point of cultivating the meta-therapy in a mysterious manner is obvious.

"Who else doesn't understand?" Wu Hao walked onto the stage and asked everyone.

The owner of the piano hall heard Wu Hao said so. Even more surprised.

What is this?

She naturally does not understand that this is a way of interactive teaching. And it is already relatively rigid. After the lecture, I will ask questions freely, instead of brainstorming in a variety of ways, such as interrupting.

Several disciples raised their hands.

"This sister invited me." Wu Hao ordered a tall figure and motioned her to speak.

The disciple stood up. A little weak.

"Come on, tell me." Wu Hao encouraged.

Encouraged by the master sister, the female disciple asked with courage: "I want to ask questions. If the heart of the person is on the right side, will the line be different? Maybe you can continue to practice with the method of cultivation of Xuanqi? ”

Wu Hao’s mind quickly calculated it. When he looked at the elders of the board of directors, he still seemed to be unable to judge. He replied directly: “No, let’s try to move the heart to the right.”

Wu Hao picked up a piece of chalk.

This is naturally made of white ash. Although it is much rougher than chalk, it is not very easy to use, but it is very convenient to draw a group on the blackboard.

Wu Hao quickly draws a human form: "Assuming the heart is here, the path of the meridian will be... Look, here, it will actually be hindered? So regardless of whether the heart is left or right, it will be hindered. ”

This also answered the questions of several disciples. Some disciples' problems sounded silly, but Wu Hao answered them seriously. There are also a few students who are very excited. They are brainstorming questions and have been praised by Wu Hao and the elders of the board of directors.

Wu Hao also announced: "Okay, the next is the time of the break. After a break of half a quarter of an hour, everyone can discuss each other. Then, in groups, you can ask questions that cannot be solved within each of your groups."

Hundreds of students were divided into 20 groups in an orderly manner, with five or six people in each group discussing the issues together.

This kind of discussion is different from the discussion of wasting time in another world student era. After all, the people here are more simple. Moreover, metatherapeutics will be a skill that they have to rely on throughout their lives, which is completely different from the deformity of another world study and future work.

After the group discussion, Wu Hao arranged a collective question and a collective answer.

A question raised by a group, if another group can answer, they will choose a representative to explain.

In a lively atmosphere, all students' knowledge of the history of metatherapeutics and the level of understanding of the meridians are increasing rapidly.

The main hall of the piano is stunned.

The original practice class can be like this.

You don't have to think about what you want to see. What are the attitudes of your disciples? You know if this class is successful.

No one yawns, no one is going to leave, no one is asleep while meditating.

When Wu Hao arranged the class, the master of the piano also quietly left, just telling the guards guarding the hall, and passing the master sister to the inner court to find himself.

"Master, are you out?" Wu Hao ran in with joy.

She is quite fond of the daring to entrust the Yuan Temple to her own piano master, not only because the other is a beautiful woman who has not yet married, but also because the attitude of the main person in the piano is true.

"If Yao Yao, you have done a good job!" The master of the piano screamed.

Of course she is deliberately so attitude. Is the master of the piano angry? No, it is happy! Seeing such a lovely apprentice, she wanted to bully.

She is not a rigid dogma, and she is not pedantic, but she is not as clever as Wu Hao.

How eyesight is the main character of the piano, naturally seeing the action of using metatherapeutics in the game. Each ball is specially made, and the disciples are constantly practicing the control and sustainability of the metatherapeutics in the game.

Awesome ideas, actually let the disciples practice in the play, this is an unprecedented initiative. After a temporary suppression of his own anger, and gradually calm down, the main hall of the piano is praised. In the practice of teaching and cultivating a lot of methods, she naturally scores good or bad.

Zhou Weiruo is really a good apprentice, don't say sit in the temple master sister, the position of the master sister is also sitting! The master of the piano noticed the feelings of the disciples and even the elders of the board of directors, which is a kind of respect and worship beyond age.

At the age of sixteen, I can sincerely admire the disciples of the Yuandian Temple of all ages. What is the great skill and personality charm? How much strength and execution will it be necessary to improve the cultivation of the Yuandian Palace? These are the characteristics that an excellent master of the master needs.

The owner of the piano asked himself, and it is not polite to say that even the pro-disciple who went away a few years ago is far less outstanding than Zhou Yiruo!

But can the master of the piano directly praise Wu Hao?

No, she is too young to beat and beat to become a This is the most common means used by seniors and teachers.

Even if the heart is happy, the master of the piano still has to face the face of Wu Hao: "Let the disciples play freely during the cultivation, see what you think of the hall of the front hall?"

"The Master forgives sins, and the disciples don't dare." Wu Hao immediately pleaded guilty.

Ok, I know how to respect the teacher. The owner of the piano sees her attitude, and her heart is even more appreciative.

If the ability is big, but in front of me, there is no thought of repaying. Even the things that are done right, I have to admit mistakes after I swear, obviously a child who knows how to converge. This is very good.

"Don't be afraid, if you, your innovative technique works well. Master just tells you that everything can't be rushed." Qin Dian's face is gentle and gentle: "You have changed a lot of movements, and you should be cautious in the future."

"Yes, Master."

"Well?" The master of the piano suddenly found out: "If you are a teacher, you just wash the marrow for you, but who is the meta-therapy? How do you open the qualification?" (To be continued.)

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