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"I promised you eight hundred years ago that you will have eternal life with true freedom...but the current conditions are not enough...as long as you persist, you will definitely be able to walk in this world again in the future and continue to enjoy supreme rights, glory and wealth. of..."

Just when the 19 kings began to murmur and speculate whether the immortality Im said could be truly realized. Im, who was struggling to control the straw hat, slowly opened his mouth and explained to everyone.

"Im Sheng... I didn't wait to tell you... I remember that that's what you said when that incident happened 200 years ago, right?"

"That's right. Can this thing be done and when can it be done? Can you give me a concrete confirmation?"

"I suspect that she is PUA... but I can't find any conclusive evidence... If she continues to sleep like this, if she wakes up next time, I might have already suffered from Alzheimer's disease..."

Except for Queen Lily, who had been silent and had dull eyes and white pupils, a group of former kings were talking and directly transmitting the pressure to Im.

"Eternal life is definitely achievable...just for example, aren't I a living example?"

"How can it be so easy to obtain eternal life? At least you have to wait until I collect enough conditions before I can take action."

"Of course, if any of you 19 kings have doubts, you can give me your opinion now, withdraw from this plan, and give this quota to the other 18 kings!"

The voice coming from under Im's loose black robe was very cold and ruthless.

Having mastered the absolute conditions, she can completely suppress these 19 increasingly impatient old guys, and even after a while, Im can use new technological means to clear all the memories in these guys' minds. , thus completely becoming her thug!

But before that, she still has to do the necessary acting~

"Im Sheng was joking... I and the old guys were just joking... There is no need to take it seriously..."

"Yes, yes, after all, eternal life must be a bit difficult... Then we will just wait..."

After seeing Im's cold attitude, a group of kings who were still complaining laughed and chose to ignore the matter.

After all, after so many years of waiting, it’s not too late. Anyway, they can wake up and play for a while every once in a while~

Compared to directly turning into a corpse.

Such conditions are already very good~

Im did not choose to pay attention to these 19 kings, but silently turned around and walked back to Pangu City with a huge straw hat.

All that was left was a strong yet lonely cold figure.

Faced with the attitude shown by Im, their former collaborator, several kings could only choose to break their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

Now the one who has mastered the technology of immortality is Im...

Being dependent on others, they can only choose to obey their orders~

"The pirates who killed Mariejoia this time seem to be very powerful~ So many soldiers died and no one stopped them?"

Just a few minutes after Im turned around and left, among the 19 kings, the young and powerful king Nader Fordling, whose body was covered with various scars, understood the current situation on the court.

After feeling the corpses scattered across the entire continent like a slaughterhouse, Bangzi nodded in fear.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it can almost be said to be the most tragic scene they have ever seen after waking up many times in the past 800 years!

Countless corpses of strong men fell to the ground, either cut off at the waist or decapitated with a horizontal sword!

What a miserable word!

However, the 19 old kings, who were high-ranking kings who had experienced big scenes, could only be briefly shocked at most by the huge number of corpses.

But at this moment, the auras of the two pirates Rocks and Luo Hu, who were still standing not far from the Holy Land Marie Joa, were the ones that made them secretly frightened!

This is definitely the most powerful enemy ever!

Things are quite tricky!

Especially the terrifying aura of Luo Hu, whose murderous aura seems to be condensed around him like a god of murder, is even more difficult to deal with!

Even if they are not careful, even the ancient strongmen who defeated the huge kingdom may fall directly into the hands of this young kid!

However, the next moment, King Nad suddenly sensed a breath that was very similar to his own blood in his observation Haki.

He looked back and found a figure who was chopped in half but was still dying.

"Old Patriarch... We... The elite members of our Nad family... have basically been killed or injured..."

"The pile of tens of thousands of corpses are all carefully selected warriors from our Nad family... They are all gifted, but now they have all been killed by that guy..."

The celestial dragon warrior who was chopped in half cried and shouted to the ancestor-level Nad Fordlin Saint about the tragic event...

At this moment, the kings next to him naturally received the cries of their younger generations who were still alive.

"Damn it! Where on earth did these pirates dare to do such a ruthless thing to our Don Quixote family!!!"

"Our Nad family is such a powerful force, but it suffered the most casualties!!!!"

"Luo Hou, right... We must make him pay with blood!!!!"

After realizing that the corpses on the ground that they had just praised were all the reserve young forces from their 19 families.

The originally calm eyes of the 19 kings instantly turned into an extremely furious look!

When they were just resurrected, most of the blood they absorbed came from the corpses of their descendants?

This is simply a great shame!

Originally, they were still looking forward to the fact that their families would definitely develop more prosperous after hundreds of years. Their faces were as ugly as black pots and even uglier than clowns.

Just a few pirates without any status, position or rights!

They actually dared to kill so many of the God Clan with their blood!

It's so hateful!

"You go and cooperate with the Five Elders to deal with Rocks! As for Luohou... I must kill that brat myself!!!"

Nard Fordlinsheng's face was twisted and dark as he rushed to Luohou's position with a big knife. His expression was full of the kind of rage and frustration that he wanted to eat his flesh alive, drink his blood, peel off his skin, and break all his bones!


20 Kings' silhouettes, the spiral symbol usually represents the fruit of the animal system, but it seems unrealistic that all of them are fantasy beasts~

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