No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 295: Love Rivals Meet

In a large hall, several large banquet tables were set up, and the celebration banquet began.

All the prominent people in Guangming City gathered here, and brothers Nian and Yi Nian also came, following behind their master.

Originally, Holy Light City was already in danger, and people were always on tenterhooks, fearing that the city would be breached.

But now he has fought his way out of the city and beaten the devil to pieces. This huge contrast is really surprising. ✻

The stone hanging in my heart finally fell to the ground...

With smiles on their faces, people came forward to salute Li Muxue, and then sat down one after another.

The main hall was full of guests and very lively.

Many of them exchanged greetings with Zhang Tian and Huang Kai. Most of them were guard leaders. They knew their strength and expressed their admiration for them.

Zhang Tian is relatively withdrawn and doesn't like talking to others, but Huang Kai is like a fish in water.

"Don't worry. With Brother Kai here, those demons won't dare to cause trouble. I will take you to the demon lair tomorrow." Huang Kai patted his chest and said.

"Awesome, awesome!"

The guard gave a thumbs up.

"But Brother Kai, where is the devil's lair?"

"Uh, well... I'll look for it when the time comes."

Of course Huang Kai didn't know.

A guard asked: "Brother Kai, you were whispered by the devil today. What did he say to you? Was it because of women?"

"Ahem! Stop asking about things on the road."

Huang Kai's old face turned red, and he couldn't help but mention any pot. This guy's emotional intelligence is really too low...

Lin Bei, on the other hand, only focused on eating and basically didn't talk to others.

After eating, we watched the excitement.

In the middle of the hall, there were people singing and dancing, all of which were spontaneous and performed to add to the fun.

The singing is loud and the dancing is light.

It attracted everyone's applause.

"Don't you know how to sing? Why don't you sing one?" Lin Bei asked.

Li Muxue was slightly startled, "Me? Going to sing?"

"Yeah, it's better to have something cheerful and festive."

"Emm...that's okay."

Li Muxue nodded and agreed.

When everyone heard that the Holy Lady was going to sing, they immediately burst into warm applause and looked excited.

"The Holy Lady actually sang!"

"Isn't this too close to the people?"

"It's such an honor to be able to hear the Holy Lady sing!"

"Yes, yes, but... can she sing?"

"You don't care whether you can sing or not. When the time comes, you'll be done clapping."


Li Muxue was wearing a gold-threaded robe, looking particularly dignified. A faint smile appeared on her beautiful face, and everything around her seemed to be eclipsed at this moment.

In the spotlight, she stepped forward.

Many people were stunned.

Li Muxue is a professional when it comes to singing, so she is full of confidence.

Lin Bei said he wanted to be festive and cheerful. After thinking about it for a while, he had an idea and spoke slowly.

"On this happy day, I bring you a song..."Good Luck Comes"."


There was another warm applause from below, although I didn’t know what the good luck was...

Sean said: "The song sung by the Holy Lady is a hymn!"

"Yes, yes, Psalm." Jim flattered quickly.

Sean glanced at him sideways: "Stay the hell away from me..."


The atmosphere of the banquet was very cheerful.

But looking at the excitement in front of him, Huang Kai suddenly felt melancholy.

He thought of the Paw Paw Team, where he was singing, dancing, eating, drinking and having fun. They must have been fighting or fleeing in the dark.

I am a bit incompetent as an instructor...

"Director Lin, do you really don't need to go find Team Paw Patrol?"

"Do you miss them?" Lin Bei asked.

"Um...kind of."

Huang Kai nodded.

Seeing Dahuang's true feelings, Lin Bei felt that this request must be met.

"It's actually very easy to find them."

"Oh? Real or fake?"

Huang Kai got excited. The abyss world is so big. Finding a few people is like finding a needle in a haystack, but Director Lin said it was very simple.

Lin Bei nodded.

"Things in the dark must be dealt with by the dark people."

"Dark Ones?"

Huang Kai was even more confused and didn't understand at all. He thought that Director Lin's brain circuit was abnormal again, right?

Who are the dark people?

At this time, Lin Bei greeted him.

"Think one, think two, come on, you two come over here."

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Brother Nian Yi trotted over with a smile on his face.

Huang Kai looked confused. Are these two people from the dark side? Didn't see it...

Just listen to Lin Bei's instructions.

"You two go out of the city again, go to the dark forbidden area, and find that lunatic."


The two brothers' eyes widened.

They knew who the psycho Lin Bei was talking about was the Lord of the Forbidden Land, the Queen of Darkness, Ye Mei!

", why are you looking for her? Do you miss her?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly."

Lin Bei urged.

The two brothers looked at each other in confusion. She is the Queen of Darkness, so asking her to come to Holy Light City is a bit...

In addition, the two of them felt that Lin Bei was having an affair with her, but now that the Saint of Light is here, won't they crash? ? ?

But now that Lin Bei has spoken, there is nothing the two of them can do.

"Then...let's go then."


Seeing the two people leaving in a hurry, Huang Kai still didn't know why.

Does Director Lin know anyone else?

Brother Nianyi is familiar with the place. Although he is worried about finding Yemei, he thinks that she is Lin Bei's lover and will not hurt him.

Not long after, the two brothers came back.

The banquet in the hall has not yet dispersed. Suddenly, the temperature dropped a few degrees and an evil atmosphere filled the air.


Everyone noticed it and turned their heads subconsciously.

A woman with fair skin, delicate face, and a long dress woven with black roses appeared at the door of the hall.

"It's quite lively, heartless man, you finally remembered me." Yemei didn't care about the eyes of the crowd.


Everyone looked horrified, obviously recognizing her.

The Queen of Darkness, the ruler of the forbidden land!

"Why is she...she here?"

"Oh my God! Am I dreaming?"

"Everyone be careful!"


People were alert and alert, as if they were facing a great enemy.

Li Muxue frowned. She remembered Ye Mei, who had bad intentions towards Lin Bei and was very powerful.

She was deeply impressed at that time.

But now, things are different.

"Why are you here?"

"Is it your turn to speak?"

Ye Mei stared with her black eyes, and suddenly murderous intent appeared. Black roses bloomed and entangled Li Muxue.

Even in the Holy Light City, she dared to attack directly when facing the Holy Lady of Light, which was extremely domineering.

Li Muxue gritted her teeth, and golden light shone around her.

Sunflowers bloomed proudly.

At the same time, the sky rang and released bursts of rays of light. The light array of the Holy Light City could suppress all dark forces.

Li Muxue mobilized the light array and combined with her own strength to offset those black roses.

"Don't fight anymore!"

Huang Kai quickly jumped out to stop the fight, "She was sent by Director Lin."


Li Muxue frowned and stared at her, still with a wary look on her face.

Ye Mei showed no weakness, raised her snow-white swan neck, and looked proud. She could see that Li Muxue had made great progress and could withstand her attack.

"It seems... I should have killed you in the first place."

Li Muxue: "........"

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