No Fatigue: 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan
NO FATIGUE - if - one future a future
The battle that betrayed each other's future came to pass.
At the end of the day, there was a difference in the ability to succeed due to [difficulty], and I barely won.
"Ha, ha... I'm here"
That's what Miho said while he was on the ground.
"I didn't expect you to struggle this far. Exactly."
I gave Michi a hand.
Of course, this is a magical pseudo-reality space, so there's no point in doing so.
I hear a lot of applause.
From the audience.
Over hundreds of thousands of spectators from two worlds have access to this virtual space.
Out of those avatars, the number of people that can be processed into the system is displayed in the audience. But there must have been about 30,000 of them.
"... that's weird"
Miho said.
"More like this, I thought I'd give up. All I had left was an unconcerned feeling, even though I was so out of strength that there was no more..."
"Mr. Michi..."
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said this.
Thank you for all your efforts, Kagi. "
Deeply bowing his head, Michi says.
And Michi logged out the second I couldn't get back to her.
I let the universe wander my hand, which I was stretching out reflexively.
The vanishing phantom burned into the back of my brain and I couldn't leave.
I also have a villa on Earth, but my accommodation on Earth is Dustlevine, a demon-led battleship that has sunshine and become mine.
In addition to me, Jeremiah, Melvi, Asla, Knight and Mr. Siel are on board.
Until a little while ago, there was also Michi and Sun Shiloh.
For what those two lost, the air on the giant demon-led battleship got a lot lonely.
Mr. Ciel visited my room at night.
Even though I lost all my skills once, it didn't take me long to regain the feeling that I was familiar with my body. Well, there's magic pseudo-reality technology now. I could get about 20% of my skills right back, and I think I'll get even more from now on.
... Well, assuming I've become a god, I'm talking about what I am when I get my skills back.
Anyway, that's why I could detect that it was Mr. Ciel walking down the hall without erasing any signs.
Mr. Ciel, who took his body back from the battle of the example, rings the bell in my room.
I opened the door.
"... what's wrong, in the middle of the night like this"
"He's here."
"You're here. If that's what you want, I'll call Jeremiah."
"Ah, wait, stop that! That girl, Edgar, when it comes to you, you don't see it!
Mr. Ciel rushes to tell me that he's got the incense in his hand.
"Then what can I do for you?"
"Knock, I don't even seem interested in Kakera!
"No, well... you didn't mean it, even Mr. Ciel"
"That's right, but I said, 'You know what, I went up to the dude's room at this hour. I'm going to attack you ' You can have as much lip service as you want!
"Where's the lip service?"
Unfortunately for the brave man as usual, I sigh heavily.
"But you're interested in minnow, even if you're not interested in me, right?
I couldn't deny it.
Mr. Ciel shows me a bottle of liquor and two glass of wine he's hiding behind his back.
"What do you say? An experienced sister will be there to talk to you, okay?
"... ha. Well, fine."
I'll invite Mr. Ciel to my room.
... check the hallway quickly and see if Jeremiah has seen it.
Mr. Ciel pours liquor into the glass.
"This is the alcohol I took from my hometown. It's like a light flavoured wine."
"Heh. Yum. Easy to drink."
"Stay, Mr. Shaccio! Drink, drink!
"Where do you get that kind of suspicious stuff from?"
"Earth is good. Free, fun, safe."
"Compared to Marquecto. Even the Earth is terrible for the region."
"Right. Seriously, I suppose things will hang out because my personal power is small. The power of a brave man to break a knife, not to mess with hemp."
"From now on, maybe not. If there is such a terrible dispute, the Sun Shiloh clone unit will fly to mediate. If it still doesn't work, it's our turn."
To Earth, to Marquecto, our overwhelming power was rapidly creating a new order.
The story begins where someone gets unhappy.
What we're looking for is peace (epilogue) ahead of the end of the story, like a hero doesn't even need a story about winning or losing a villain.
"The story is over, and I congratulate you... but still, it's human (...) that creates the story.
Even you, Edgar, are caught up in a second love story, and you can't solve it with force. "
"... Is this love? I have Jeremiah."
"If you mean romantic emotions, it's definitely romantic emotions, isn't it? No girl is as attractive as a minnow. Of course you're in love."
"Let that emotion live or kill you. Of course, I hope you killed him because you cared about public order. As Jeremiah's master, I want that child to be happy.
But you should stop deceiving me by deciding not to notice. Either way, you should face your feelings. If you don't, you'll regret it. "
"Repentance. I fought to the best of my ability to win. So no remorse... it's supposed to be."
"Minagi looked the same.
But let me tell you, there's no point in that game. "
"That was a long time ago."
"Because love and battle will be something else. Fight and win or lose, but you can't possibly see love. You're both mistaken."
I was convinced, without any doubt, by Mr. Ciel's words.
"Edgar, I know you think of Jeremiah. That's important, too. But your feelings are important too. You're hurting Jeremiah. Not really. You're liding your feelings."
"... maybe"
"Isn't that rude to Jeremiah, too? 'Cause this is what Jeremiah thinks." Edgar is putting up with me. I really liked Mr. Minagi'. She doesn't have a simple mental structure that makes her happy. "
"Whatever you say, what are you gonna do?"
"I don't know, no. That's for you to decide."
"After all, you can't hide the untrained. Just to point out, Edgar thinks," In addition to Jeremiah, if you can be my daughter-in-law, you're a know-how. "You think I'm hot."
"I don't care about polygamy, Jeremiah doesn't want to hurt me, so let's put up with it, Mr. Minagi will understand.
In that sense, you and Minagi are accomplices. He's connected in his mind, but he's trying to show it together and pretend it's nothing.
For Jeremiah, I don't think I'd rather do that. My own husband is in contact with other women. Well, you and Minagi are from the same world, the same country, we meet fatefully, we share the same taste. "
"That's... I guess so"
I snapped at myself.
"You know, first of all, I'll compliment you for not giving Minagi a hand. I was honestly impressed. I know we were both doing everything we could. I was impressed by the fact that it was these two people who didn't make the eight hundred for Minagi to give up."
"Well, that's rude. I don't know what to do."
"That's it. I thought you'd be rude if you cut back. That means the temptation was pretty strong to cut back and lose, right? If Minagi won, you couldn't help it because you lost, so you could have made Minagi your wife.
In short, you wanted to lose, but you won. "
"That's... I don't know.
But I think Michi wanted to lose. So what I won was supposed to be good for Miho. Miho can give up an unethical marriage from a modern man on the planet while doing everything in his power to put his will through it. I thought it was a ritual for that.
But I lost confidence when I watched Michi after the game... "
"That analysis would be half hit, half off, right? Minagi figured out all those calculations, and he still bets he's serious about going to win. I couldn't beat the temptation to do everything I could to refresh myself, and I really went to win. Minagi stepped courageously ahead of him, beyond a clever calculation.
But whatever it was, they were too bad. Minagi is a proud kid, so he can't imitate how he overrides the outcome of the game with feelings. That's because you're going to fool yourself for seriously seeking a win "
"Well, I didn't give up because I'm weak, but because I'm too strong. You just have to give up. But I can't give up because I'm too strong."
"You'll be fine though. I was actually going to preach to you to think carefully and be honest with your feelings... I stopped."
"You're not gonna do this."
"I've decided to let you step in, too.
Edgar, marry Minagi. "
That's an order.
"If they say so much, I'll slash you and throw you away."
A moment after Mr. Ciel said so, a tingly cold feeling was created in his throat.
The sword that Mr. Ciel had unleashed was sticking down my throat.
"Whatever the pseudo-reality is, I can beat you now. Well, I don't know if I can kill God where I slaughtered him."
"Mr. Ciel's arm could kill a god."
"Now, based on that, respond. Edgar Culver. What are you going to do?
He made fun of me with the eyes of a brave man, and that's what Mr. Ciel said.
By that time, Jeremiah was not in Dustlevine.
He went down to earth, kept it to Edgar, and was visiting a certain person.
"Sorry, I'm late for the train."
"Yeah, 'cause I just got here, too"
Edgar's...... No, it was Miki Kase himself, the other party, who was waiting at the local station in Chiki Kagi.
He has become so famous that he wears light-colored sunglasses on his face in an outfit called an adult blouse and flared skirt.
"Well, where we can talk calmly..."
"Besides, let's play sober."
Despite the confusion of Jeremiah, Mi Xiao walks away.
"What's here..."
"Yeah, it hasn't been fashionable lately, but this store still manages to stay."
Michi brought Jeremiah to the Game Center where Kiki Kagi was attending.
Get inside.
The arcade game enclosure is lined up narrowly, but the number of guests is small.
"The traditional games are tough because there's no such thing as magical pseudo-reality."
Meanwhile, Meizu sat in front of the enclosure.
Of course, it's a slam fighter enclosure.
"Sit across the street"
"Like this?"
"Yeah. I can't pay electronically, so put a hundred yen balls in it. Yeah, yeah."
"You wanted to try. I've touched it in the emulator, but I've never had a real machine before."
Jeremiah looks down at the enclosure in front of her.
"That would be quick. Shall we just do it?"
"Fine, but I guess I can win"
"Huh? You can't beat one in a million."
"Wow, you say that."
'Cause I've been a world champ for seven years in a row.
The match began.
"Hii, there's nothing wrong with that!
"That's why I told you, right?
"Edgar said, 'The foundation of talent is different.'"
"Give up?"
"Yeah! Not yet!
For a few hours, Jeremiah sticks, but she couldn't even take a round from Mei.
At some point, the store regulars are gathering to watch the match between the two of us.
We're both supposed to be celebrities, and we should already know who we are, but the guests watching the game don't touch that at all.
I'm just whispering about how I'm paying you back now and the options behind it.
"That was a nice place."
"Isn't it?
It was already dark outside when the two of them got out of the game center.
"Because I kept the hotel over there. Let's talk there."
To Jeremiah, who made himself clear, Meizi stiffened and nodded.
Although the grade drops exceptionally compared to the Hawaiian suites we stayed in before the showdown, it's the first room to look down on the city.
The two sit across from each other across the street from the room service snack.
Jeremiah said.
"Mr. Minagi looks like Mr. Edgar."
"If I...?
"Yeah. When I think this is the right thing to do, I put my feelings behind me. Damn it, at the end of the day, I'm going to be unbearable and try to put my feelings through it, but I'm going to try to give it up somehow if I can't get it through well. Serious, just selfish, but I still come back to serious."
Miao looked in trouble.
"Did you hear about my past?
"Well, shall we talk? When I was an assassin."
Jeremiah spoke beautifully of her past in a pale manner.
I grew up as a witch in a coma forest, exposed to the Assassination Order, and saved by Edgar.
She was also reluctant to strike Aetsu because it was too heavy.
"I can be selfish, because Edgar told me.
But that Edgar-kun doesn't say much about selfishness. This time, too.
Not at all, if you're not trained! I'm putting up with that. I'm getting out of the air like an Ella! I want you to think about how my wife feels when I can show you that up close!
"Oh, that's... I'm sorry?
"Still, Mr. Minagi isn't bad. No, I'm sorry, but it's bad that Edgar can't boil it off."
"For I have already done what I do. I think time will fix it."
"For the book, you think? Do you think it's okay for this to be solved by time or something?
"Well, that's... I don't know."
"I don't think it's a good idea.
I don't want to see Edgar put up with it for me.
You told me Jeremiah could be more selfish, and I'm betraying it with my actions.
So what did you say to me!? I just felt sorry for me and comforted you!? "
"Oh, I don't think so,"
"I played the game today and found out more about what Mr. Minagi was like.
But, I don't care what Mr. Minagi meant to invite me to the game! Maybe it was a soothing maneuver to keep me on my side, maybe it's a more sincere message, but I don't care what Mr. Minagi's 'intentions' are! Can't you just give up trying to give up? You know what! It's none of my business, and I can't afford to flatter the feelings of other women!
"But, Edgar, if you want Mr. Minagi, you need him, and I'm happier with Mr. Minagi, then I'm not talking about it. Edgar's happiness is my happiness. Let's accept it. As my rightful wife!
Jeremiah cut the word there.
"... I really don't like it. The same goes for Mr. Minagi. I'm glad I stepped out with courage, but knowing I'm out of that foot place, I knew it was fine, I'm gonna pull my foot in. Just fly forward! Fall over and die! Would you stop wandering around in front of the hole and seducing my husband? That's annoying!
"Ugh, I don't mean to..."
"There is! Even after I lost to Edgar like this, he's been expecting me to admit it for a while! I'm actually waiting for Edgar to ask me out! You coward! Go from yourself, from yourself!
"So you went! But lose...!
"It's because I lost! He's not dead! Respect the outcome of the match - don't afford it, but try to eat it down no matter how serious you think! You're telling me to take a man's husband. Come on!
"Oh, no..."
"Because if Mr. Minagi was going to put on such a top dress and wait for Edgar to speak to me, I would never forgive him! It's weird that it's common sense on the planet, and you put on such a crappy reservation, and you get over it with Edgar, and then you get sued!
That's all I ever wanted to say! Eh, hah... "
"Oh, Mr. Jeremiah..."
The pretty girl with silver hair turns her back and looks at the window when she says what she wants to say.
Miao can't reply, he just flashes for oxygen.
Numbed by such beauty, Jeremiah turned with a sharp eye.
"So, what are you going to do?"
"Wow, I..."
Miki Kaise spoke clearly of her will.
It was the next morning that Jeremiah called me to put you on Dustlevine.
I mean, you were on it.
I didn't expect you to come down and give me a ride at some point.
My daughter-in-law got selfish.
Renting a militia base and lowering Dustlevine, Jeremiah was with an unexpected opponent.
It's Mr. Michi.
I didn't know how the hell it was, but I thought it was now to act.
"" Oh, um... "
Me and Mi Min's voice wore it.
Usually I would say, "Please go ahead," but I couldn't just do that today.
"I knew you'd marry me!
"Marry me after all!
"" What, yeah eh!? "
Confessions come to mind, and Mei and I are surprised at the same time.
"Fuckin '... I didn't think you'd wear it"
Mr. Ciel is laughing behind me.
"No way, Mr. Ciel set it up?
"No, I said what I wanted to say to you, Edgar. I didn't know Jeremiah was following you."
"Beh, I didn't stick to Mr. Minagi! Because I just came to say it because I wanted to!
Jeremiah shakes her head in the dark.
"Yeah, well, you know what?
"Is that okay..."
"Why aren't you confident, both of you?"
Jeremiah stuck to Mei and I, who looked at each other and said something fluffy.
"Ooh, Minagi, your sister's your wife, too?
And Asura said,
"Well, I guess I've settled down somewhere"
"You couldn't have seen it at all."
Melvi, two Knight fairies said.
I hold Michi's shoulder thoughtfully.
"Because that's what I'm talking about! Greetings, everyone!"
Everyone applauded my words.
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