Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 901: Xuanwuhuang is sick

Xuanwuhuang is really sick.

If the theory of another world is used, it is insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle.

Many long habits have caused such a result. Such as staying up late, beauty, worry, and political calculations, the body of Xuanwu Emperor is overwhelmed.

The emperor is a high-risk occupation. It is not only easy to violently violent, but it is easier for him to toss his body.

Although the level of Xuanwu Emperor's cultivation of Xuanqi is not low, it does not mean that it is the bones of iron. In the blood supply to the myocardium, it is not bad that he can start attacking today.

Wu Hao rescued the owner of the county, and the calculation of Xuanwuhuang’s calculations fell again. This became the fuse that triggered his illness.

The so-called disease is like a mountain. If it is not the case of Wu Hao, sooner or later he will also have a disease. But it may not be so fast, maybe it can be dragged for a few years. After all, Xuanwu Emperor is still a young man.

But this woman named Xiao Ruoyao became a battlefield variable, and it really became his heart disease.

All the planning arrangements became a cloud before her activity. No matter how the Xuanwu Emperor plans, it will be destroyed by her.

This is a very strange feeling.

The royal doctor came and there were two people.

The two doctors gathered together and discussed for a long time before they came to the conclusion: "This is the emperor's anger, and the heart is blocked."

This diagnosis is quite accurate, and the medical profession is not eating dry rice.

However, when the general manager of Peng Da asked if the condition was serious, the doctors did not dare to speak. Even the first one. There are also some vomiting.

Xuanwu Huang is actually not seriously ill. The question is who can say no?

Maybe there is a sudden, the emperor has a big problem. When you blame it, who will make you say no? Isn't it your fallacy of the dragon's body?

Deceit the king. But if you want to copy your head and copy the nine people, who can afford it?

As a result, a group of people talked side by side, and pulled east, but they waited for the master of the temple.

It turned out that the espionage leader had just left, and he rushed to the old and old wounded place, and invited the master of the piano.

He did not follow the arrangement of the Xuanwu Emperor, and then waited for the treatment of the dragon and the old and then asked the master.

How can the master of the piano come later? The matter of the emperor is important, and the dragon will naturally not mind.

The owner of the piano heard that the Xuanwu Emperor was in the body. Quickly follow the espionage leader into the palace.

"Taiwan doctors please open the party." Peng Da, the governor quickly led the doctors to the partial hall.

The doctors have never been so grateful to the people in the Yuandian Temple. I quickly got away with an excuse to leave the diagnosis of Xuanwuhuang to the master of the piano.

The owner of the piano is a real person. After grasping the vitality, he quickly made a judgment: "The emperor's heart is blocked, and his condition is not light. Although there is no worry about his life, he must not be laborious."

The espionage leader asked with concern: "How should I treat?"

"Although the vitality can properly activate flesh and blood. But there is no more than 80% of the grasp..." Qin Dianzhu hesitated: "The book is not allowed to be treated for the emperor."

"If you ask a lot of meta-therapists, then?" The espionage leader rushed to ask.

The master of the piano pondered: "If there is a bad person Zhou Ruoruo, or can help improve the probability of treatment success, but it is difficult to guarantee 90%."

If Zhou Wei is sure to grasp the promotion, then it is not a bad person... The espionage leader is in the sidelines.

Xuanwuhuang himself asked: "If it happens to fall into the probability of that one, how will it affect?"

The master of the piano is rigorous, not like the doctors who look forward to it, bluntly said: "More serious, or critical..."

Needless to say, it is too clear, that is to say, vitality treatment. It may lead to an increase in the condition of the emperor, and may even lead to collapse.

Although there is only a 10% probability, let alone the spy heads and other ministers. Even Xuanwuhuang himself is not willing to take this risk.

In the end, I made a quick and uneasy method.

The main hall of the piano was treated with a wide range of treatments to make the emperor feel a little more comfortable. At the same time, the prescriptions prescribed by the elders are supplemented with remedies.

This is another world, called conservative treatment.

After a busy life, Xuanwu Emperor drank a bitter soup.

Since the Xuanqi repair to reach more than eight stars. He has not tasted this taste for many years.

Hey, is it that you are old? Xuanwu Huang sighed in the heart.

Only the general manager of Peng Peng is serving around. The Xuanwu Emperor lay quietly, and couldn't help but think back to the reason why he felt depressed recently.

Xiao Ruoyao...

Like his heart disease.

If you play chess, there is still a win. But when you face someone who is hard to beat and can always destroy all your plans, that kind of grievance can be uncomfortable.

The average person can't stand it, not to mention the Xuanwu Emperor who has always been very self-conscious in his heart? The smarter the person, the easier it is to drill the horns. Wu Hao’s cleverness is accompanied by lazy kind of okay, but Xuan Wuhuang’s intelligence is accompanied by ambition, but it is easier to accumulate fire.

The Xuanwu Emperor, who has been a wise man, has been eager to get angry with his own strategist. Originally, I wanted to send troops to encircle the masters of the Wu Kingdom. As a result, she was robbed by the masters who had arranged in advance.

Xuanwu Emperor recognized himself and never thought of this possibility.

She is too restrained. If we continue to develop in this way, is it that the hegemony of the Central Plains of the Wu Kingdom will be blocked by a small girl?

Lying on the dragon couch, he recalled a section of Xiao Ruoyao's "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the words of Zhou Gongyi before his death.

"Not only Sheng Yu, He Shengliang..." Xuanwu Huang muttered a sentence.

The eunuch, who was on the side of the eunuch, was shocked.

He also read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. After all, the emperor likes to work hard to figure out.

This sentence comes from a section of Sanqi Zhouyu, which is a great statement. The general manager of Peng Da was anxious, but he knew that this time he could only pretend to be deaf, and he could not be clarified.

The screams of the little **** who were laid down by the Xuanwu Emperor seemed to echo in their ears. Although Peng Dajun did not see the dead, he even executed a small **** in the inner palace without blinking. But things involve themselves, but they are totally different.

If Xuanwuhuang is in a catastrophe, he may be asked to be buried!

This kind of thing has happened repeatedly in history.

I only need the emperor to say: "I am not used to being without you."

Well, just like this, it is forced to be buried by the eunuch.

General Manager Peng’s heart was faint, but on the surface it was quiet and he took care of it more carefully. Turning back, he hurriedly called his most trustworthy little eunuch: "Go and ask where the Lord of the Temple of the Yuan Temple is. I will report it to me, and there will be twelve people inquire. No, go north. Baili is waiting, when is Zhou Ruo if the girl returns!"

The little **** went to the sound, and the general manager of Peng Da secretly wiped the sweat and rushed back to the Xuanwu Emperor to wait.

The general manager of Peng Da is not the character who has worked hard for decades in the palace. Can you struggle to the status of the general manager in the darkest place in the world, is it easy to live with?

There is nothing wrong with Xuanwu Huang here, he has already prepared it.

He is ready to fully support the ink prince.

Supporting a Prince, naturally can not begin after the other party becomes a Prince. This kind of trust can be worthless. Be sure to show him his camp before his princehood is clear.

Why did Peng Dajun choose the ink prince? Not because the big prince is not good or the prince of Mo is outstanding, but he thinks that the most crucial chip is... Zhou Yiruo is on the side of the ink prince!

But when a generation of Chu Jun is in the upper position, there are think tanks around.

If this is not the case, then the king must not be the one that can control the real power.

The news of the general manager of Peng Da is comparable to the spy director in the palace. Zhou Ruruo’s many think tanks are not secrets on his side. He even knew that the pomegranate sister was a think tank and was sold with millions of dollars.

Did not say, there is such a think tank is around, the big prince who is already seriously ill with the sacred sorcerer Maitreya, can not compete for the Prince of Mexico. Now that the Emperor’s condition is heavy, the next step is likely to be the situation of the Prince of Mexico.

The machine is indispensable and the loss is no longer coming. The general manager of Peng Da has determined that he must stand on the side of the ink prince.

However, how can we show our sincerity?

I was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a telegraph **** to report: "The big lord, the big prince sent a quick report from the border!"

"Take a look at the house."

The general manager of Peng Da took over the report and smashed the outer seal.

It’s not the official 800-mile expedited, it’s just a report from the royal sect. The bigger reason is that the emperor is now guilty of the dragon body. If the content is not properly reported, it may cause the emperor to be more uncomfortable. Therefore, the general manager of Peng Da has the right to ask questions.

"..." After reading it, Peng Dajun nodded. "Well, you will report this to the Yangxin Danglong Book."

"Yes, the general manager." The small **** responded and went all the way.

The little **** went to the Yangxin Temple honestly and arranged the general manager. When the **** recorded the reason for the entry, he was allowed to enter.

After the newspaper was placed on the Dragon Book case, the little **** left with respect.

In a short time, the general manager of Peng Da appeared in the back hall of Yang Xin Dian. He saw the gap that the **** did not see, and sneaked to the Longshu case, and he reported it to his arms, and he retired...

"Xiao Ruoyao, how do you see our family branding?"

"Thickly consider Our family is alone, but Wuzhou is the first outstanding figure in the late generation."

Discourses such as these were shouted out from time to time in the retreat and chase of the masters of both the Wu State and the Qi State.

No doubt, of course, the old man shouted out.

Wu Hao’s nose is so fast.

She really wants to slap a few old slaps in the past, but she can only hold back.

No way, who makes people backstage hard?

Although Wu Hao is not in a way to rush to revenge, but to weigh the weight.

Who is the old man? One of the three holy saints of the three saints. Don't say that you can't face a conflict, if the secret is leaking the truth, I'm afraid I can't eat it. Especially if you are in the country of Wu, you must consider the consequences. (To be continued)



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