No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 241 Complex Situation

Lin Bei counted with his fingers, there were quite a lot of sandstorms.

Feng Qiu said quickly.

"It's windy and sandy outside, let's go inside and talk."


Everyone followed him to the Superpower Bureau.

In the conference room, there was a plate of apples on the table. Lin Bei was not polite, picked up one and took a bite.

In this arid area, apples are quite sweet...

Lin Bei leaned on the chair, put his legs on the table, chewed an apple and asked, "Tell me, what kind of monsters do you have here?"

"Um, this..."

Feng Qiu scratched his head and looked a little embarrassed, "We don't know what kind of monster it is."

"What? I don't know? Don't you know how people die?" Huang Kai asked with narrowed eyes, somewhat doubting his professional ability.

Feng Qiu frowned slightly, "Because there have been too many strange things recently. At first, residents in the city reported that they were haunted. Their dead relatives actually appeared again, and then they were taken into the desert and never seen again. return."

" night, ancient soldiers would appear in the desert again, rushing into the city, causing heavy casualties. They were not mutants, nor awakened ones, they seemed to be undead. In short, they were very evil. Old One People of all generations say that this is called the ‘Yinbing Passage’.”

"What's this mess?"

Lin Bei didn't understand.

But he had heard of Yin soldiers.

"Are the Yin soldiers you are talking about Qi Liuhai's Yin soldiers?"

"They are not the Yin soldiers with bangs, but the Yin soldiers without bangs. They wear armor and hold spears. They don't steal things or talk. They kill everyone they see!"

Feng Qiu spat and said.

Huang Kai and others were shocked. It was the first time they heard of such a strange monster.

Jiang Yingying frowned and thought.

"Those Yin soldiers are mostly driven by people. And you said that people resurrected their dead relatives and coaxed people to the desert. But they can use illusions, or they may be monsters with the ability to transform."

"Ouch? You are quite smart. You can be the military advisor of the Paw Paw Team in the future."

Huang Kai felt suddenly enlightened after listening to her analysis.

Feng Qiu asked strangely.

"Team Paw? What is Team Paw?"

"Ahem! Stop asking about the Dragon Group."

Bai Chengxiao was embarrassed to interrupt: "According to what you said, there is more than one monster!"

"Ah, yes, of course there is more than one. During this period, there were also ghosts, life-threatening ghosts, and various spiritual mutant monsters. Each one was extremely terrifying."

"I heard that Zhao Yuan died under a curse. Who cursed him?" Lin Bei asked.

Feng Qiu looked sad when he mentioned this matter, and the rough man's eyes also turned red.

"Comrade Zhao Yuan covered people's retreat, killed countless monsters, and saved many lives. Later, he said that the source of all this was in the desert, so he went into the desert to find the truth. But when he came out again, he was cursed , with ulcers all over his body, very painful, and finally couldn’t help but commit suicide..."

"He committed suicide?"

Bai Chengxiao felt very surprised.

The warriors of the Dragon Group have strong willpower and will not give up their lives easily. It is not certain whether Zhao Yuan committed suicide or there is another reason.

"It feels so complicated, but it's really a headache!" The eldest princess covered her temples, feeling that this matter was more difficult than fourth-grade Chinese.

Lin Bei heard so much from them, and with his intelligence, he could summarize all the above complex situations into one point - there are many monsters!

Feng Qiu continued.

"Now Comrade Zhao Yuan's teammates are still in the desert. There has been no movement for several days. What do you think we should do?"

As a member of the Dragon Team, Zhao Yuan did not act alone, but also had three teammates.

at this point.

The Paw Paw Team already knew and had information about the other three people when they held a meeting before leaving.

"It's not out yet. I'm afraid it's dangerous."

Bai Chengxiao was worried.

The situation is too urgent now, so the headquarters asked them to provide support.

Human lives are at stake in this matter, and nothing can be done carelessly.

In the past, when Bai Chengxiao was on the battlefield, he would always listen to other people's orders and fight where he was told, at most risking his life.

But now that you are promoted to the Jackie Chan group, you need to make your own decisions and not make mistakes. This is not only related to your own life, but also the lives of others, and you suddenly feel a lot of pressure. Sure enough, with greater ability comes greater responsibility.

"By the way, there are not only members of the Dragon Group who entered the desert, but also a girl named Li Muxue. It is said that she is also from Kyoto. I wonder if you recognize her." Feng Qiu said.


"Li Muxue?"

Huang Kai was surprised. He really didn't expect to hear her name here.

No wonder people are gone.

I had already gone to the desert...

"Director Lin, all the members of the Dragon Team have been killed. With Mu Xue's strength and no news for so long, the situation may be in danger! What should we do?" Huang Kai looked worried.

Lin Bei thought for a while, "This is not easy to handle. Let's go back and hold a memorial service."

Huang Kai: ".........."

Faced with such a complicated situation, it was the first time for the Paw Paw Team to go on a mission. They had little experience and could not make up their minds for a while.

After all, if you are not careful, you will lose everything.

No one dares to take this responsibility.

"Instructor Lin, how should we deal with this situation?" Jiang Yingying asked. Everyone, including Huang Kai, Feng Qiu and others, also looked at him.

Only Lin Bei can make the decision now.

"Emm... I got up early to catch a flight today." Lin Bei suddenly said.

"Huh? What does this mean?" Everyone was confused.

"Stupid! Of course you have to catch up on some sleep first."

Lin Bei got up and walked towards the lounge.

"............." Everyone was ashamed.

In the face of such a critical situation, you went to sleep? ? ?

According to Feng Qiu.

Only at night will those ghost soldiers appear.

Lin Bei planned to see what the ghost soldiers without bangs looked like first...

So he slept until 3:30 in the afternoon.

But the others couldn't sleep.

Seeing Lin Bei walk out of the room, they immediately surrounded him.

"Instructor Lin, you finally woke up, we are all waiting for you."

"What? Is it time to eat?"

Lin Bei rubbed his sleepy eyes.


Everyone was speechless, "This... still eating?"

"Nonsense, how can you not eat enough?"

Lin Bei asked back.

At 3:30, they had dinner again, and it was almost five o'clock. Lin Bei ate and drank as he should, without any panic.

At this time, the scorching sun was already red.

It was about to set.

Outside, the wind howled, sweeping up the dust, and the fiery red sun sprinkled down, making the evening even darker.

"Let's go!"

Lin Bei was full and said only one word.

When passing by the fruit plate, he picked up an apple.

Huang Kai, Paw Patrol, and Feng Qiu all followed behind them.

Outside the Superpower Bureau, a gust of wind whistled past, rolling up the yellow sand.

Now, every door in Mocheng is closed, and the streets are empty. Only waste newspapers and flyers are blown around by the wind. Wherever you look, you feel a sense of desolation...

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