
The girl's expression became even more frightened, and her body shrank back.

"Don't be afraid, I'm such a good person."

Huang Kai explained again, and stretched out his hand to remove the linen stuffed in his mouth, "I can let you talk, but you must not yell randomly."

"Ah——Help!! Woooooooo~~~"

A sharp scream suddenly exploded in the room. The girl cried hysterically, and the whole village heard it.

Huang Kai: "......"

The old men outside looked at each other with horrified expressions.

"As expected of Lord Shadow, it's really terrifying."

"Yes, the girl screamed so miserably!"

"I really don't know how horrible she saw..."

"Shh... don't ask if you shouldn't be asking."

"Remember, we must not anger Lord Shadow!"


Little did they know, the rhubarb actually did nothing.

Lin Bei heard the screams, feeling a little harsh, and came over eating bear biscuits.

"Hey, stop howling."


The girl was stunned, staring at Lin Bei's face with a pair of tearful eyes, and then looked at the bear cookie in his hand.


My stomach growled.

She hadn't eaten for three days, and her chest was pressed against her back from hunger.

"Want to eat? I can give you a piece, but just one piece."

Lin Bei was generous and took out a bear biscuit and handed it to him.

The girl had obviously never seen this thing, but she saw that Lin Bei tasted it delicious, and the smell of milk came from her breath.

So no longer thinking about it, I took the biscuits into my mouth and started chewing them.

As expected, it tastes fragrant and sweet, and is simply delicious.

Hungry, the best cook, the girl finds it very delicious.

After eating a piece of bear biscuit, she immediately calmed down and looked at Lin Bei eagerly, not as alert as before.

I don't think he is a bad person...

Huang Kai scratched his head and felt that snacks were really powerful... Should he bring some with him in the future?

"What's your name?" Lin Bei asked.

"I...my name is Elisha."

"The name is so long?"

Lin Bei frowned, feeling that he couldn't remember, "Forget it, just call me Little Lala."


The girl looked startled.

Lin Bei continued: "Untie little Lala."

"Yeah, okay."

Dahuang grinned and stepped forward.

When the girl saw him coming, she subconsciously hid.

"..." Huang Kai was ashamed, thinking that this little girl is too timid, right?

Dahuang grabbed the rope and ripped it off.

There were red marks on the girl's body caused by the rope. Her hands and feet were stiff due to being tied up for too long, so she quickly moved her wrists.

"Do you believe it now? I'm really not a bad person." Huang Kai made a smile that he thought was kind.

"Aren't you...the exiled members?"

the girl asked timidly.

Huang Kai shook his head.

"We are not. The old man outside recognized the wrong person."


The girl looked surprised, finding it incredible that she could recognize the wrong person? ? ?

However, I felt happy and had a feeling of surviving the disaster.

But soon, he became worried again.

"Then... let's find a way to get out of here quickly. What if the exiled members really come later?"

"Tch, what will happen if we come? We are the lawful ones of the Dragon Kingdom. Have you heard of the lawful ones of the Dragon Kingdom?"

Dahuang patted his chest, his face full of pride.

But the girl shook her head.

"Never heard of it."

"Um..." Dahuang's face fell. He had prepared many words, but he couldn't finish any of them.

This Skull Island.

Standing alone in the vast sea, almost isolated from the world.

The life of the indigenous people is backward.

It’s normal if you haven’t heard of it.

Lin Bei waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. Everyone on this island will know about it soon."

"Well, yes!"

Huang Kai nodded in agreement.

Now that Director Lin is here, he will definitely do something earth-shattering and become famous throughout the island.

Lin Bei continued.

"Since Lu Cheng developed Tianyan Island, we will develop Skull Island."

"Well, nothing's wrong!"

Rhubarb continues to hold.

Seeing the two singing in harmony, the girl realized that they were not from the island, but from outside.

"What are you doing on the island?"

"Those exiled members don't know how to praise us, provoke our Tianyan Island, and want to arrest scientific researchers, so we are here to kill them!" Huang Kai said.

The girl looked at the two of them blankly.

Needless to say, the power of exile is very terrifying.

"The exiled members are all lunatics, perverts, and demons. Can it be done with just the two of you?"

"What's wrong with the crazy devil? You're talking as if Director Lin is a normal person." Huang Kai was disdainful.

Lin Bei quickly waved his hand to stop him: "Hey, don't expose my strength."


At this time, on the vast sea, a wooden ship exuding the power of the undead sailed towards Skull Island.

Shadow is back with a little brother...

His wooden boat, also blessed by the power of the undead, was extremely fast and stopped on the rocky beach.

There are several villagers working on the beach.

They all turned to look, with surprise and doubt in their eyes.

Meeting their gazes, the younger brother of Shadow frowned.

"What are you looking at? You see Lord Shadow, why don't you come over to meet him?"

"Lord Shadow?"

The villagers looked at each other.

Didn't they just pick one up?

He looked at his wooden boat, which was far inferior to Lin Bei's ghost ship and not impressive at all.

"Is this fake?"

"How dare you question Lord Shadow!"

The younger brother shouted angrily, and the murderous aura emanating from his body was terrifying.

The villagers were frightened and hurried to explain.

"No, no... Our leader has just picked up a Lord Shadow, I saw it with my own eyes."


Shadow frowned and quickly reacted.

Could it be that someone was impersonating him?

"Come on, take me to your tribe to see."

"Uh... yes."

The villagers did not dare to resist.

They passed through the woods and came to the village.

At this time, the old man was guarding outside the wooden house with his men. After all, 'Lord Shadow' was eating delicious food and could not be disturbed.

Once he was angry, it would be troublesome.

Several villagers hurried over, looking anxious.

"Leader, please take a look, there is another person who claims to be Shadow."

"What's going on?"

The old man looked surprised.

He immediately turned his head and found that there were indeed several villagers, with two people coming.

The two were wearing black robes, with gloomy faces and a hint of anger.

The breath on their bodies was cold, but far from the oppression of the ghost ship.

The old man pondered in his heart.

The real Shadow had just eaten people in the room, and he heard it with his own ears, so it should not be fake.

Therefore, he concluded that the two people in front of him must be pretending.

"What a big courage! You dare to pretend to be Lord Shadow!!!"


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