No Fatigue: 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan

50 invitations (prior to acceptance)

Today is the day when a huge mass will be held in the chapel.

Gazein's majestic mass in attendance - reminding me of Grandpa Ganash's warning - I decided to dilute the medication I received from Grandpa Ganash and take it with me and four boys squads, then Neville and a few other users (they're saying Orochists or something).

According to [Appraisal], this medicine renders the action of hallucinogens harmless by magic substances.

In the chapel, about a little cup was handed out and the cup was poured with wine supposedly "sanctified".

[Appraisal] of this wine,

"[Quality] Wine. Hallucinogen mescaline is in the mix.

And out.


"Mescaline: A hallucinogen based on knowledge of different worlds. There is no material dependence, but moderate mental dependence. Sharha Vaux's Epic Skills [Condition Fixed] provide anti-degradation treatment.

Sharha Vaux is the name of Helmut Heydrich, who was the lord of the ruins, in this life (albeit already dead).

I also wanted to find out about [state fixation], but I dug [appraisal] with Wine > Mescaline, so I can't seem to dig any deeper.

Believing in Grandpa Ganache's skill, I drank wine with hallucinogens.

... Yeah, there's no physical or mental change.

While collecting the cup, we made sure everyone drank the wine before Mass finally started.

Gazein told us that a massive operation was approaching shortly, after which the "invitation" of the bishops took place.

A giant man's face rises in a smoked chapel.

Three meters from the tip of the head to the tip of the jaw alone is a huge face, and the altar on the other side is visible through.

Blue and white, a ghostly face, but the age seems to be out-of-the-box young, an appearance that can still be described as youth.

Is this the Patriarch Grutmezza?

"- Sons of" Yata-glass "... The suffering of our God Monugonuth, who has been sweetened by the name of the evil god, is finally about to come to an end..."

Glutomezza's voice itself is transparent, but sometimes the buildup goes in as if it were a lot.

Whoa, don't forget to [appraise]...

Oh, hey, this is...!

While I'm solidifying into surprise, the story of Glutomezza continues.

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In the words of Glutomezza, which continued slowly, the hallucinogen users gradually raised their voltage, but I completely cooled them off.

Let me show you the [appraisal] results of the Patriarch Grutmezza.

"Phantom. Created by Gazein Munzer's Epic Skill [Phantom Magic] 9.


In short, there was no bishop (...).

In overthrowing the Church, the securing of the bishop has been an important element, so far I have been unable to make the last decision, but if it is the bishop Grutmezza-Gazein, the story is quick.

Thanks to the intolerant medication, the four boys squad who were not in the mood for an exhilarating look, but as I said beforehand, it hasn't been like making a scene with it.

The same goes for Nevilles.

Neville, in particular, was quite an actress, taking the initiative of his envoys, who were supposed to be Silaf, to raise a supreme call to the bishop.

... I guess it's really silaf.

The Neville guy, even though he's basically brilliant, occasionally plays poka.

Well, it's my fault about Ussake mushrooms...

After Mass and everyone left, only Jeremiah remained.

Jeremiah knelt toward the evil statue of the altar, praying with his hands together,

"Evil God... Evil God..."

and speaking to God.

I care, but I shouldn't be speaking now.

I keep praying Jeremiah on my ass and sneak into the back of the chapel using [covert].

As expected, there was gazein there.

Of course, there can't be a papal grtmezza or something.

Gazein looks back with a sharp face at the signs of a sudden appearance.

I say with a sarcastic grin as I greet Gazein with my hands.

"So, where did you disappear, Sheik Sama?

"... you. Don't threaten me."

Even when I showed up, it didn't look like I was upset with Gazein.

Instead, I smile a lot and try to shrug my shoulders at me.

Gazein knows I don't believe in evil gods.

Still swimming me, why the hell?

Funny, sometimes, but that shouldn't be all.

It's time to pull out that answer.

It's risky, but it would be creeper for this guy if I were an adult.

If you go into a tiger hole, you don't get a tiger child.

Instead of a tiger hole the other day I dived into the dragon's nest.

I don't freak out to this extent now.

Nevertheless, we need about a smokescreen.

I left it alone before I got here, so I could show Gazein a glass of wine and zero the contents on the spot.

"Shit... you're a bad handiwork.

You didn't drink it. "

Gazein misunderstood me for being good.

"You're brilliant."

"... what?

"This denomination.

I didn't know how to teach people to go around hiding and killing people, but I don't know why you're so religious. "

"As always, that's not what the kid thinks.

But it's the other way around. "



"It's where you hide and kill people and go around".

You can't teach a half-breed person to do that. "

"I see.

Is that why you need a doctrine full of deception and manipulation? "

"I don't know about religion, it's usually like that.

It would be religion to make you believe in the ungodly, ungodly heaven and forget the hard reality in front of you. "

A hell of an atheist was representing the denomination.

... Just in case, this is only Gazein's personal opinion.

My grandma was from Namami Dubz, but she was nice to me, and admired by the Itokos.

I don't have faith in myself, but I'm not willing to deny those people.

But before that, here in Marquekt, there really is a God.

A visible benefit of skill or level.

"You have God.

Even evil gods. "

"They can't save us.

They're just the keepers of the world. "

"... evil gods too?

"I don't know.

According to one theory, evil gods used to be one of the gods.

But my function as a god was broken and I was wiped out of heaven. "

"First ear."

"Isn't it pretty naughty that you broke down and got rid of heaven?

I'll definitely go to hell if I die.

There's no way God can save me. "

"Weren't you supposed to be saved if you believed in evil gods?

"Damn. White. I'm sure you do.

Evil gods are the only gods that give strength to villains like me.

The bad guys worship the evil gods because there's a part of them that's serious, not about dating or being crazy, right?

"... you too?

"No way. I feel sympathetic to evil gods, though.

I believe in me.

Even if that's the way to hell... I'll rely on my strength to clear that path. "

Do you mind if I make a deal with the evil gods?

"Look, what might also be the leader of Yata-glass, say that publicly."

"You don't believe me anyway, do you?


"Don't blame me."

Gazein, in the meantime, said.

It's unusual.

I thought Bella Bella was the one who talked when she talked.

And the words I uttered in my lost quote were completely unexpected.

"- Why don't you come with me?

I opened my mouth to Pocan.

Gazein calls for more.

"I'm not the kind of balls that end up with a boss of such a dicky assassination denomination.

One day I'm going to take my country and make you king.

That's all I have. "

Gazein has eyes that look far away.

But in its eyes, there was no ambiguity like dreaming of something, but rather the power to look at something there.

There was a serious look on the part of a man who always looked like he was in trouble somewhere.

I was kind of suddenly embarrassed and said some sarcastic words to deceive me.

"Assassin King, huh?

"Don't tear it up. I'm serious."

"You mean that's all there is back there?

The doctrine of the Church, honestly, isn't like coming out of your realistic brain misogyny. "

"... I still don't think you're a kid. That's an idea.

But I like that. "

"Dude...... that's disgusting"

"I know it's not Gala.

You're heterogeneous.

Your power puts the people around you at risk.

You were born with too much power. You can't live like that, can you?

"... that's a line I don't think is the man who's been blackmailing my family into hostages"


Don't pretend you don't understand.

You know what I mean.

You're not the only one who wants your power.

If you're just going to be targeted by a society like ours, maybe you can bounce back if you really help.

Just like you think behind the thick surface skin.

But most of all, it's not bad. It's more of a "table", right?

Those who are powerful are obliged to use you in an honest threat. [M]

If you refuse to do so, you will be immediately judged a risk factor and killed or expelled. "


I couldn't help but hold my mouth to Gazein's words.

I am not saying that I have never thought about such dangers.

You can see as soon as you dig back on your historical knowledge of previous life that what Gazein says is not necessarily exaggerated.

- I can make you a place.

Indeed, this assassination denomination would be worldly evil.

No, not to say worldly, but objectively, evil itself.

It's a deceptive, automated machine for assassination.

- But.

If you win, it's this one.

I will crush Santa Mana and set up a kingdom for me.

Nationalism is bad godliness.

The messengers of Yata-glass are reborn from assassins to priests.

You'll be an adult by then, won't you?

You can keep the "Yata-glass", which became a holy church, for the whole of you.

If the power of the dead is better, I'll tell the Marquis. "

"... empty bills are a good place"

"I'm stepping on it if you put it on me."


I know I'm crazy, but if I fight, I'm no match for you.

No, just the combat power of an individual in the first place, there's no way a country can be built. "

Gazein doesn't answer my words right away.

The eyes that saw Gazein's universe got a little harsh.

It's like, at the end of that gaze, you're seeing someone.

"- Just one more kid, I know you.

I need your help to fight that kid. "

"- A kid like me, because?

"Hmm? Interested?

Shall I use this information as a negotiating material?

If you follow me, I'll give you information about him. "


Did you eat too much?

"There are worlds in this world that are deeper than the back, that we can only call 'darkness'.

I've been peeking into the world for a little while.

As a result of the peek, they were supposed to be watching me.

That's why I know.

To deal with people who are beyond reason, you have to have something beyond reason.

I don't know if you are - but you are the most promising person I've ever gathered.

At one point, I thought Jeremiah might be, but he's not special, even if he's special.

You're the only one I thought was special. "

"... sounds a lot like a fuzzy story"

"In fact, it's a fuzzy story.

I believe in my sense of smell.

That's all. "

"You don't resent me?

"Resentful? Why not?

"By the time I got here, I'd been killing the use of Yata-glass."

"That's a stupid question.

I do things that buy people's grudges.

You have every right to resent me. There's no way I'm left.

If I were to resent you, I'd underestimate you and put my power into the small, I'd have to resent me for the past.

I always do my best.

Reflections, but no regrets.

Always move forward. "

"You look tired."

I'm not tired of what I say, but that's what I said.

"It's better than falling back and getting laid, isn't it?

"I guess there's a pile of corpses behind you moving forward.

Is it not just the enemy, the ally or the user, for you to move forward?

"What, those guys die believing they can go to heaven.

Even then, you're happier than I am that hell is confirmed.

It's about me, there's no god to save me.

So I have to get paradise on my own. "

Gazein stood up when he said so.

And walk away without looking back at me.

"Oh, hey..."

"Hmm. Think about it.

You're sick of being attached to every assassin forever, aren't you?

I just dropped off Gazein walking away.

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