- It's raining today.

"Ahem, ahem"

As I recall, I turn the book in my study, mumbling words that sound like a seven-month-old (looking three-year-old).

"It's hard not to dry your laundry anymore."

Stef sitting on his chair and putting me on his lap is blurry.

... You didn't wash Steph because it came with me.

"And Ed Fong is amazing. I have a headache just watching your book."

That's what Steph says. He glances at me.

A fruitful piece of Stef's deflection hits my back of the head.

I really don't think he's sixteen years old. Kalana!

What I'm spreading on my desk right now is The Abaddon Magic Book and Dictionary, and then a notebook for writing.

The notebook seems to hold more value than the original world, but Mother Julia told me I could use it as much as I needed.

"The Abaddon Magic Book" is difficult to learn for a long time, but it is a really good study.

We've been dating ever since my consciousness woke up after reincarnation.

From how to write and read letters to how to spell and end words when it comes to words.

If you mean magic, from the flow of activation to the known type of magic.

Furthermore, the formation of this world, the race in which it lives, the culture and sex of Abaddon's living age, etc. could be known while fragmented.

Most of all, according to [Appraisal], Abaddon seems to be a magician of the 10th century, so there is a lot of knowledge that does not work today in the 13th century.

One thing I am concerned about is the description of such a 'full book of Abaddon magic'.

About the spell.

First, I'll try to remember my mother's Firestorm spell.

"-B (Flaming Yo) -B (All Te) -B (Burning Pay U) -B (Whirlwind Totalized SE) -Flame Storm (Firestorm)" Huh!

Mother is here, combining seven magic letters to chant a spell.

The combination seems to be what is called a direct link method according to the description in The Abaddon Magic Book.

By the way, according to The Abaddon Magic Book, there's another way to chant called the Consolidation Act.

What I want you to remember is that magic characters in this world are also used as ordinary characters at the same time.

For example:

- π (aqua) = a

- Ω (Gaia) = o

· λ (wind) = u

· b (flame) = i (e) (a close to e)

The magic letters of the basic four attributes correspond to the vowels in this world.

I apologize for the backwards and forwards explanation, but in this world Marquecto exists an official language called "Marquecto Common Language".

According to Abaddon's theory, magical characters = permanent characters inspired the establishment of a common language in Marquekte.

It means that regional differences are difficult to make, at least as far as writing is concerned, because the same permanent characters will almost invariably be used to the extent that magic is used.

Anyway, magic characters in this world are used to make up sentences as regular characters.

If you're a good guy, you might already have noticed.

In short, chanting by concatenation is viewing magical characters as texts and making them magically activated chants.

Let's be specific.

The magic characters used in Mother's Flame Storm are:

(flame), (spread), (spread), (flame), (flame) λ (wind) λ (wind)

The effects of the letters are: fire, diffusion, diffusion, fire, fire, wind, wind.

Here, although the vowels "i (e)" and "lambda (wind)" are vowels "u", "(spread) corresponds to the consonants" s ".

I mean, your mother's spell,

i (e), s, s, i (e), i (e), u, u

It can also be read as

If you shrink, it feels like Isiiu.

And the order of magic characters is somewhat accommodating, so they can be sorted like anagrams.

Take this, for example:

i, siu, siu

side by side, just pronounce it Ish, your mother's

"Flame yo all teh burn ki pay u whirlwind toteh se"

will have performed a chant of about the same content as

There are two advantages to doing this.

Being able to shorten the chant by devising the sentence structure used for chanting.

By using different "sentences" from daily conversations, the contents of the chant must not be understood by the enemy.

There is one disadvantage.

The fact that the chanting is shorter and far from the natural language makes it difficult to put together the images required for magical activation.

The advantages are enormous, and the disadvantages are that it doesn't make much sense to me to have [difficulty working].

Furthermore, although not written in The Abaddon Magic Book, can we further reconfigure the chant compressed by this Consolidation Act to tailor it to a sentence of semantic content such as that associated with the image?

For example, "Firestorm" is a word that can be used to sort ix4, sx2, and ux2, and if there is a word related to fire, the image is reinforced by chanting that word.

Alternatively, can't we use the short of the chant to assemble a super multiple-coupled magic of 7 characters instead of 10 characters 20 characters 30 characters......

Further or.

Combining the two above, even though at first glance it is a natural sentence, the kind of sentence that it is simultaneously chanting - if you name it, can't you knit something like a "demonic sentence"?

For example, if there is such a "demonic sentence" that the word "hello" is also a defensive magic chant.

If the opponent returns a friendly reaction, he can destroy the chant and defend himself by activating magic by simply spouting the activated keyword once the opponent has acted hostilely.

However, magic character combinations seem to follow fairly complicated rules, and we don't seem to know if a certain combination will experiment properly.

However, I can repeat and verify such experiments, which tend to become monotonous, for a short period of time.

Now, to the extent that the two-letter activated Flame Lance has finally stabilized, it's another dream in my dreams.

And, I can hear a knock from across the study door.

I can hear the maid in charge of the service from across the door.

"Edfang. Lunch is ready."


I'll get back to you and ask you to drop me off the top of Steph's thigh.

It takes a lot of magic and skill, but I have to remember how to use this three-year-old's body.

Stef wants to stick around right away, but I'm going to walk on my own feet as much as I can.

but he was missing underfoot that day because he was full of heads about the "demonic sentence" thing.


I stuck by the stairs and fell down the stairs screaming weirdly.

I'll give you that, I'll hit my head on the ground floor pillar.

"I want to be there!

"Ahhh, Ed Fong!

I don't feel like it hurt. I feel like it was momentum.

Stef rushes down the stairs, but somehow he makes me hold my leg where there's nothing, and he throws me out into the universe just like me.

I used some [physical magic] to take Steph for him.

"Thank you...... why is it ok!?"

I'm worried, Steph... that doesn't hurt any more than I thought...?

Speaking of which, I only have enough injuries to be scraping my knees.

"- Edgar!? What's wrong!?"

Julia's mother jumped out of the dining room.

"Also, sorry! Ed Fong slipped his leg and fell down the stairs!

Stef gets up and lowers his head so deep that his head is likely to stick to the floor.

Stef is a maid with me, so it's my job to be careful not to get hurt like this.

Even though I fell on my own, it would mean that the blame is more on the watching side than I am a seven-month-old.

'Cause I messed up.

Convince your mother to say so.

"... well, if Edgar says so. But from now on, be careful, okay?

"Yes...... sorry......"

Steph gets shivering.

"Edgar, are you hurt?

"I don't..."

Looking at the body wondering,

"Oh, Edgar was on a higher level about the fort. I don't know if I'm going to find out, but I think HP is expensive."

Does high HP make your injury lighter?

Only HP [Appraisal].

"Edgar Culver. HP: 59/63"

HP is down!?

The reduction width is 4 - my maximum HP at level 1.

I mean, if I hadn't been on a level, would I have been dead?

I'm hiding my inner agitation.

"Yes, it is. I'm hungry."

That's what I'm saying and deluded, and I ask Mother Julia to take me to the dining room.

If I'm being honest with you, it'll be until Steph gets fired.

I could have walked away, but my mother wanted to take me because it was after the accident.

I'm being transported to the dining room with my legs bluffed.

But HP?

Previously, when I [appraised] Julia's mother for the first time, I was surprised at the height of her HP.

Julia's mother's HP was 79 at that time. This is nearly eight times the actual value of Level 1 adult men.

I wondered if it meant my mother wouldn't die as long as she got stabbed in the way.

Then it was when I fought Gores, who was the apostle of the evil god Monugonese, at Fort Lanzrac as the leader of The Black Wolf's Fang.

He had his HP sharpened in a stone-throwing attack by [Physical Magic], but he wasn't clearly injured.

I thought it was because of Gores' skills [toughness] at that time, but it might actually have been because of his high HP, which was watered down by the bad god's ads.

In Goddess's explanation, HP was the power given by God as he level up - what he called a gift and the person's natural health was linked by growth sleep.

Then maybe this happens too.

- When the max HP rises, even if it takes the same damage, the injury will be lighter.

Precisely, does it feel that if the damage is proportionally small relative to the maximum HP, the injury will be lighter to a degree commensurate with that percentage?

Mother Julia looked bored because one was silently thinking about HP during the meal like that.

I go back to the study with my hair pulled a little back, and I get to continue my reading as I hear the rain.

Try to have more fun chatting at dinner.

Julia, I enjoy talking to your mother.

And I thought...

"- Edgar! Al sent me a message pigeon!

Mother Julia jumped in, opening the door to Byrne and the study, with a full grin in one hand with the letter.

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