The demon and the mantis also frowned, as if they were facing a great enemy.

At this point, there was no choice.

"Let's go together and see how strong he is!" said the demon leader.

Now in the extraterritorial camp, in addition to the demon leader, there are two demon warriors, both of whom are god-level strongmen. ✻

In the angel army, two were just killed by Ye Mei and Ji Yunqing, and there are still three god-level brothers left.

Add the white mantis.

There are eight strong men.

So the demon leader felt that he was not without the power to fight, and the eight-winged angel, summoning the power of the fallen angel, had already faintly surpassed the god-level limit.

With such a strong lineup, isn't he still a match for him alone?

"Then let's start!"

The white mantis was fierce and directly abandoned Da Huang and rushed towards Lin Bei.

Of course, Huang Kai did not stop him.

Instead, he sat on the ground.

Because he had no strength and needed to rest, it was not easy to persist until now...

Lin Bei stood in the air, staring with a pair of vertical pupils.

Time seemed to slow down ten thousand times, and the movements of the white mantis and its subtle energy fluctuations were all in sight.

Then a golden light flashed in his right hand, and the scales and patterns intertwined.

He punched forward.

There seemed to be a dragon roar, and the air was wailing.

The terrifying energy swept.

The white mantis was like a lone boat, trapped in the wind and waves.


The white shell on its body made a crisp sound, and fine cracks spread, instantly crawling all over its body.


It made a sharp sound in its mouth, in great pain.

The body immediately flew backwards a thousand meters, rolled on the ground for several times, and crashed into the rocks.

Lin Bei did not chase, because behind him, the murderous aura spread, and two demons appeared, and raised their fists to attack at the same time.

The devil flame surged up, and the energy was extremely violent.

But Lin Bei did not even turn his head.

The next second, the figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The two fists burning with devil flames immediately pounced into the air.


"Where are the people? Where did they go?"

The two demon warriors were in doubt.

The demon commander frowned, feeling something was wrong, and quickly reminded them.

"Two idiots! Run!"

The demon warriors didn't understand, but still obeyed the order.

They quickly retreated.

But suddenly, the demons stopped, because two slender hands pinched their necks.

The demon commander saw it clearly, and was speechless.

"I told you to run forward! He's behind you!"

"Uh...why didn't you say it earlier."

The demon warriors were slightly stunned.

But then the back of his neck tightened, and the slender hands began to exert force, and the blazing golden light lit up, instantly swallowing the demon flame.

The real body of the demon was pinched out by those hands.

The demons recovered their bodies.

Then they became confused, and they felt dizzy, fell heavily to the ground, and bounced a few times, and their vision was completely dark.

Because Lin Bei had pulled off his head and threw it on the ground.

Two headless demon bodies fell to the ground with a bang, and smoke and dust rose up.


The demon leader looked terrified.

Two god-level subordinates.

He easily dealt with them like pinching chickens.

Before, Lin Bei had killed four demon warriors with one sword, and now it was easy to kill these two.

Seeing this, the Dragon Kingdom's lawful people were immediately excited.

He is worthy of being Director Lin.

Still so powerful.

He killed two god-level demons with one move.


Cheng Wanning cleared his throat and was beaming with joy.

"Dear audience friends, I take back what I said before. This is not the last report for you, because... a miracle has appeared!"

People looked at the live broadcast and immediately cheered.

"Director Lin is awesome! Too strong!"

"How can those weird and ugly bastards be his opponents?"

"Our support club will always love you, Director Lin is invincible!"

"He is our savior."

"No, he is my husband..."


The people cheered, and the despair in their hearts was swept away.

But the atmosphere of the black-winged angels was extremely solemn.

At the beginning of the battle, two strong men were lost.

"You all be careful, I can't see his strength either." The eight-winged angel reminded.


Several younger brothers frowned.

Then the leading young man stepped on one foot, formed seals with both hands, and another formation unfolded.

'Fallen Angel Forbidden Technique-Binding Soul Formation! '

The dense runes under his feet lit up and quickly spread to Lin Bei, and with it, there was also a strong power of the undead.

The space around Lin Bei was soon wrapped in runes.

It was like a cage.

It trapped him in it.

This is the forbidden technique of the fallen angels, which is more powerful than the sealing formation.

The young man is confident that he can control him for a while.

"Old devil, mantis, take advantage of this moment, kill him quickly!"


The demon leader is ready to fight, waiting for this opportunity.

The white mantis's shell has healed, and its body has turned into a stream of light, and it pounces forward again, with a fierce momentum.

Da Huang sat on the ground, staring at the sky with his small eyes.

He found that Lin Bei was trapped in a cage.

Several powerful men attacked together.

That eight-winged angel is still quite strong.

I don't know if Director Lin can do it.....

The scene was in chaos, the aftermath of the horror was stirring, and the earth collapsed again and again, getting more and more serious.

The demon roared and shook the sky, and the mantis screamed and screamed, all approaching Lin Bei in the formation.

Powerful god-level power burst out instantly.

"What will you do now?"

The demon roared ferociously.

He saw with his own eyes that Lin Bei was suppressed by the formation, the golden light on his body was dim, and his energy had been restrained.

【bite! System bubbling: Please continue fighting to crack the spirit-binding formation for the host.... Be brave and not afraid of difficulties. 】

The next moment.

Countless runes dimmed and the power of the undead dissipated.

Lin Bei's body suddenly ignited with golden light.

The Demon Commander and White Mantis rushed right in front of him.


The devil commander's eyes widened, full of 'surprise' and surprise.

The formation is gone?

What's going on?

But before he could hesitate, an iron fist with a dragon roar tore through the space and headed straight for him with devastating power.


The clouds in the sky were scattered by the fist wind.

A mountain peak was shattered and kept collapsing. The demon commander felt a sharp pain in his gut, and the demon's true form dissipated.

The bones all over his body were broken, and blood was pouring from every pore. He was at the end of his strength.

"Blackbird, are you trying to trick me on purpose?"

The demon was in unbearable pain.

The eight-winged angel frowned and looked equally confused.

"I don't have it. I don't know what method he uses to instantly lift the spirit-binding formation."

"Fart! You must want to kill us too!"

The demon leader didn't believe it.

The eight-winged angel gritted his teeth, unable to argue.

He had indeed thought about hunting down the demon and the mantis, as well as the planet.

But now I find...

Strength does not allow...

The white mantis on the other side was also severely injured. The Zerg had strong vitality, but they did not die.

Instead, his carapace was shattered and green blood continued to flow.

It struggled to get up from the ground.

But a thin figure suddenly stood in front of him.

Looking up, he saw Huang Kai who had been resting for a while.

Dahuang stared at the embarrassed mantis at his feet and spoke slowly.

"Hmph! A weak insect who can stand to the end is the real strong one. You... are no match for me, Xiao Kai!"


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