Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 918: Hurrying or steady

Before the return of Du Gumo, the entire political circles of Wudu Chaotang remained silent.

In the early days of the morning, Xuanwu Emperor also said very strongly: "There is a small toss in the north, no need to pay attention, jump the beam clown. Wudu everything, should be as usual."

I can talk about this in the early morning, but it is a bit special. When it is normal, Xuanwu Emperor will not say such words.

It’s like the first time in the civil administration, a few years ago, it’s said that it’s a very classic saying that the officials of the armed forces are so angry: “Wu’s early dynasty, there is no need to put too much energy into the internal affairs like Jin Guo. Because we are Dawu. The country is originally a strong country. Where does the emperor need to care about the normal operation of the country? Instead, it is to focus more on how to fight for hegemony. So it’s a matter of entanglement in the country, and it should be reported to the two countries. That's right."

"Yes. The emperor's mysteriousness is superb, and there is a royal level of medicinal nourishment. The rest will not be invaded by the disease. Then the disease is caused by the inner, the devil is born, and the basaltic empire is awkward."

The first assistant was in the high position of the Chaoyang Hall for many years, and the words he said were also very particular. He directed the number of early courtiers in the direction of the newspaper. Of course, these guiding words are spoken to his cronies, but many people have learned the essence of the words that have gradually spread, and they have realized a lot of truth.

So now that the Emperor mentioned the requirements for stability, it is clear that there are major incidents that have caused the Emperor’s heart to worry about the normal operation of the country.

The literary Xuanwu Emperor I’s famous name, how do you make such a guilty mistake at this time? Many of the courtiers sighed in their hearts.

There is only one possibility: Xuanwu Huang’s heart is weak.

It is understandable that a talented person can play an abnormal role because of lack of self-confidence in his heart. It’s just that, most of the time it happens. How did it happen to the Xuanwu Emperor?

Everyone can imagine that because of Xiao Ruoyao’s repeated destruction plan, especially the plan of Xuanwu Emperor has been drafted for more than a decade to promote the country. The destruction of almost one person has already caused a huge gap in the hearts of the emperor.

The former attack of Wudu, Xiao Ruoyao all the way to save people and went all over, even the dragon was injured and could not intercept her. This became the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

The self-confidence of Xuanwu Emperor has quietly collapsed...

This is the inference of several old courtiers who have followed the Xuanwu Emperor for many years.

On the surface, the emperor is physically healthy, but... who believes?

How Xuanwu Emperor Xuanqi repaired. Everyone knows at least 80%. Regardless of the multiple diseases, as long as they do not enter the state of retention, it is enough to force the sinister to pretend to be safe and sound.

So the emperor is sick or not, can't look at the surface. If you smell in the hall, if you don't feel sensitive, you will die long and don't know how many times.

It’s still possible to believe in the wind, and the nails on the board are still suspicious.

Ning is credible, it is not credible!

The collapse of confidence is the essence, and the appearance is manifested as a patient.

Several of the generals of the Military and Political Directorate were talking in the Chamber of Secrets. Someone said: "Now there will be a doctor who has not come out of the palace, and there is a case of the Yuandian Temple, where the injured dragon is rushing to the palace. It must be the Emperor's dragon body."

The spy bulletin did not follow the arrangement of Xuanwu Emperor. After the treatment of the old dragon, he asked the Yuandian to go to the temple. Instead, he rushed to find her. In this way, although the fastest speed invited the Lord of the Yuan, but the details leaked the situation of Xuanwu Huang.

At that time, the Xuanwu Emperor asked him to slowly ask the Lord of the Yuan. One of the reasons was to take care of the dragon and the old people to buy the hearts of the people. What is more important is that the Lord of the Temple of Medicine was slowly entering the palace after the treatment. No one doubts that she is coming to treat herself.

Otherwise, it is found that the lord of the Yuan Dynasty hastily entered the palace, and it is easy for people to judge that it is for a higher identity. And older than Long's identity. Is it waiting for the harem?

impossible! Because no one can compete with the country to compete for an important position. There is no such thing as a stupid person who can steal the holy month of the Holy Spirit at a critical moment.

But things can actually be done, and the spy heads are doing good things. He also worried about the panic caused by Xuanwu Huang and did not carefully consider the consequences. Whoever thinks of this point, please change the time of the Lord of the Faith, which has become the key evidence for many politicians to judge the basaltic dragon body.

Of course, the politicians of these people are not think tanks, but they are very good at controlling the details of the officialdom. They are good at observing the color and seeing the wind and turning the rudder. Grasp the big situation and change your attitude at any time. On other strategists, you can't compare it with the think tanks like Wu Hao and Qing Princess.

To what extent does the emperor become ill, what changes will result in the latter? Everyone guessed in the heart, but no one asked.

Because this is the most taboo thing now.

If an emperor on a sick bed wants to cover up his illness, he must be very jealous that the people below are too concerned about his body.

Everyone works very tacitly and steadily. Make sure your department is not mistaken.

A political minister told his cronies: "The next step is that the battle between the Prince of Mo and the Prince will inevitably rise to the surface. Their respective performances will directly affect who will fall in the future."

"Ink Prince and the Great Prince are both outside Wudu, so now they must rush back to Wudu."

The politician is calculating: "It’s good, but what the emperor wants to see is not the impetuous minister who expresses filial piety, but..."

"What Xuanwu Emperor wants to see is that steady and steady propaganda will hold up a sky, and it will be able to declare peace and stability to Wudu, no, and even the whole three countries." Wu Hao said in the prince of the Ink, the smile said.

Du Gu Mo 瞧 喆 喆 www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www I secretly controlled the stability situation. When I came back, if I rushed to the palace, I must take a wrong move!"

The leopard is always on the sidelines: "Hey, Zhou girl is not the brains of our princes. The thoughts of the people are superior. The old man has lived so old, that is, when his son should have rushed to the sickbed to greet Laozi, how do you want to get it? When a dutiful son can't worry, he will make Laozi more satisfied."

Princess Qing Qing said: "If you are a seven-year-old, I have not thought of such a layer, but I feel that it is too irritating to be too anxious. Until she said it, it suddenly realized."

Wu Haodao: "The seven 窍 窍 珑 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心

"The big prince of the pit..." Du Gu Mo and the leopard are all very interested in the eyes of Wu Hao. (To be continued...)



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