
Huang Kai's face was stiff, feeling like he had been hit ten thousand times.

"Impossible! You robots are still different from real people. Some of the real people like me!"

"Well, there are indeed differences."

Shen Hui did not deny it, "Robots can remain absolutely rational and will not act on impulse, but humans are not rational creatures and will do extraordinary things, so..."

"Okay, don't say any more."

Huang Kai quickly interrupted him.

I feel that if she continues to talk, it will still be detrimental to me...


Inside Atlantis, it looked prosperous and peaceful, but in fact there was an undercurrent.

At this time, a group of people was marching on the street, led by a girl, holding a sign in her hand.

There is a photo above of a middle-aged man wearing a white coat, thin hair, and black-rimmed glasses.

"We demand the release of Dr. Wen Dong!" the girl shouted, holding up the photo.

A long group of people behind him also shouted.

"Yes! Dr. Wen Dong is not guilty!"

"He is so good to everyone, why would he be arrested just for going out?"

"The parliament is incompetent and we strongly demand that he be released!"


Among these people, there were men, women, old and young, and they were very emotional.

The order-maintaining robot stepped forward to stop him, but was quickly pushed aside.


Life is not easy, the robot sighs.

He quickly used his internal communicator to contact the Law Enforcement Bureau.


Within the Law Enforcement Bureau, Yu Xia immediately became busy.

"These people are at it again!"

"Well, according to the aircraft scan, there are also level 8 technological products. If a riot breaks out, it will be troublesome."

The team member held the information and said.

Level eight....The strength is already equivalent to that of an SSS awakener.

Yu Xia frowned.

I think this is a problem.

Moreover, that group of people has seriously affected traffic order and disrupted other people's normal lives.

Lin Bei and Dahuang were very leisurely, eating unknown green fruits next to them, and they felt it smelled like cucumber.

"Eh? Is it possible that this... is a cucumber from outside the territory?" Lin Bei analyzed.

"Hmm... I think so."

Huang Kai nodded.

Lin Bei took another big bite, looked at the green skin of the fruit, and suddenly remembered something.

"Then tell me, cucumbers are not yellow, so why are they called cucumbers??"


Huang Kai thought for a moment, "Maybe it's just a name. You see, I'm not obscene. I'm still called Huang Kai..."

Yu Xia has finished dressing up and is talking to his team members about going to the maintenance warehouse to activate some robots to maintain public order in the city.

Huang Kai's ears moved and he heard his conversation.

Maintenance warehouse?


He thought of the beautiful robot No. 0150 yesterday. After replacing the soul crystal, he went to the maintenance warehouse for maintenance.

So...the maintenance bay may be where they sleep.

Huang Kai wondered in his mind, are there a large number of beautiful robots there?

"Ahem! Captain Yu, what are you doing? Do you need my help? We are all on our own. If you have anything to say, please don't be polite."

"Oh, I'll go to the maintenance warehouse to activate some robots and go to the streets to maintain law and order."

"I'll go with you."

Dahuang said proactively.

"you go?"

Yu Xia looked at him in surprise, feeling that this was a bit unreliable.

Huang Kai said quickly.

"We are Lawful Orders of the Dragon Kingdom, working in the Supernatural Powers Bureau and professionally maintaining public security, right Director Lin?"

Lin Bei stared at him and asked after a while,

"You still said you're not pornographic?"

Huang Kai: "......"


But in the end, Yu Xia agreed, and they rushed to the maintenance warehouse together, passing through sections of alloy corridors and scanning their pupils multiple times.

Finally came to a door.

Huang Kai was looking forward to it.

"In order to save energy, the robot is always in standby mode." Yu Xia explained, pressing the door opening button.

But Dahuang had no intention of talking, and quickly looked inside with his small eyes.

I saw that the room was very spacious.

There are metal 'coffins' covered with transparent glass covers.

As expected, they are all beautiful robots.

But they were all wearing tank tops and shorts.

"Ah... you still don't save enough."

Huang Kai sighed.

But I still find it very eye-catching.

In order to distinguish them, those beautiful robots have different looks.

Beauty is unique in its own way, and the facial features are flawless.

These looks are all synthesized by computer, which is equivalent to making them look whatever they want in Photoshop.

Lin Bei didn't think it was interesting.

"Why are all your robots made into women? Wouldn't it be better to make them into Transformers?"

"Ahem! Because... beautiful women are more popular with the public."

Yu Xia coughed lightly and explained: "According to scientific research, it is not only boys who like to look at beautiful women, but girls actually like to look at beautiful women even more. And looking at beautiful women more... can increase life expectancy."

"Yeah! Yeah! As expected of the ultimate civilization, the research is thorough. I just say there is nothing wrong with looking at beautiful women."

Huang Kai finally found a reason.

Moreover, the beauty robot is more friendly and can maintain law and order more effectively.

For example, to mediate neighborhood disputes, it is better to go to a beautiful woman than to go to a bunch of machines or a big and strong man.

Yu Xia started the robot, and five of the glass covers slowly opened.

The beautiful robot inside sat up straight.

The maintenance warehouse immediately extended several mechanical arms to dress the five people, and the movements were very quick.

"It's quite fast to dress..."

Huang Kai thought it was amazing.

Lin Bei also thought that the maintenance warehouse was good, and everyone should be equipped with one in the future, so that they don't have to dress themselves every day when they get up.

Five robots came together, and their uniforms were all numbered.

From 0150 to 0155.

"Captain Yu, is there another mission?" 0150 asked.

"Well, it's the same group of people yesterday, and they started marching again." Yu Xia explained.

The five robots nodded to show that they understood.

Their expressions were exactly the same as normal humans.


Follow Yu Xia and prepare to go to the chaotic neighborhood.

Everyone got on an autonomous driving car.

Yu Xia looked at Lin Bei and the other man, still a little worried, and couldn't help but remind him.

"We must stay calm when we get there, and focus on persuasion. Don't get into verbal or physical conflicts."

"I know all this."

Huang Kai patted his chest, "We are the Dragon Country's lawful people, and Lin Bei is the director of the Superpower Bureau. He is very professional in maintaining public order. Do you understand professionalism?"

"No... When the people are marching, they are generally very emotional. If they speak inappropriately, it is easy to make the situation worse and cause riots. So we must control ourselves and try to avoid fighting."

Yu Xia explained seriously.

Lin Bei nodded.

"Don't worry, I promise not to fight..."


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