No One Can Leave The Beginner’s Village

Chapter 179: This 1 circle of rabbits

Luo Kang stood on the high platform, under the spotlight, his body was tightly wrapped by a large black cloak, he looked at everything in front of him calmly, and finally he looked at Xunlong, Xu Tiecheng, and Heifengfeng, faintly. He said, "I'll kill you all in a while!"


The audience was in an uproar.

The previous seeded players were basically going through the motions on stage, smiling and clenching their fists, and few people were provocative.

After all, in the next battle, no one knows who they will encounter, let alone what kind of game it will be. Premature arrogance can easily capsize in the gutter.

But Luo Kang is so strong, the face under the cape hat is a bit hideous and crazy.

At this moment, everyone familiar with Luo Kang knew that the lunatic had returned.

"Who is that guy? So arrogant?" Someone who didn't know Luo Kang asked.

"When that guy and Zeng Shao used to play games, they were called two game lunatics. Zeng Shao was crazy about throwing money, and once he entered the game, he just threw money at once, and he was the first in the region.

But Luo Kang is different. He is an analysis emperor. His cousin once published a Luo Kang analysis file of a game. He calculated the data of every wild monster in the game, every bottle of medicine, and even the explosion rate of each type of equipment on which kind of wild monster.

Scared the officials to work overtime overnight to modify the value.

If you don't know him yet, let me tell you something you know.

The building order of the first wolf pack in Huaxia District was bought from him.

At the beginning, this guy made a bunch of fake cigarettes, made the room look like a fire scene, and made those madmen feel sick. "

"I'm Cao, so it's him!"

"It turns out that he is an analysis emperor, no wonder he can be the first to get the Jianbang token."

People suddenly realized, and only then did they know what kind of character this Luo Kang was.

After Luo Kang sold the construction order, he rarely appeared in the public eye.

Many people said that he went to reality with the money from selling the construction order.

Now he has been pulled out by Prince Octopus as the seed player of Suzaku City. It seems that not only did he not go to the waves, but he also went through a period of diving, and his strength has increased greatly!

For a time, Luo Kang became the focus of everyone's attention.

But soon, everyone was attracted by the people who appeared one after another. For example, a woman appeared in a white filial attire. She appeared on this occasion wearing a linen and filial piety. How strange it is;

An old man wearing a Taoist robe, smiling and looking harmless to humans and animals.

A burly man on stage with a coffin;

A man also wearing a large black cloak...

At this moment, everyone realized that the world seemed to have changed a bit. In addition to the familiar warriors, mages, and thieves, there were many strangely dressed people.

Everyone guessed that these should be hidden professionals!

Hidden occupations are far less rare than imagined.

For a time, everyone was looking forward to the next battle...

After the introduction, all players returned to their respective areas.

The spotlight returned to Prince Octopus, and Prince Octopus shouted excitedly: "I won't say more nonsense, just say the rules.

In the first game, a big melee, 100,000 people are divided into 1,000 arenas, and finally, the three players who survive each arena will enter the next big fight!

Valley Lock

Now, the battle begins! "

With the roar of the Octopus Prince, all the arenas were lit up. Only then did the contestants realize that they had entered the arena!

0999 Inside the arena.

Jie Xue only felt that the moment before his eyes, he appeared in a huge arena. It was too sudden. He didn't even see the faces of the players around him, and was hit by a long spear and an ice pick.

Jagged blood instantly entered a state of battle: "Grandma's, you want to fight, right? I will accompany you!"

Jie Xue swung the big sword in his hand and chopped down a player instantly, then sneakily attacked and kicked a player on the ground, raised the big sword in his hand and inserted it into the chrysanthemum...

There was a sneak attack from behind, Jie Xue turned around to avoid it, and then without turning his head, he accurately calculated the opponent's position, and the big sword turned around and slashed!

With a bang, the sneak attacker was shaken back, and the other party looked at Jagged Blood in disbelief: "How did you know that I was going to sneak attack on you?"

The group of rabbits flashed in Jagged's mind, and then sneered: "You are too unprofessional!"

Then the blood ran away...

The other party was about to pursue, when a player next to him came, and the two became a ball.

Jagged's equipment is not the best, but he can always find the most suitable angle to sneak attack on the most unsuspecting enemy. Anyone who tries to fight him one-on-one will use other players to stop him.

At this moment, he only felt that these players with similar equipment to himself were like idiots.

It seems that they only have the enemy in front of them in their eyes, and the smart ones are only able to scruple the battle within their line of sight.

"These wastes, the same equipment, a player in Suzaku City can play three or four!" Jie Xue found the strength of the players in Suzaku City while contemptuous.

From the beginning of their arrival, they have been fighting with rabbits, and they have experienced several large and small wars. Although they were all slaughtered, they have accumulated a lot of experience in the melee of large legions.

And this kind of experience, let alone the whole country, even the whole world, it is estimated that there is no second copy!

So, for others, the melee is a disaster, and they don't know how to deal with it at all.

But for the players of Suzaku City, it is like a fish in water, like a dragon returning to the sea!

There are no more chicken thieves, violent rabbits, and now they are the kings here!

Jagged blood came and went freely in the crowd, stabbing a knife in the back, and stabbing it with great joy.

The more he kills, the more confident he is. Later, he directly kills with red eyes, and he doesn't remember how many people he killed, and there is only a roar of fighting intent in his heart.

Just when his momentum reached its There is a time when the world is big, but who is it!


An untimely yawn sounded, it was not one person yawning, but countless people in the stands yawning at the same time!

Immediately, Jagged Blood was unhappy. With such a dazzling record, the other party was still yawning?

This is unbearable!

Jagged blood suddenly turned to the stands and roared, "Who?! Who is yawning!"

As soon as he looked up, he saw a large group of exploding muscles all over the stands, wearing golden helmets, holding golden shields, with a spear of pain beside him, and big white rabbits with sleepy faces!

Looking around, it turned out to be all big rabbits of this size!

Seeing him look over, all the rabbits stopped yawning, but tilted their heads one by one, looking at Jagged Blood, with a look like the underworld eldest brother was looking at some scumbag, with a look on his face. Disdain, upset, impatient. Three words were written in his eyes: "What are you looking at?"

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