No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 227 Strong men gather

The little carp believed it to be true. She had never eaten the specialty of the Sharman tribe, so she picked up the purple fruit and took a bite.

But as soon as she reached her mouth, her expression froze and gradually became distorted...

"Pfft! Pah! It's so spicy!"

"Hey hey hey hey..."

Lin Bei snickered when he saw this.

Little Carp curled his lips, "Professor Lin, you lied to me, this fruit is not delicious at all."

"I said it was beautiful and nourishing, but I didn't say it was delicious."

Lin Bei said naturally.


The little carp looked slightly startled, but was unable to refute.


Lin Bei has done scientific research on the specialties in this city and found that none of them are delicious, they are either spicy or bitter.

So I decided to move on to the next city.

The eldest princess and others have been impatient for a long time. With the recent successive victories, they simply cannot stop and are waiting for Professor Lin to speak.

Immediately, the generals regrouped their forces.

Mighty and mighty, leaping into the sea, ready to sweep across the next city.

Lin Beiyi leaned on the bow of the ghost ship and looked around. The sea today was calm and calm, and there was not even a single sea beast.

It was like there was no living thing around.

The eldest princess's beautiful eyes were surprised.

"That's weird, why are you so quiet?"

"Yes, eldest sister, even the Sharks are gone."

Little Carp said.

Little Shark's face was filled with pride.

"I think they are scared, right? We've been on such a roll recently, with fierce fish crossing the sea, that may have scared them away..."

"I hope so."

The eldest princess muttered.

They did not meet the Sharman tribe along the way. Looking into the distance, there were already islands and continuous cities.

If it had been in the past, the Sharks would have left the city to fight.

"There's no one there. I think they abandoned the city and fled, right?" Little Shark said happily.

The eldest princess thought less and said: "There may be an ambush. I tell everyone to be careful."

After a while.

Everyone has come to the coast.

They were about to land on the island, but still no one was seen. The surroundings were quiet, as if they were deliberately waiting for their arrival.

"Huh? Who is that?"

Lin Bei glanced around.

Finally, I saw a man walking out of the city. He was about forty or fifty years old. Although his hair was half white, his eyes were bright and clear.

He has sharp teeth in his mouth and vertical lines on both sides of his nose.

This is the typical beauty of the Sharman tribe.

"Director Lin, this guy doesn't seem to be simple." Huang Kai stared at him with small eyes.

And because of the appearance of this middle-aged man, the army of one million mermaids stopped landing on the island and felt great pressure.

Lin Bei looked carefully.

【bite! System scan: King of the shark race, insect-type demon god-level awakener, deep-sea insect, ability: water control. 】

"Oh...I thought something was going on, but it turned out to be the Shark King."


"Serman King???"

The eldest princess and others were stunned.

Of course, they have heard of this name for a long time, and in the hearts of the mermaid tribe, it is definitely called a legendary figure.

There are constant wars in the underwater world, countless mermaids have died unexpectedly, and all living beings are suffering from the war, but the person in front of me... is the initiator of all this!

"It's impossible, right? How could the Shark King appear here?"

"Yes, shouldn't he be in the Mermaid Palace?"

"Professor are joking again, and you are trying to scare us, right?"


The mermaid clan was talking a lot, and it was hard to believe for a moment that the legendary figure they had heard about since childhood actually appeared in front of them.

The shark king stood alone on the coast, with the surging waves in front of him hitting the rocks and splashing white water.

The million-strong army of mermaids is in the middle of the sea.


Facing millions of people, the shark king was not afraid. Instead, he chuckled, showing his domineering aura.

"Yes, I am the King of Mermen. You little kids have captured more than ten of my cities in a row, so you are quite capable."


The eldest princess and others were stunned.

It’s really the Shark King!

Although he didn't emit any breath, he felt a strong sense of oppression.

One person can suppress an army of millions.

It’s truly extraordinary!

"It's over, it's over! It's over now!"

"what to do?"

"The shark king has come out, do we want to retreat?"


The mermaid warriors knew that he was a demon-level powerhouse.

The eldest princess quickly said: "Professor Lin, why don't we retreat first? The gap in strength cannot be made up by quantity."

"emmm...what you said makes sense."

Lin Bei said thoughtfully.

The shark king below raised his head and asked.

"The people on the boat are law-abiding people from the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Well, it's good to know. Get out of the way. I want to go to the city to do scientific research. A good dog won't block the way."

Lin Bei said casually.


The mermaid clan took a deep breath and secretly sighed that Professor Lin was worthy of Professor Lin. He was not afraid of facing the shark king, and he even dared to speak harshly to him.

The shark king frowned.

"I came here today to find the lawful people of the Dragon Kingdom. This matter has nothing to do with the mermaid clan. If you don't want to be implicated, you can leave now."

"You came to see me...that's great."

Lin Bei thought to himself.

The eldest princess gritted her teeth. Although the mermaid tribe was uneducated, they were not stupid. This was obviously a plan to alienate the Mermaid King.

Even if he left, he would not let the fishmen go.

"Hmph! You're dreaming! We won't leave. If we want to fight, let's fight together!!!"

"Well, so that you don't say I'm bullying the weak, let my descendants play with you."

As soon as the merman king finished speaking.

Dozens of powerful auras came, and the royal figures of the merman tribe began to appear.

He said that he would use the power of the entire tribe, and he was not joking.

At this time, all the masters gathered here.

Most of the merman royal bloodline is SS-level masters. Because the SSS-level ones were hunted by the "Son of God"....

At a glance, the most conspicuous one is the figure in white. He has a handsome face, a dignified appearance, a humble demeanor, and a gentle manner.

If it weren't for the vertical lines on both sides of the nose, I would have thought he was a handsome young man of the human race.

But Lin Bei knew that he was the one who killed his relatives to prove his truth.

[Ding! System scan: Beast Soul Demon God-level awakener, Demon God Red Dragon, ability: super strong physique... The target is relatively resistant to beating, please refer to the host: sandbag. 】

"Oh, this is lively."

Lin Bei muttered.

The eldest princess obviously realized something, her face was so solemn that water was about to drip out.

Not only is the King of Mermaids here, but all the strong men of the tribe are gathered here. Obviously, they want to give it a try. If she and others are completely destroyed, I am afraid that the Mermaid Palace will be difficult to defend.

What frightened her most was that two demon god-level strong men appeared on the opposite side.

Especially the young man in white, who devoured many masters in the tribe, was extremely cruel, and his strength was unfathomable. It is said that he is not weaker than the King of Mermaids.

The eldest princess had seen him a long time ago. He was worshipped as the Son of God by the Mermaids. His real name is: Dong Tecui!


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