No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 478: Nothing can be done

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

The dragon's eyes were exactly the same as Lin Bei's, majestic, arrogant, and full of oppression.

That was the totem of the Dragon Kingdom!

"No wonder... Director Lin is so strong." ✬

"Is this the power beyond the god level?"

"Too cool!"


People were excited, and the shadow of the dragon in the sky was their belief.

And the fallen angel on the opposite side.

He was completely dumbfounded.

Under the gaze of the dragon, he felt a strong fear, and his soul was trembling.

That was a force he could not resist.

It was all the fault of the old devil, who first angered a glutton, then made the Vermillion Bird reborn from the ashes, and after death, his soul crystal was absorbed, creating a totem-level strongman.

It was completely negative combat power.

"If I don't cooperate with him... maybe I will succeed?"

The eight-winged angel murmured.

But it's too late to regret now.

The strong aura in front of him was already rushing, the shadow of the giant dragon was tumbling, and the whole world was shaking.

Lin Bei raised his fist.

The blazing golden light shone like a rising sun.

Wherever he passed, the space shattered and dark cracks appeared.

The eight-winged angel's bones crackled, and under the huge pressure, he was completely imprisoned and couldn't even move.

He was dead in his heart.

The blood of the fallen angel couldn't compete with it.

Not to mention the borrowed power, even if the real fallen angel was here, Lin Bei would kill him.

Under the power of the terrifying punch.

The angel let out an unwilling roar, his body shattered in the light, gradually decomposed, and completely turned into ashes.

The fist wind was still stirring.

Like a meteor streaking through the sky, rushing straight into the sky.

Even people thousands of miles away could see the bright light, like the rising sun, disappearing in the sky in an instant. .

The battle is over...

After a moment of shock, people immediately burst into cheers.

"We won!"

"Director Lin killed all the extraterritorial civilizations."

"He really lives up to the name of the lawful one."

"Woo woo woo~~~That's great."

"It's great to have him..."


The people hugged their families, cried with joy, and were moved.

Compared with the vast universe, the earth is just a drop in the ocean.

Ordinary people are smaller than dust.

The slightest disturbance will bring about a catastrophe.

Being alive is a kind of happiness....


At this time, in the battlefield, looking up and down, it was full of mess. The towering mountains had now turned into a big pit.

The rubble was still collapsing, and heat was rising from the cracks in the ground.

Lin Bei's breath was restrained, and the shadow of the giant dragon behind him slowly dissipated.

With his punch just now, the clouds in the sky were stirred up, and the floating dust was wiped out, and the sky became extremely blue.

Huang Kai, Li Muxue and others looked at each other, and looked at Lin Bei's figure, with some hesitation.

"Hey, Da Huang, go and see what's going on with Director Lin." Li Muxue urged.

Huang Kai looked surprised.

"Why don't you go? Don't you like him?"

"What if...what if I go and leave a bad impression on him?"

Li Muxue suddenly became shy.

Huang Kai looked even more indignant.

"What do you mean? My impression is not important?"

But after saying that.

There was no response.

Turning around, he found that not only Li Muxue, but also Zhang Tian, ​​Ji Yunqing, Ye Mei and others were staring at him intently.

"Okay, I'll go if I want to."

Huang Kai seemed to understand what they meant, so he had to compromise.

So he looked around, walked forward, and came to Lin Bei's side.

"Director Lin, how do you feel...? Is there anything different from before?"

Lin Bei turned his head to look at him, his face still stern, his eyes clear, and he nodded gently.



Huang Kai was stunned.

His eyes were surprised.

Looking at this posture... his brain seems to have really improved.

Just now, everyone had this guess, so they asked Da Huang to come forward and test the waters.

Lin Bei became anxious.

"There is nothing there when I go there. All the snacks are eaten up. The supplies are seriously insufficient. Let's go back quickly."


Huang Kai's face was full of black question marks.

Looking at Lin Bei's hurried departure, the whole person was a little confused.

It seems that there is no change?

But... I always feel that something is different?


Seeing this, everyone walked over and began to ask.

"You... really don't have any other feelings?" Li Muxue said.

Lin Bei looked at her with a squint, already a little impatient.

"You seem stupid."

"That... forget it, but you were really awesome just now, you killed the fallen angel with one punch!" Li Muxue praised hurriedly.

"That's easy, just have hands."

Lin Bei said.

"......" Everyone was stunned, it was still the familiar formula.

Ji Yunqing asked curiously.

"Where did you go before? Everyone is worried about you, what happened?"

"Nothing, I just overslept, woke up in a prison, and met a few inmates. If there is a chance in the future, I can introduce them to you."

Lin Bei felt that Ji Yunqing and Lao Gui should be able to become good friends.



The friends didn't know why, they were just curious about what could make Lin Bei fall into this trap.

Just then.

At Lin Bei's wrist, a beam of light lit up and was projected in the air, forming a light curtain, on which Dr. Wendong's old face gradually appeared.

Early warning bracelet with communication function.

"It seems... everything is over." Dr. Wen Dong said at the beginning.

Lin Bei looked at him.

"Why didn't you come to help during the fight just now?"

"You are here, so I feel relieved."

Dr. Wen Dong sneered.

Lin Bei narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I think... you are thinking that if we lose the battle, you will leave this planet and escape as soon as possible?"


Dr. Wendong's eyes were stunned and he looked at Lin Bei carefully.

It feels like he is different from before.

He could actually see through his little Jiujiu at a glance.

"You also know... We in Atlantis no longer have the fighting power to show off. Moreover, we don't want to escape, but we want to save the fire, and we will take away as much as possible from the Dragon Kingdom when the time comes. People. It’s better to make up for some losses in this way than to die, right?”

"Hey, Lao Wendong, now that this catastrophe has passed, foreign civilization will not come again, right?"

Huang Kai eagerly wanted to know the answer.

Dr. Wen Dong was silent for a moment.

"This... I can't say for sure."

"What do you mean? Will it come again?"

Everyone looked surprised

"I'm not sure. For extraterrestrial civilizations, this planet is just a hunting ground. Those angels, demons, and Zerg are like students from various schools, coming here to experience. I like this... you should be able to listen. Do you understand?”

Dr. Wendong explained.

Everyone nodded. After all, they were all people who had gone to school. They had also been to the hunting ground when they were in Dragon Country College.

It was just wiped out by Ji Yunqing with one move.

"The eight-winged angel has a special bloodline and is definitely a genius among the angels. If a family's genius falls in the process of training, what do you think will happen to the other angels?"

Dr. Wendong asked rhetorically.

Lin Bei said casually.

"Nothing can be done..."


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