Xue He opened her mouth.

Was she so disliked by him?

Although she was pointed at the magic cannon, she was not afraid.

Because she clearly saw that the soul crystal in the magic cannon had completely dimmed.

"Heh, I bet there is no energy in your gun."

"Oh? Do you need energy to kill you?"

Lin Bei still pulled the trigger.

[Ding! System Enhancement: The magic cannon becomes a 'super-explosive energy cannon'... The woman driving the car must die, otherwise the host will be easily harmonized. ]

More powerful energy began to gather at the muzzle.

Like a small sun.

Full of destructive breath.

The system enhancement is much more powerful than before.


Xue He's eyes widened instantly, and she had already sensed the dangerous aura.

What's going on?

He obviously has no energy!

But his horrified expression froze, and the terrifying energy ball approached, and it was instantly evaporated by the scorching high temperature alone.

The energy ball continued to fly.

It hit the rock wall in front and exploded completely.



The dazzling light made everything around pale in comparison.

Powerful energy surged up like a volcanic eruption.

The shock wave spread rapidly in all directions.

During this period, countless boulders were turned into powder.

Nearly a hundred dark green lizardmen were directly crushed, leaving no corpses behind.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the air.

The scene was extremely shocking.

All the people who were originally fighting looked at it in horror.

"What is this...?"

"Lin Bei's technological weapon?"

"No way?"


They looked incredible.

They felt that the power of this attack had exceeded the scope of technological weapons.

Even the lizardman leader Giger was knocked back a distance by the aftermath of the explosion.

At the same time, his brows were deeply knitted.

That attack was too strong!

"This person cannot be left..."

Giger immediately made the leader's judgment and felt that Lin Bei was too dangerous and might threaten himself...

He was ready to change his target and attack Lin Bei.

But at this time, a duck voice suddenly sounded in the field.

"Hi! Hello everyone!"


Everyone turned their heads and found a thin figure with small eyes, a mustache and a smile on his face on a towering boulder.

Liu Yue stared at him with bright eyes, and the more she looked, the more familiar he looked.

It seemed like she had seen him somewhere before...

After a while, she finally got up and turned to Lin Bei and shouted.

"It's your demon friend who is here!"


Lin Bei turned his head and looked.

It turned out that the person who came was Da Huang.

The two had learned from the video that Lin Bei was on the island before, so he quickly came to meet him.

After all, he was unfamiliar with the place.

Without Director Lin by his side, he was somewhat worried.

Da Huang had just arrived on the island.

He saw a mushroom cloud rising in the distance, and immediately guessed that it was Director Lin's masterpiece, so he rushed over to see that he was indeed playing here.

Huang Kai jumped off the boulder and quickly came to Lin Bei's side.

"What demon friends did you mention? Have you met any demons on the island?"


Lin Bei shook his head.

Huang Kai looked up and found that the eyes of the people around him were all on him.


He coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject, "How was it on the island? Did you get anything?"

"Nothing delicious, how about you?" Lin Bei asked back.

Huang Kai said carelessly: "It's good on land. There are more people than on the island. It's quite lively. I also met two birdmen and I killed them."

"Oh, did you meet Xiao Tianer and the others?"

"No, no, I just received your signal. Isn't it a coincidence? Or we are destined to be together."

Huang Kai laughed.

The two chatted and laughed, chatting about family matters.

Everyone around looked at each other.

I was fighting a war...

Liu Yue looked strange. What did he mean by killing the birdmen?

Could it be the angels?

Everyone knows how powerful the angels are.

There are countless god-level strongmen among them.

There are also digital totems, and the dominant position is unshakable!

Even the demons dare not take the initiative to provoke.

"Maybe... the birdman he said is some kind of mutant monster?" Liu Yue pondered in her heart.

Jiger, who was far away, was getting more and more annoyed.

How dare you chat in front of me?

You don't take me seriously at all.

"Today, no matter who begs for mercy, I will kill you!"

Huang Kai turned his head and looked up and down, left and right, looking back and forth at Jiger's weird face.

Finally, he summed it up in three words.

"Ugly people are more likely to do bad things!"

"What did you say?"

Jiger looked at Da Huang and was immediately furious. Even he... said he was ugly!

For a moment.

All the exclusion and insults he suffered in childhood came to his mind.

No one likes him.

Disliked by everyone!

The madness in his heart began to beat, as if the scar was opened and bleeding.

Jiger's eyes were red and he had fallen into hysterics.

"Go to hell!"

His figure flashed, and he rushed straight to Da Huang. His aura became even stronger, and he had used all his strength.

"Hey~~~He's so scary, why is he so angry all of a sudden?" Xiao Tang stared at him with her beautiful eyes, expressing her confusion.

Lin Bei looked at Da Huang.

Being called ugly by him is really lethal.

Especially for Jiger.

"Well... this can't be entirely blamed on him."


Facing the aggressive lizard man, Da Huang was naturally not afraid, and even grinned, raised his fist and hit him.

The god-level power also exploded.


The fists of the two collided like a mountain, making a loud noise.

The terrifying energy swept.

The surrounding rocks were shaking and collapsing.

Jiger's face was hideous, and he felt numbness in his forearms and a strong shock and pain came. His body could not stop retreating a hundred meters away.

After smashing countless boulders, he finally stopped.

He was shocked.

He was horrified.

His physique was not as good as that ugly human.

Today, Da Huang's strength is also top among the god-level.

He has at least three god-level soul crystals on his body.

His physique is even stronger.

Of course, it is not comparable to a lizard man.

Cheng Hu and others were shocked. They didn't expect him to knock out Jiger with one punch.

"He... He is a god-level warrior!"

"Oh my God!"

"Are we saved?"


The others were also amazed and happy. They didn't expect Lin Bei, this strange friend, to be so strong.

Liu Yue also sighed in her heart.

You can't judge a person by appearance...

Huang Kai felt people's eyes and couldn't help but feel happy.

He deserves to be himself.


He immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued. The soul crystal on his body suddenly lit up. He was as fast as lightning and punched forward again.

Jiger didn't dare to fight hard.

He quickly raised his arm to block.

But he still felt numb in his arm, as if he was hit by a heavy hammer. His body couldn't stop flying back and sat on the ground.

He looked up at Huang Kai's face and found that he was smiling and full of confidence.


Didn't he have the same troubles as himself?


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