No Fatigue: 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan
75 King's Arrival (Preliminary)
The Dragon Snake Tongue Continent (Midgalztan) is a long, thin peninsular continent that stretches from its northern end.
The overall shape of the continent is such that the Italian peninsula and the general peninsula in the previous life were divided by adding them after adjusting the scale. The size of the continent is speculative because of the lack of accurate information, but perhaps somewhat narrower than that of the North American continent in previous life.
It seems to have been named for its long twisting like the tongue of a dragon snake, but even if it's something I hear a lot about on a daily basis, it's called "Shorts with Fur". In addition to the toe and heel, there is a part of the heel that has become a medium calf, and they call it a fur there.
The Kingdom of Santa Mana makes its territory from the heel to the ankle of its shorts and from the heel to the earthbound.
Until recently, the northern kingdom of Sonorat was in a state of civil strife, from the candle to the lower half of the shin being the territory, and further north, in the Nakabuki region, which touches Fur, there is a central plateau - the Nakahara - divided by large and small cities and states. Heading further north on the Middle Plains, there is now a large nation called the Northern Limit Empire. And as we push this empire further north, it is a continental bridge to the Arctic, called Frostbite.
North of Frostbite, we are talking about a rapidly harsher climate, but this fits with what the goddess said, that the goddesses created an area inhabitable by the Spirit when they came to this world. In other words, the spiritual power of fire is quite present up to the Northern Limit Empire, and the climate is temperate for latitude, but when plugged into Frostbite, the spiritual power of fire fades rapidly. As a result, after Frostbite, it becomes an extremely cold land where only the Demons can live.
The western side of the continent also has dense forests to the south and mountainous areas to the north-central, so human cities and nations are biased towards the eastern side of the continent. On the western side, there are numerous settlements of elves, dwarves and beasts, as well as demonic habitats and untouched dungeons left naturally occurring, but the reality is not well known to humans on the eastern side, he said.
But for now, the circumstances of such a continent have nothing to do with it.
What is at stake for the moment is Monocanus, the kingdom of Santa Mana that we are currently in, and its king capital. Other than that, you just have to keep in mind at best about the political anxiety of Sonorat in the north.
That's right.
- Monocanus, King's Capital of Santa Mana.
We, the Viscounts of Culver, were just about to take a carriage into the city.
"Wow... that's busy"
"I've never seen so many people at once."
That's what Melvi and I said as we asked about Wang Capital, who would be extremely busy from the window of the carriage.
My first impression of Monocanus, in a nutshell, is "Big anyway".
Monocanus is further southeast of the Kingdom of Santa Mana in the southeast of the Dragon Snake Tongue Continent (Midgalztan). Positionally, the soles of the heels of the short boots are creeping toward the ground.
In Monocanus, like Lake Saloma in Hokkaido in previous life, there is a large lake linked to the sea, and on a large island above that lake exists an "old town" consisting of royal castles and aristocratic districts inhabited by royalty below King Vistogard I.
There is also the "Old Town" or "New Town". The "New Town" was developed across the lake by a city that could no longer fit on the lake's island, and apparently covers more than three times the size of the old town.
By the way, Monocanus has no walls.
Because the royal castle, which is in the natural majesty of the island of the lake, did not need a wall. And the old town was not covered by walls because it was later a naturally developed city.
Even when entering Monocanus, I saw about a stuffing of guards, but there was no way they were checking the humans coming in. So you're saying anyone can come in free until the new city.
In the first place, it is impossible in itself to restrict access to the new city, which is spreading more disorderly than without walls.
To be precise, there are still walls built a long time ago, but they cannot be said to serve as walls nowadays because the city has spread outside the walls as well.
Through the gates of that old castle wall, our carriage moves on.
"Dad, I know there are good and bad sides to being free to come and go, but what do you do when your enemies attack you?
"If it's just the old town, it's fine because the lake is a natural wall. I just have to leave the new town alone. Most importantly, the country's dignitaries live in old towns, so there's not much reason to aggressively abuse residents of new towns even as enemy troops. Nevertheless, there is a possibility that looting will take place, so plans are underway to build a new wall around the new city - the Great Wall."
That's what Dad Alfred answers to my question.
"How many people live in Monocanus?
"You don't have accurate statistics, but they say roughly 150,000. 30,000 in the old town, 110,000 in the new town, 10,000 in the Kingsguard."
In addition to me and Melvi and my father, Julia and Jeremiah are in the carriage.
Jeremiah's treatment is to be adopted, but the adoption of nobles requires the King's authorization, so far it's in a state of universality. Because of that, Jeremiah seemed nervous in the carriage.
I'm going to distract you, and I'm going to talk to Jeremiah.
"Has Jeremiah ever been to the king's capital?
"... uh, I've been here on assignment"
So you're here for the assassination on the mission of Yata-glass?
What a snake.
I felt the carriage air went bad for a moment, but apart from my father Alfred, who comes to King's Capital every once in a while, Mother Julia, Jeremiah, and I were distracted by the landscape I could see through the carriage window, and I quickly forgot about the air.
The carriage proceeded among the unimaginable crowds in the city of Phono and eventually stopped in front of a huge gate.
No, this is not a gate.
The bridge!
"It would be big, wouldn't it? Though continental, there must be few more bridges than this Monocanus Golden Gate Bridge."
The Bridge - Monocanus Golden Gate Bridge, from here, the entrance, is like a building broken by adding the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Tower Bridge in London.
Will it be more than fifty meters high? The gate was two towers just like the "H" lettering above, with different sculptures on its walls.
From the top of the tower, a bulge chain stretches across the shore.
"... are you hanging the bridge with those chains?
When I asked my father,
"Exactly, but that's not all. It's also for winding up bridges."
"What... it's a bridge that jumps up at that size!?"
I was surprised.
After all, I thought you were just hanging like the Seto Bridge or Rainbow Bridge, and I didn't know you could even jump up the bridge.
The bridge is so long that you can't see the opposite shore that it's an exit from here.
"Can't you break the bridge when you jump up?
"When I say I'm going to jump up, I'm not going to lift all this way out of the middle. You know, it feels like you can bend over like Jabbalah and pull it to this side."
"What... can you do that with technology in this world?
"... Ed, that's not a very good way to put it, is it? Especially in the presence of a nobleman of high pride, be careful what you say about looking down this world"
"Yeah...... sorry"
That was truly a silence.
"Nevertheless, Ed's question is the best. In fact, I can't really make something like this with the technology of this world right now"
"This bridge was originally an ancient relic.
Thanks to this, Santa Mana's Royal Castle can be relieved without walls.
The lake is quite tidal due to the full pull of the ocean, and you can't reach the opposite shore on a semi-subsistible ship, so if you raise the bridge, you can't attack it any more. "
"What kind of power do you use to jump up that big bridge?
"I don't know the details, but they say there's a big trick in the basement of the bridge tower that keeps the power of the tide stored. Anything. I've heard it works not by magic, but by purely physical mechanisms. They're going to have to raise and lower the bridge once a day because of that, and they're going to raise the bridge a while after the sun goes down, and they're going to lower the bridge when the sun starts rising."
While Dad explained that, the carriage moved out again.
A man in chains is showing something to a knight at the gate or a bridge.
Right, because the new city has no walls, are we checking for humans entering the old town here?
Dropped off by the knight's salute, the carriage of the Viscount Culée finally advances the wheel to the bridge.
Julia, my mother raises her admiration as she hits the window.
From the top of the bridge, the lake was well visible, stretching towards the sea.
Calm and settled Jeremiah is also looking out the window.
"This lake is connected to the sea, so you must smell the tide"
And as my father said, I smelled the tide from the open window.
"It's true."
That's what Jeremiah said in a heartfelt voice as she tingled her little nose.
"Is that it? Didn't Jeremiah ever come?
"... because I was in and out of the merchant's carriage at that time"
She sends me a glimpse of what my mother blames me for asking me something extra.... Ugh, I didn't mean to.
"Ah! Hey, I see the opposite shore!
Raise your voice as Melvi points across the bridge.
As the carriage proceeded, the new city, visible across the lake, approached.
Behind the rows of brown roof tiles, around the heights, you can see a spicy castle built.
Because of the natural wall called the lake, I had a much more sophisticated hesitation than I had seen in a fort before.
"Isn't it beautiful? That's the symbol of Monocanus, the king's capital, alongside the Golden Gate Bridge, the Royal Castle of Santa Mana."
"It's beautiful."
My father and mother are looking at the view with their shoulders close together.
Sometimes his father seems to explain, "That's the mansion of the famous Sargastine Marquis in the play…" etc.
Jeremiah was staring at something like a line running next to a bridge, not a royal castle.
There are two lines: one that gradually goes down from front to back, and vice versa, one that goes down from back to front.
"What's wrong with that line?
"Yeah, just now, over that line, something like a cage slipped."
"Heh... so is that a ropeway"
"There were ropeways that could carry people in their previous lives, but they're also used in valley settlements or something in this world. Yeah, and send them where the difference is high and low."
Explaining, a cage ran through the ropeway.
The speed was considerable and would not have been clearly visible had it not been for the [cut out].
The cage isn't that big, it's big enough for the parcel to manage to fit.
Still, it must be a lot easier than carrying things manually across this long bridge.
The gateway tower at the entrance to the bridge was 50 meters long, so connecting it from the top to the bottom of the opposite tower is likely to serve as a ropeway enough.
"The ropeway is used when there is a rush transmission. You can even use it at night when the bridge goes up."
"... Is something wrong?
"I don't know, maybe it's about us."
Oh, could the call for Viscount Culver's arrival have gone?
A knight on the side of the Old Town approached the carriage with a salute as he crossed the bridge.
The knight said after another salute to his father, who glanced at him from the carriage.
"- His Majesty the King is waiting for you. I will show you to the royal castle."
"My family's with me, what am I supposed to do?
"If you don't mind, your family is with you."
What? Us, too.
My father seemed a little surprised, but that was the only thing I could do.
"... ok"
"You will be tired, so we have a place to eat and rest. Meals can be taken as you like in the Old Town, but how about it?
"Because of this, I'll take you to the castle."
"Yes, I did. I'll show you."
Led by the knight, the carriage moved out again.
"... Oh, they've told me. At least Julia will have to take me, but what about Ed and Jeremiah and Mr. Melvi?
My father asks.
"... me... no, I won't"
That's what Jeremiah said and declined.
Indeed, Jeremiah would be better off because she hasn't officially been adopted by her father yet.
"Okay. But it's okay with me in front of us, right?
"Ha, yes... I know... no, I know"
"Yeah, I don't think you can do that right away, but you can think of me and Julia as parents more than you can take it away"
"Mia's a real, good girl."
Julia's mother said that as she held Jeremiah.
Jeremiah's like the cat she borrowed, but her mother's not paying attention.
No, maybe he's adhering, but as a mother, he thinks this is where he's going to force himself.
"You just wanted a girl ~"
It's a mystery that Tsurrying Mother really thinks that much.
In addition, she sends her eyes to her father.
"... Hey, Al? Do you want me to have a girl, too?
My father chokes, and Jeremiah blushes her cheeks and turns away.
Yeah, I found out that Jeremiah is surprisingly old.
"Oh, I'll be waiting with Jeremiah. It's going to be hard to talk about."
Melvi says.
It may be biased, but some nobles will be doing bad things behind it. If Melvi can't be seen or seen by people, it could be a hassle.
"What about Ed?
My father asks me to re-divide it.
"Of course, I'm coming. I want to see the king."
"Okay. I'll tell you just in case, in public we call it 'Your Majesty the King'."
Otherwise, the carriage arrived at the royal castle while his father explained the finesse to watch out for.
"- Viscount Culver. Far away it was daunting."
Needless to say, it was King Vistogard I of this kingdom of Santa Mana who said such a thing while in the back between the sights and the decorated throne.
Is it about 40 years old? He has a King of Trumps costume over his disappointing physique, but his beard is shaved clean. He's quite a beautiful middle-aged man with a thick eyebrow and muscular nose beam that looks like a strong will. The eyes behind the deep orbits of the sculpture shine strongly, staring intriguingly at our parents and children kneeling between the glances.
"This time, Viscount Culver was summoned to the royal castle in order to seek explanations on the" Black Wolf's Fang "and" Yata-glass "matters. Nevertheless, the report has been received in advance, so it may be later. I can't help but get tired of doing it while I'm at it."
Some of the heavy ministers lining the king's left and right looked sinister at the sloppy king's words.
In the meantime, is it about the size of a gym? It seems wide and narrow, but the ceiling is likely to be about five meters. The walls are decorated with paintings and satin books on marble-like stones to an extent that is not gorgeous. The ceiling appears to be stretched with an embroidered cloth. A red carpet leading to the front of the throne is laid at your feet.
The perimeter of the throne is about a meter taller on the floor than the others, and the stairs are somewhat wider in front and left and right. It was also on this staircase that the heavy ministers stood.
"What needs to be done between the glances now is the decision to reward Viscount Culver.
- Hey. "
When the king calls, one of the heavy ministers puts something like paperwork in a basin and offers it to the king.
"Hmm. You just defended the fort with an oligarchy against the mercenary regiment" Black Wolf Fang "that attacked Fort Lanzrack, adding a counter-attack to take over Captain Gores. After being taken over by the captain of the regiment, the Black Wolf Tooth, which was hand-painfully struck by the magic of his wife, lost its cohesion and was practically devastated. Arrangements for the remnant crusade were also swift and precise, thus successfully capturing many of them with regard to the remnant who fled to the Santa Mana side.
... That's a big battle, dude "
"… Your Majesty. Between you and me, keep your words..."
One of the heavy ministers complains.
"And in the city of Phono, the Mansion was raided by the assassination sect" Yatawu (Yata-glass) "and his son was kidnapped by the people, but he uncovered the reality of the assassination sect" Yatawu (Yata-glass) ", which was riddled with the mystery that he had just retrieved the child, and further debunked the leader, captured the executives in a row, and drove" Yata-glass "to destruction.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
The chief minister said something. I did, but he nodded like he'd given up.
"Try this, are you lucky or not?
I guess I'm lucky on the meritorious side, but I can't stop thinking that I've been attacked continuously even though it's "Black Wolf's Fang" or "Yata-glass".
Oh, well, you mean this kind of bad luck. "
A king who laughs gah-hah like that is more like a relative of a bandit than a king of a country.
- "Cheerful King (Merry Monarch)".
As my father taught me beforehand, King Vistogard I of the Kingdom of Santa Mana seems to have an indelible character: a friendly king who heartily loves the three queens, which seems to be his reputation in the capital.
"Other achievements have been the promotion of the transfer to crops suited to the climatic characteristics of the territory, resulting in a 50% increase in cereal yields before the epic. Recently, cotton has been successfully tested and cultivated in the village of Trenadette, which has become hot and humid in the summer due to seasonal winds.
Contemporary Viscount Culver is excellent at doing both military and internal affairs, dude. "
"Ha, ha. I'm afraid…"
Your father doesn't seem to know how to return it.
Or was Dad doing that, too?
"Follow me, but your son is active too."
"Is it Berhardt?
"No, it's David."
"Is David..."
From what I learned previously in [appraisal], I think Brother David was assistant secretary at the Royal Library. Brother Berhardt that he is in the Kingsguard Knights if he means "active" is likely to have a better chance of achieving merit.
"Mm-hmm. Do you know the rumor that the Ripper will be present in Wang Du?
The mutilator, I heard, gave me a grudge.
It's a rumor about the King's Capital that Gazein told me about in Phono City.
It also relates to another reincarnator, Hiroshi Kizaki, who made a pass in his previous life.
"The cleaver...? However, I think it was about the tsubaki that we would be out in the windy season. You think an invisible dwarf cuts people around with a knife?
It's absurd, but every year you actually have a citizen with a scratch like a sharp blade cut off. "
"Assistant Secretary David figured out who it was.
An example cleaver, but that was a natural phenomenon. In the windy season, the spiritual power of the wind becomes excessive, and the same effect occurs naturally as the "wind thrust" of advanced [wind magic]. "
"Is magic natural?"
I don't think that's what I call a "natural phenomenon" in my sense, but I guess magic is another natural phenomenon for the people of this world.
"To be precise, you meant that the delusions of a city citizen frightened by a cleaver interfere with excessive spiritual power and unintentionally express it as magic......
Based on this David assistant secretary hypothesis, I decided to do a little experiment. No, even that experiment was David's suggestion. "
"What kind of experiments?
"After releasing David's hypothesis, he made the announcement that he would fine one silver coin for spreading irresponsible rumors about the cleaver."
One silver coin, if converted to a yen from a previous life, would be about 1,000 yen.
Pretty light as a fine. I guess it feels like a convenience fine to crack down on rumors.
"As a result, the Ripper's report came to less than a tenth this winter.
Assistant Secretary David is given two names: The Behavioral Musician, along with a bounty. Slow down would be an authorized clerk. Even the exploration of the library achieves a solo reach to the front line - the fourth tier - at the youngest "
... I feel like something very uncomfortable has been said to me a long time now.
The library... I think you mean the Royal Library where Brother David is assistant secretary. It's the front line of the library.
My confusion goes in a different direction.
"Don't worry, Berhardt, he's doing enough work in the Kingsguard Knights, of course.
Nevertheless, the Culver family's number one medal, whatever it takes, is you, Alfred.
... No "
The king has cut words there and turned a meaningful gaze towards me.
"I'll ask you more later.
So, this is all the skill, naturally it means ascending the lord, but I wonder what's wrong.
Why don't we just give it to the Duke?
"Buh! Ho ho ho..."
My father choked on the king's words.
That's right, the title of the Kingdom of Santa Mana is more or less the same as it was in previous life, making it the Duke, Marquis, Earl, Viscount and Baron in great order.
My father is currently a Viscount, and when it becomes a Duke, he becomes a three-step ascendant.
It is that there is also enough to make the rank minister extremely strong.
To my father, the gaze of the heavy ministers concentrated.
That gaze says, "No!" Even so is the idea.
Neglect your father, because there will be, but disaster and bliss are like a strangling rope, if you do a three-step ascension, what kind of horizontal paper tear, then nobility life? There are likely to be various obstacles to
"Oh, I know how you feel, but if you're not talented..."
"You mean no, disrespectful!
That's what one of the heavy ministers behind the king shouted at his father.
Which one?
"Say what. If you were a genius, there wouldn't be any talent in this country.
For the most part, I couldn't reward my accomplishments in the Golhata two years ago because of the opposition around me. "
"Let it be, at least in the Count"
"I would say Duke. Are you willing to deny the rest of the words? Hmm?"
The king laughed delightfully and gave his father an amazing try.
There, minister who refrains behind the king? pinched his mouth as if it had happened.
"And there is no precedent such as ascension from Viscount to Duke!
"I can make precedents. I don't need a king if I'm just gonna keep my precedent in check."
"It's not always good for Viscount Culver either!
Too early to be born buys envy around!
"Uhm. Does it make sense?
I won't let you in on the jealousy.
- What do you think, Viscount Culver? "
"Ha. Then if you'll excuse me at the Count,"
That's what my father said with a surprise sweat on his forehead.
"Ha-ha-ha! 'Give me a break,' or that's good"
"But you say it's like sweat, don't you?
I can't translate words easily either.
Let's do this, then. Why don't you take between the Duke and the Count, Marquis?
Until a little while ago, there was a title called the Marquis-like Borderline Baron, but it was abolished. "
Marquis, the nobles are annoyed by the words of
Alfred, some noblemen come to admire your father, but it's just going to be disrespectful to shy away any further on this occasion.
"Ah... thank you Happiness..."
With his father's pulled face, he accepts the ascension to the Marquis.
Neither did the heavy ministers behind them come just this time with their mouths pinched.
"Of course I give you a territory worthy of the title...... then. I'll give you two names.
Right, let me call you 'Lord Culpel Patriot'.
Gentlemen, from now on, in an official setting, the Culée Marquis (...) thing is called Lord Culée Patriotique. "
It is an unusual way of saying two names, but if the King commands everyone to call them so, they will easily meet the condition of two names: "the number of those who call their names in awe exceeds a certain number".
It's a really good mechanism as a tribute to merit because it doesn't cost you any money if you just let it call you.
From then on, my father offered his liturgical greetings and the sight with the king ended.
I thought... but as soon as I left during the glance, a clerk spoke to my father.
Anything you say, Your Majesty the King wants to have dinner with you.
It's about an hour or two until dinner, so the clerk led our family to the waiting room in the castle to prepare snacks.
And about an hour later, our family was led to a private dining room where the Kings would eat.
Waiting nervously, the face I saw earlier entered the dining room.
Next door is accompanied by a middle-aged woman who looks classy. I guess this woman is the queen because of her condition.
When we stand up and try to say hello, the king takes his seat, saying, "Keep it up."
"I saw it earlier, but is the child a new child"
King, all of a sudden you turned your gaze to me and you said that.
Yeah, what am I supposed to do?
For now,
"It's Edgar. It's an honor to be worshipped by the famous King of Wisdom."
I said and lowered my head small.
"Ha ha. I can't believe it's wise. It's true."
"Don't get on with it"
A queen sitting next to her drops her fist in the braincloth of Her Majesty the King, laughing lavishly.
Me and Julia mother round their eyes, but my father just laughed a little bitterly.
"... and that woman over there, Alfred, is your new...?
The queen reluctantly turns her attention to Mother Julia and asks.
"Yes, my name is Julia. Former adventurer, please forgive me if there are some irregular aspects."
Mother Julia returns the meeting when she says so.
"Oh, you got a beautiful wife. I can't even put Alfred in the corner."
"But good for you. Since the loss of Canaan, Alfred, you..."
"Thank you for your concern about that verse."
That's what Alfred's father answers to the two of them.
Canaan, that's the name of your father's ex-wife.
"Julia or Edgar, you wouldn't know, but me, Alfred, Eliza and Canaan - the four of us are in cadet school sync. I used to stick around and do bad things. Sign up for the Adventurer Alliance under a pseudonym and go hunting demons."
"When I said sync, the majors were splendidly fragmented. By the way, Vis was in martial arts, Alfred was in martial arts, I was in magic, and Canaan was in theology."
The king explains, and the queen adds so.
I see, so is the king comfortable with his father?
- Vistogard I.
The story I had heard beforehand was that he was a reformist king and had vigorously launched progressive policies since becoming king, such as eliminating the inconsistencies between territory and family names that had become complicated and suspicious, or establishing a three-currency system for gold and silver copper in royal law and fixing the exchange ratio for gold and silver copper.
"Well, of course I called you here to describe Kurumi, but I wanted to ask you more informally about the Black Wolf Fang and Yata-glass.
I've sent people everywhere to investigate, but by the way, I'm confused by the fact that incredible testimony comes from multiple sources.
As for the source, I have full confidence from my previous achievements, but when I sum up the information brought to me by them, it means that it was Bowya there who set up the head of the mercenary regiment and the head of the Yataglas.
The King's intelligence network? I guess it's a pretty good organization to know that much.
And apparently, I have the interest of His Majesty the King in front of me.
To the king's words, his father and mother hardened their expressions.
"I'm not taking anything and eating it. Don't look like that.
You should just say it out loud. Alfred's son... you said Edgar "
The king said the words, staring into my eyes.
"- Aren't you a reincarnation from another world?
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