No Fatigue: 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan
90 Visiting Angel
Brother David's gone, so I had a little information exchange with Mr. Luce, and then I left the library labyrinth, too.
When I went outside, it was time to make an evening difference.
I'm walking down the Old Town to clear up another errand.
"I'm sorry."
As I speak, I walk through the gates of the Monocanus Old Town Branch of the Temple of the Circle.
"Welcome, Mr. Edgar."
It was Senior Miriam who called me that.
I go to the Circle Temple once a week to learn [healing magic].
She is a senior there, a beautiful girl with a chunky atmosphere with dark brown hair stretched to the waist area. I hear he's fourteen years old.
He says he's a student attending a school in New Town, but as far as calm, tinted eyes are concerned, he must be an honorable student.
"The priest has already given me a list of visiting visits. Edgar, if you're ready, come to the visiting clinic right away."
Do you like growing up, you only look 8 or 9 years old. You talk to me in polite language, too.
A visit visit is a [curative magic] visit to people who have difficulty coming to the Temple of the Circle on their own, such as the seriously ill and the elderly.
[Healing magic] can be an experience by healing an injury or illness, so it is difficult to increase your skill level on your own. I can even be deliberately injured and cure that, but I've never tried it because I think Mother Julia or Steph or Jeremiah would stop crying.
Either way, the only way to increase your [healing magic] skill level is to heal the injured and sick on the ground. So I volunteer for a visiting visit at the Circle Temple.
There may be a cling to whether it is child labour or not, but in this world, in rural or urban areas, non-aristocratic children work to the extent that they can. Besides, there were circumstances where few people could use [healing magic], and when I offered to volunteer, the priest said he was happy to jump all the time.
Nevertheless, I look like I'm only eight or nine. Alone, the priest is anxious, and most importantly, the patient is anxious. So, in the form of going under senior Miglia, who had been volunteering at the temple for a long time, we were supposed to do a visiting visit together.
"Yes, make your feelings easier, will you?
Get to the first patient's house quickly and get to a check-up.
Even so, the priest is asking around about the medical condition and injury beforehand, so me and Senior Miriam just need to [cure magic] you as instructed on the list.
Senior Miriam [cures magic] on an old woman with a back out.
Senior Miriam is familiar with the structure of the human body and [healing magic] works better than I do. than I should have known in my previous life.
So Senior Miriam was a dependable senior as well as a good master.
MP is higher for me, so I see the mildly ill and ask Senior Milia to focus on the seriously ill.
In this old woman's case, her spine has been distorted because of years of hard work, and when she wakes up, she runs a sharp nerve ache. Even though [healing magic] is helpless on the spine that has deformed and solidified, Senior Miriam listens carefully to the old woman and is gutsy [healing magic] around where the pain runs. Magic is quite accommodating depending on the image, so if you listen to it so personally [healing magic], you can probably do enough to take the pain temporarily.
Honestly, watching Senior Miglia at times like this makes me think she's very invincible.
I have [difficulty], so I can manage to listen to the old lady. But if I can really empathize with listening to you, the suspicious part remains. Somewhere in my mind, I think there's nothing I can do about this in [healing magic], and that thought will also manifest itself in [healing magic]. It can be remembered in vain thanks to [difficulty failure] and the protection of the goddess, but in a character sense it may not be very suitable for restorative magic.
But that's why I think Senior Miglia is amazing.
"Thank you, it's easier," said the old lady, thanking her repeatedly, saying goodbye, and me and my senior head to the next patient.
On the road, I felt somewhat more depressed than usual that my senior was my heart.
"What is it, Senior Miriam? Something to worry about?
"I don't know if I can say I'm worried..."
The senior opened his tease to show how lost he was.
"Do you know about the rumors about the Ripper?
"Well, of course"
On February 3rd, just on my birthday, there was a third incident.
The body was found in the old town this time.
The sacrifice was made by a noble woman, who said that the body had been slaughtered after being decapitated, just like the previous two cases, and had been severed in the stomach and damaged in the gut.
- The Ripper finally showed up in the Old Town.
The painted newspaper was largely reporting on this incident.
The nobles, who until now thought it was a fire on the opposite shore, also said that they were finally coloured by the fact that there were victims in the nobility and that some of them even came out to hire adventurers to consolidate the security of the mansion.
But what does it have to do with the cleaver (ripper) and Senior Miriam?
"The Ripper killed me first. He was my classmate."
"I wasn't particularly close, but I was the one who exchanged greetings every morning..."
"That must have been... shocking"
"Yeah. But I'm still the better person. She - you said Mr. Morrigan, if you were close to Mr. Morrigan, you'd be shocked and fallen asleep, or you wouldn't be able to come to school for fear of the Ripper."
"It's a time of great emotion... that would be a shock"
"Hey, what's up?
"No, Edgar, it's weird that you're saying this as if you were older."
Senior Miriam looks at me with her eyes like she sees something smiling.
... Yeah, you really didn't have any current comments. You're an old man. If I was 36 years old to go with my previous life, I might already be standing at the old man's entrance.
"... that? But I heard the Ripper victim was a girl from the New Town."
"Isn't that right?
"I just thought Senior Miriam lived in the old town."
"No, indeed my house is the old town. It's just a new town."
You live in the Old Town, and you go all the way to school in the New Town?
I guess I still had my doubts on my face, Senior Miriam says bitterly.
"Actually, I fell into cadet school. I went to school in New Town."
"It's... I'm sorry"
"No. We have a lot of friends at school today. Cadet school is a tough place, so they're going to be rivals rather than friends. I guess that means it was right for me."
It's amazing how you can break it off like that.
I don't think that's quite what I can do at about fourteen.
But it's surprising that so many [healing magic] talented Miriam seniors failed. There are disciplines in the cadet school that specialize in [healing magic] called theology. I don't think it would be strange if Senior Miriam could be a privileged student......
You've noticed my doubts, Senior Miriam says.
"... when I went to cadet school, I couldn't use [healing magic] as much as I do now. Since then, [healing magic] arms have risen since I began to help in the Temple of the Circle.
But my mother, eager for me to enter cadet school, died before I lifted my arms...... If I could use [healing magic] as much as I do now. Or... I would think.
I'm always too late. I didn't make it to the cadet school entrance exam, and I didn't make it to my mother's death. "
I have no words to give back to Senior Miriam, who says so and smiles lonely.
After a while of silence, I decided to change the subject.
"I heard you were the student chairman. See, to juniors who come to help occasionally."
"Yeah. I'm ashamed. I'm not the kind of person who can be an example to everyone."
"If seniors aren't role models, who can be role models? This is how you volunteer for a visiting appointment on a precious holiday, and you're an honorary student at school, right?
Senior Miriam is more than good enough now. I think he has a better way of living than passing a cadet school.
That's how I was going to say it, but Senior Miglia lay down her eyes and snapped at me like I was catching something.
"… it's an outward thing"
That's what Senior Miriam said. He kept his mouth shut.
Would I have said something wrong?
"... that's not all I care about"
After a while, Senior Miglia said it was pompous.
"Do you know about the second victim of the Ripper?
"But I think she was the lady shopkeeper at the garment store in New Town."
That's what I answered as I searched my memory.
Senior Miriam nodded small.
"Mr. Catherine Fodlett. Even that one had a little contact.
Do you know about my father?
"I'm Marquis Sargastine."
Sargastine? Like I heard somewhere.
That's right.
"Hey, are you famous for your drama?
When I arrived in Wang Capital, my father said.
He is the Marquis who lives in what is said to be the most spirited mansion in the Old Town and is also famous for his dry dramatic reviews of the Royal Theatre's performances.
"That's right. I also knew a lot of theater people, and I was close to Katherine on that edge..."
Seniors say ahead.
The painted newspaper reports heavily with illustrations of what the victims of the Ripper were like. If someone you know was killed that way, you deserve to be shocked.
"Do you know both seniors..."
"Yes... so worried the cleaver might be close..."
"I think it's a coincidence."
According to Brother David, the mutilator (ripper) 's offense is likely to be of Yukizu's. And that's what's causing the citizens to tremble. Because the citizens are frightened because they may also be the target of the crime.
If so, I don't think the Ripper (Ripper) is deliberately targeting the people around Senior Milia.
No, do seniors know that much too? Even if I know, if someone close to me is sacrificed, I get anxious.
Besides, the fact that two incidents took place in close proximity means that Senior Milia's area of action overlaps that of the Ripper. Not necessarily if the Ripper doesn't happen to pick Senior Miriam as his next target.
"Senior Miriam, for a while, make sure you cut your visiting visit early. If it gets too late, that's what a senior might be attacked by a Ripper."
Seniors are really prone to long check-ups because they are polite to each and every patient. Then, by the time I report on the visit visit at the Temple of the Circle and then get home, the sun will have finally fallen. It should have been during the night that the Ripper made the case.
"Pfft. I appreciate you worrying, but I can't give up on all this. Because the patient is suffering."
"Then I'll take you home. If it's the Marquis Sargastine mansion, it's not that far from us."
"My father will arrange a carriage for me, so I'll be fine. I said stop exaggerating."
"We're talking about a beautiful woman in her appearance being targeted. Your father must be worried too."
"Pfft...... I'm glad you praise me, but can you do that after I'm a little older?
"Yes, no, I didn't mean to..."
"If you are the son of the Culvert Marquis now, you are most welcome as me and as my father.
Most importantly, Edgar, by the time you're older, I'll have already been married somewhere. "
The face of the seniors so crushed was faceless, and I could not read what emotions I had about it.
After the visit, I asked the temple's midwife to lend me a small room for [prayer].
"You're very enthusiastic."
The new Midwife, who recently came, was a woman in her late twenties or so.
I don't stand out because of the plain festive clothes, but I have a reputation for being sexy and beautiful. He is often called out by adventurers and others who visit the temple, but all seemed to say no with ease.
In that sense, it was a popular midnight festival that was liked by the opposite sex and not hated by the same sex, but he seems interested in me as a young man and helping him with a visiting appointment, and occasionally he feels gaze. Even when I'm talking to my face, I'm restless because I peek into my eyes from the front.
Beautiful, but I was a bad type personally.
"Pray, because it calms you down"
I cut up the conversation with the Feast early and locked myself in a small room for [prayer].
Throw a silver coin into a small altar, give a bowl of applause and then pray firmly. There's no point in doing it at the Shinto ceremony, but I don't know how else to do it, so I can't help it. Anyway, it's important to make a statement of intent to connect with God now.
The feeling of [prayer] is slightly similar to [reading]. It is also similar to [skill magic] in terms of connection to the altar. Connect consciousness to the altar and retroactively call on the goddess for a gift distribution system built by the goddess. Somehow, you look like a phone call from a previous life.
Trulululu...... gacha.
'The goddess is currently unable to answer the phone. If you need help, record the message after the outgoing sound called Pea'
No, it's not usually like this, is it?
I didn't make it out of a calling noise called Trululu in the first place.
"Hey, goddess, what's going on?
'- It's a joke, but it's true you're away. It's a voicemail!' Did you stick with me?
Sorry, I didn't stick around.
'Uh, that's it for the joke, and I'm serious from here on out. Kamu-kun. No, come on, Edgar. "
"No, either way,"
I accidentally replied, but it sounded like a recording message, so it didn't make sense.
"Edgar, I am now monitoring the north of the Dragon Snake Tongue Continent (Midgarstan).
The reason is that there is a disturbing movement between the Northern Limit Empire and the Demon Nation.
But the enemy doesn't seem to show his tail easily either, so you're a little hassled.
Think I can't handle Santa Mana too meticulously, though I do watch her every once in a while.
Even so, you and your family have put a lot of effort into it, so you can afford to cut through a little trouble. '
Does that mean you haven't seen much of my movement lately?
Aside from the Ripper, I wanted to ask you about the other day's unusual bunch of demons and about Asura.
"You know, I'm very grateful to you, aren't I?
Thanks to your presence in Santa Mana, I am able to focus on surveillance in the north.
Since the apostle of evil gods is everywhere, there is no denying the possibility that there is movement in the gap where I keep my eyes off Santa Mana. But if there's any suspicious movement, it should be in your ear.
You've grown stronger in the last five years, and it feels bad to keep an eye on your parents forever. So while I'm mindful of the North, I'm asking you to do something about Santa Mana. Probably nothing.
Bye, Bye Bye Bye Bye
Butun, there was a noise and I lost communication with the goddess.
I'm glad you believe me and leave it to me, but don't get a little nervous considering the goddess hasn't seen it. Surprisingly, it seemed like the goddess was watching me.
Even when I was living undercover in a crow's shadow, the goddess looked at me. Apparently the goddess can't get her hands on it directly, but someone's watching over me, the feeling that I'm not alone is pretty important.
Well, the goddess said nothing would happen... what do you think?
Outside, it's a bunch of unusual demons, and in the city, it's a Ripper.
Whether these incidents are unrelated to the evil god Monugonez and his apostle, Hiroshi Kizaki...
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