When Tang Bo saw Director Lin, he should go and say hello.

Moreover, the Lu family has a good reputation recently and has been well received by the public, so I want to show off, so I look very proud.

"Hey, isn't this Director Lin? He actually has time to have barbecue. It seems he's not busy at work!"

Tang Bo was so far away that he started shouting while pulling his neck.

Many tourists around heard it.

"Huh? Are they from the Superpower Bureau?"

"I came here to have barbecue. It's so relaxing."

"Don't tell me on the Internet that this year's superpower bureau is too difficult to lead and has done nothing."

"Yeah, I even commented, but I got trolled by trolls!"

"I think it's all in vain. They actually still want to come to the beach to play..."


Listening to the discussions around him, Lin Bei remained indifferent.

Don't argue with these people.

After all, they are just people who don’t know the truth.

Dahuang, on the other hand, is quite angry because he is what people call a 'troll' and is often criticized online...

Seeing Tang Bo coming over, he curled his lips and asked.

"Steward Tang, who gave your master the bad idea to invite a mercenary team?"


Tang Bo was slightly startled because this idea was his own.

"Isn't it great? Look how safe the island is now."

"Well, it's really good. You can help us maintain law and order for free. It's free if you don't use it."

Lin Bei nodded.

Tang Bo was slightly startled.

I feel a little unhappy. What does it mean to maintain public security for free?

He obviously spent a billion to invite him.

"Director Lin, that's because our master understands his righteousness and has invited the Overlord Team to serve him with lobster and abalone every day. He can play casually on the island and help our master do things. The Lu family will not treat him badly."

"Huh? What do you mean? Let us, the Superpower Bureau, also do things for your Lu family?"

Dahuang was outspoken and directly stated the meaning of his words.

Tang Bo shook his head repeatedly.

"Don't dare, don't dare, how dare we bother you?"

"Well, it doesn't matter. Seventy billion is enough to buy a lot of lobsters and abalones, and it's enough for casual fun."

Lin Bei said.

"..." Tang Bo was ashamed.

When I mentioned this, my heart ached.

"Ahem! The Overlord team we invited is very powerful. The captain is an S-class awakener. They can completely protect the safety of the people. From now on, your superpower bureau will be free. You can eat, drink and have fun every day."

"Hey, S-level...that's really awesome!"

Huang Kai said in a strange way.

But Tang Bo's words were more for the people around him to listen to, showing the grandeur of the Lu family.


People couldn't help but start talking.

"The Lu family has made a big contribution on this island, even maintaining public security."

"Yeah, what's the point of having a superpower bureau? Isn't it just a living thing?"

"Alas~~ We still have to pay taxes to pay them wages."

"Yeah, look, this office building is so domineering. Isn't this all everyone's hard-earned money?"

"I originally wanted to apply for the Superpower Bureau, but forget it! I won't go, I don't want to be a moth!"


Facing the six-eyed flying fish, Huang Kai was very unhappy.

He couldn't help but stood up and shouted.

"Hey, what do you know? Director Lin personally funded the location of the Superpower Bureau!!"

"Private funding? Didn't you say that the Lu family sponsored 70 billion?"

"Yes, has the money been embezzled???"

The two of them looked surprised.

Huang Kai's old face became even more angry.

"It's defamation! I'm suing you for defamation! Director Lin has a lot of money, but he still embezzles that little money?"

"Hey, he's in a hurry, he's in a hurry!"

"He won't catch us, will he?"

"A director is so rich? We should check carefully and see where the money comes from."


People argue that prejudices are difficult to change once they are preconceived.

"Oh, I..."

Huang Kai scratched his head and head anxiously, almost going crazy.

He has fought on the bottom of the sea, stepped into the abyss, and fought with many god-level warriors, and he has never lost.

But in the face of rumors.

But unable to fight back...

Lin Bei never cared about other people's opinions and remained calm as he picked up the mutton skewers and glanced at the seaside.

At this time, wisps of black air were condensing in the sea water, and the waves were surging more and more violently, as if something... was about to appear.

Tang Bo was elated.

"Hahaha, you can eat and have fun, so I won't bother you. The Overlord Team is here and the island is very safe. If you need help, you can just ask. We, Mr. Lu, are the most generous."

"Tch, hypocritical!"

Huang Kai gritted his teeth and muttered.

But Tang Bo had already turned around and left.

Wang Ming looked equally unhappy.

"This guy only talks nice, and it's amazing that he can do things!"

"Well, Brother Kai, do you still need their help? They are the ones who ask me for help!"


Just then.

Sudden changes.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the sea water, the earth shook, and a huge wave surged toward the shore.

There's a tsunami!

"Well, what's going on?"

People turned around and saw the huge waves rising.

His expression suddenly changed.

"There's a tsunami! Run!"

"Oh my god, help me~~~"


The huge waves were nearly 100 meters high in a blink of an eye.

The ground was shaking continuously, and many people fell to the ground and could not escape at all.

"Wow~~~ Mom, I'm so scared."

"Don't be afraid, Mom will protect you."

There were also many children playing on the beach.

At this time, the scene was chaotic, with adults crying and children making noises.

It was too sudden.

Huang Kai glanced.

He found that there was a faint black air in the huge waves, mixed with the power of the undead, which was obviously man-made.

The exile members took action again.

It was still the same beach, the same place.....

Wang Ming stood up in horror.

He had never seen such a scene.

"Director Lin, what should we do?"

"Save people first."

Lin Bei was eating kebabs.

Huang Kai understood what he meant, and glanced at the people who were fleeing in panic. Although he was always criticized recently, as a lawful person in Dragon Country, he still had to abide by his duties and protect the safety of the public.

"Alas~~ Brother Kai is kind-hearted and knows the big picture. He won't bother with you..."

Against the fleeing crowd, Da Huang stepped forward firmly.

Seeing the huge waves getting closer and closer, it was about to hit.

Huang Kai bent his arms and punched forward.


The power of this punch was extremely strong, like a dead tree or rotten wood, and the terrifying wave swept through.

The huge waves in front of him were directly pushed away by a punch.

Although there was still sea water rushing to the beach, it was not enough to cause damage.

The people behind him were not injured.

"Huh? So strong?"

"It was him... He saved us."

"Is he from the Superpower Bureau?"


Everyone was shocked.

Relying on his own strength, he actually separated the huge waves.

It was beyond imagination.

"Isn't this too strong?"

"Isn't it said that the Superpower Bureau is just eating dry food?"

"Uh... But he saved us."


At this time, this matter is not over yet.

On the beach not far away, Tang Bo was shouting at the top of his voice.

"Don't be afraid, our Overlord Squad is here to protect you!"


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