No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 327 Asking for Money

After a while, the girl came down from upstairs.

Huang Kai took out a small notebook and took notes for her.


"Jiang Xiaotong."


"21 years old."



Jiang Xiaotong was startled, should this thing be recorded?

"Ahem!" Dahuang coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, "The measurements don't matter. Let me tell you more specifically about how you were deceived."

"Well, I came to Tianyan Island to work and made a boyfriend. He told me that I could make a lot of money by investing in a project. He borrowed 240,000 from me one after another. Then he broke up with me and didn't care if he wanted the money. I won’t pay it back either…”

Jiang Xiaotong said that she was sad, her eyes were red, and she seemed about to cry again.

"Okay, okay."

Dahuang quickly tried to persuade him, "Don't worry, I will definitely get the money back for you."

"Well, okay, thank you, you are such a good person."

Jiang Xiaotong wiped away tears.

After asking about the situation, Huang Kai turned his head and started discussing with Lin Bei.

"Director Lin, this is a typical scam! It's really bad to deceive people's feelings and money."

"Well, go find someone. The stolen money must be recovered... confiscated!"

Lin Bei said decisively.

"That's... okay."

Huang Kai scratched his head.

According to the information provided by Jiang Xiaotong, her boyfriend's name is Wang He, who also works in a bar on Tianyan Island and is a show-stopper.

A few people went straight to the topic.

Rush to that bar.

The bar is not far away, just across the street.

It seems that people there didn't even know that Jiang Xiaotong had made such a big fuss.

When you come to the door of the bar, you can hear the restless music coming from inside.

‘Gucci Gucci Prada Prada~~~~’

The song is very exciting and rhythmic.

Pushing the door open and entering, the music sounded clearer.

Neon flashes ahead.

There were many girls in cool clothes twirling on the dance floor.

In the dim environment, the air was filled with the smell of alcohol and smoke.

"So high!"

Listening to the dynamic music, Huang Kai couldn't help but put on his big sunglasses and nodded to the rhythm...

"Brother Kai, it's so dark here, can you see with your sunglasses on?" Wang Ming asked curiously.

"Is it black? It's obviously pretty white to me. You really don't understand anything." Huang Kai glanced at the long legs of a girl in a miniskirt.

On a card table in the corner, a group of young people were sitting.

Their hair was green and green, they were smoking cigarettes, puffing away smoke, and laughing from time to time. They looked very happy.

There are also a few little girls among them who pour wine for a few people from time to time.

"Brother He, that girlfriend of yours is going to commit suicide by jumping off a building. I just saw her when I went out to buy cigarettes." said a boy.

"That silly guy, go die now. It's better if you die. No one will bother me anymore." Wang He held the cigarette in his hand, picked up the wine glass and took a big sip.

"No, everyone is just here to have fun. It's her fault to be serious."

A boy said while hugging a little girl.

Not far away, Huang Kai wore big sunglasses, put his hands in his pockets, and still nodded to the rhythm of the music.

"I really don't understand why you girls like smart guys?"

"Look, there are two hairtail fish painted on his arms."

Lin Bei looked at it carefully, opened the bag of shrimp crackers and ate it.

I just picked it up when I passed the bar.

I saw Wang He wearing white half-sleeves and tight pants. His exposed arms were covered with tattoos. He didn't look like a good person at first glance.

Jiang Xiaotong gritted his teeth. He had heard the conversation between several people just now, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Wang He, you are not human!"


Hearing her soft drink, the people at the table turned their heads.

"Yo! If you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here!"

"Isn't this too casual?"

"Why is she not dead yet? What are you doing here?"


A group of people talked in disapproval.

Wang He then said: "Jiang Xiaotong, you are really haunting me. I said we broke up, why are you still looking for me?"

"Do you think I want to see you? Pay me back the money you owe me!"


Wang He seemed to have heard a joke.

"Isn't that what you willingly gave me when we were in love? Now you want it again?"

"Don't deny it, I obviously lent it to you!"

"Borrow it from me? That's fine, but I don't have it now."

Wang He spread his hands and showed a provocative smile.

A posture of what you can do to me.

The younger brother in the back hugged the little sister and watched the fun with a smile.


Jiang Xiaotong was helpless, she was no match for these little gangsters.

"Repaying debts is a matter of course. Brother Kai can't bear to owe money to girls." Huang Kai suddenly said.

Wang He raised his eyes to look around and saw the people in Lin Bei, but they still didn't care.

"Hey... I'm telling you, who gave you the courage to find help?"

"We are from the Supernatural Power Bureau."

Lin Bei ate shrimp crackers and said lightly.

But this sentence does have weight.

The eyes of several gangsters suddenly widened, showing a bit of fear.

Wang He also squinted his eyes.

Generally speaking, it is said to be from the Superpower Bureau, and most of them will not be false, because it is a serious crime to appear as a member of the Superpower Bureau.

"Oh, it turns out to be Sir, disrespectful!"

Wang He immediately stood up and pretended to hold his fists.

He is a seasoned man.

He has many tricks.

"Please call me Director Lin."

Lin Bei said.


Wang He was obviously stunned for a moment. Looking at the young man who was leisurely eating shrimp strips in front of him, he felt that this man had some problems.

"Okay, Director Lin, I am a good citizen and I have not violated the order."

"Don't you owe them money?"

Lin Bei continued to ask.

"Oh, yes."

Wang He nodded, but did not deny it.

"I did borrow money, but I didn't say I wouldn't pay it back. I will definitely pay it back when I have money. Isn't this illegal???"

Jiang Xiaotong looked anxious.

"He is a liar, a rogue, eating and drinking every day, and he doesn't pay back even if he has money! I think he just wants to default on his debts!"

"Defamation! I'm suing you for defamation! She slandered me!"

Wang He pretended to be innocent and bit back.

But his eyes were full of smiles.

As long as he keeps defaulting, they can't do anything.

Wang Ming was also scratching his head.

"Director Lin, what should we do? If we follow the procedure, we really can't catch him."

"It's not good for a kid to play tricks. He probably deserves a beating. Da Huang, go ahead."

Director Lin never follows the rules.


Wang He, who was originally complacent, stared at him after hearing this.

What does it mean?

The Supernatural Bureau beats people?

But Da Huang was ready to fight, just waiting for Director Lin to speak, and waved his hand to slap him.


This time the force was not light, directly whipping Wang He into the air, turning several circles in the air, and hitting him heavily on the table.


The wine on the table spilled all over the floor.

"Beat him! Beat him! The Supernatural Bureau beat him!" Wang He shouted.

"Eh? It's just a massage, how can it be called beating? I'll step on your back."

Huang Kai stomped his foot down.


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