No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 437 Go pick them up

Gui Yuan's memory was not over yet, the scene changed again.

An altar appeared unexpectedly.

The altar was as big as a mountain, and it was engraved with dense runes from outside the domain, which was exactly the same as the previous plan of descending the gods, but the momentum was even more overwhelming.

Liu Yun and others were shocked when they saw this.

"Isn't this the place where the angels from outside the domain are about to descend?"

Da Huang nodded, "It should be right, Gui Yuan communicated with them through the altar."

As a guide, Gui Yuan was mainly responsible for receiving them.

Lin Bei thought.

"Then Gui Yuan is going to die now, so he can't receive them?"

"Yes, that's right."

Huang Kai nodded, "What do you want to do?"

"How about... let's go and pick them up?"


Listening to Lin Bei's words, everyone looked surprised.

Are we going to pick up the angels from outside the domain?

As expected of Director Lin, he still solves problems simply and rudely.

His meaning is very clear.

As soon as the extraterritorial angels came, they were killed directly, strangled in the cradle, and buried before they debuted.

"I think what Director Lin said makes sense. We can set up an ambush in advance. Anyway, there will be a battle sooner or later, so it is better to take the initiative in advance." Liu Yun analyzed.

"Ambush? Is it necessary?"

Lin Bei didn't care.

And through Guiyuan's memory, he just knew the location of the altar.

Of course, it is not in the territory of Longguo.

But it is not far away, just on the island country where people live a good life.

It is a major base for exiles.

Maybe because there are more perverts...

The current state of the island country is that half of it has become a fallen area, with mutants rampant and humans being kept in captivity.

The other half is still barely maintaining order, but it is already in danger.

However, the location of the altar is unexpected.

It was built in an orderly area...

"The fallen area is the territory of the exiles, why is the altar built in the city?" Da Huang was also surprised.

"It means there are problems in the city too." Li Muxue said.

This idea was soon confirmed in Gui Yuan's memory.

He had many disciples, gathered in the city where the altar was built.

Among them, there was a chief disciple named Shanye, who was the most outstanding and was actually a well-known figure in the local area.

In addition.

The exiles took advantage of the arrival of the monsters from outside the domain and looted gold and silver treasures everywhere, and also transported them to the island country.

For example, the secret warehouse discovered by Lin Bei, but that was just one of them.

There are many that have not been discovered.

Lin Bei raised his eyebrows.

"My money was transported away. Does this look like a painting? We must get them back."

"Yes, that's right. Since it's an island country, I must go. Ace Xiaokai, apply for a fight!"

Da Huang was indignant.

At the same time, he considered himself a cultural person and wanted to go to the local area to exchange culture and visit his enlightenment teacher. After all, learning makes people progress.

Bai Chengxiao came up and said.

"Instructor Huang, take care of yourself!"

"Hey! Are you the only one who talks a lot of nonsense?"

Da Huang glanced at him.

Gui Yuan's memory ended there. As the light curtain dissipated, his soul was decomposed and he died here completely.

Lin Bei and others studied the plan to go to the island country.

They had three goals in total.

To welcome the angels from outside the domain, to eliminate the disciples of Gui Yuan, and to retrieve the gold and silver treasures.

For Lin Bei, this was a "treasure hunt game 2.0".

The accompanying personnel included Da Huang and Li Muxue. As for the Paw Patrol, they continued to maintain order and serve the shelter.

In fact... Bai Chengxiao also wanted to go.

But unfortunately there was no chance.

He could only see Lin Bei and others off.

After a day of rest, Lin Bei and others planned to set off. The means of transportation was an automatic flying vehicle, which was not only fast, but also could automatically locate the destination, so there was no need to worry about Lin Bei getting lost halfway.

Bai Chengxiao said with regret.

"Instructor Huang, I can't go this time, but if you meet the teachers, please help me get an autographed photo. It's better not to wear clothes, otherwise I won't recognize you."

"Hey! What are you thinking? I'm going there to carry out the mission and maintain world peace. How can I have the mind to do that kind of thing?"

Huang Kai said righteously.

He glanced at Xiaoman next to him and saw that she was not angry, so he felt relieved....

Lin Bei and others are going on a business trip.

Of course, everyone came to see them off.

"Be careful!" People urged one after another.

Although Lin Bei and others are very powerful, this trip is different from the past. Solving the disciples of Guiyuan and taking back the gold and silver treasures are trivial matters. The most important thing is to encounter the angels from outside the domain.

The strength of extraterritorial creatures should not be underestimated.

Lin Bei waved his hand without looking back, walked into the aircraft, took out a lollipop and ate it.

In the cockpit, there are three seats, and in front is a light screen, which shows the outside scene.

The aircraft is controlled by artificial intelligence and is fully automatic.

Very high-tech.

Lin Bei is eating snacks.

"Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, give me a massage."

"Okay, Master, I'll start the seat massage program for you now."

A gentle mechanical female voice sounded.

The seat back automatically adjusted its angle, and then began to massage in all directions.

Very comfortable.....

"Hey, how long will it take to get there?" Huang Kai asked casually.

"It is estimated that there will be 32 minutes and 40 seconds to reach the target city."

The mechanical voice replied.


Huang Kai agreed, "Then play a Japanese movie for me, I'll preview it first."

"Okay, now I will play "XXのXX" for you"


The aircraft traveled very quickly, and after half an hour, it arrived at a bustling city.

It has a bright silver metal appearance and a long tail flame, which is very attractive.

People walking on the street couldn't help but stop and look up.

"Wow, what is that?"

"Look! There's a UFO!"

"There won't be an alien invasion, right?"

"Hurry up and report to the Self-Defense Forces!"


People were stunned, having never seen such high technology before, and it immediately caused quite a sensation.

At this time, the blue tail flame slowly shrank, the aircraft slowed down, and began to land.

Not long after, it landed on the side of the street.


The aircraft door opened.

Lin Bei's three figures appeared and walked out.

‘The destination has been reached and the aircraft will return automatically. ’

The mechanical female voice behind her finished her announcement.

The aircraft took off again and flew out on its own.

"Is this an island country?"

Huang Kai glanced around, seeing tall buildings and busy traffic all around.

Li Muxue felt strange.

"It seems to be quite peaceful here. Have you not been attacked by monsters from outside the territory?"

"Stupid! Those monsters won't attack where there are exiles."

Lin Bei said holding a lollipop in his mouth.

The three of them were talking among themselves, but the passers-by on the street looked at them in astonishment, even a little scared.

Is this an alien?

But Huang Kai has long been used to it and doesn't take it seriously at all.

no way...

Wherever he goes, he is the center of attention.

But at this time, a patrol car came from a distance and stopped directly in front of them.

Four people walked out from above.

The leader is a girl with fair skin, a delicate face, a curvy figure, and is wearing a blue uniform.

A pair of eyes stared at them.

Huang Kai looked with small eyes.

"As expected of an island country, we come up to uniform XX."


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