Soon, the ship docked at the port.

It was very lively here, because the ships from various islands were moored here, in a row, tens of thousands of them.

The dock was even more crowded, with many people carrying goods and shouting slogans.

The most eye-catching thing was.

There were not only humans, but also many strange races, including huge cart-pulling beasts.

Lin Bei saw a tall giant carrying goods.

He was extremely strong.

He was very good at his job.

And in the sky, there were flying vehicles and large spaceships and other technological products hovering.

I don't know where the Blue Star people got them from.

Or other civilizations have descended.

In short, the scene in front of him was very strange, Lin Bei had never seen it before, and it felt like walking into a science fiction blockbuster. .

"It's worthy of being an alien planet, it's really lively here."

Lin Bei got off the boat.

Huang Kai and Xiao Tang followed him, also looking around, with curiosity on their faces.

Cheng Hu, Lu Junze and others took down several large boxes of ore as samples and sold them at the trading market.

After leaving the dock, the crowds became denser and denser.

Stalls came into view, and the sounds of hawking and selling were endless. People looked around and checked, occasionally asking prices or bargaining. There was a scene of a busy market in front of them.

"This is the trading market. There are many people today. I guess the business must be good." Lu Junze smiled.

"Then let's find a stall to sell ore." Huang Kai was active, after all, he still had some dreams of doing business.

After a while.

They found an empty space.

They opened the ore box and put all kinds of minerals on it.

Several people were busy and in full swing, but they were very happy, after all, they were about to make money.

Lin Bei didn't care about these.

He started to stroll around, scanning his eyes back and forth.

He found that everything was sold, wood, minerals, armor, shields, finished weapons, and even some technological products.

There is no unified currency on Blue Star. Most people exchange goods for goods. The only hard currency is soul crystal.

"Young man, do you need some blue fruit? They are freshly picked." An uncle at the stall asked with a smile.

Lin Bei had been standing in front of the stall for a long time, looking at the small fruit on it. He had never eaten it before. It looked similar to blueberries.

"Can I try it first?"

"Yes, yes, of course no problem."

The stall owner was very enthusiastic.

Lin Bei was not polite and picked up one and put it in his mouth.

But soon he frowned.

The uncle asked: "What? Is my blue fruit not delicious?"

"Pah! It's sour!"

Lin Bei spit out the fruit core, "Let me try another one..."


The uncle was stunned.

Sour, you still want to try it?

But he didn't care too much. He didn't need these few to do business.

Da Huang did his best and shouted at the stall with a drooping duck voice.

"People from the south and the north, don't miss it if you pass by, take a look, take a look, it's a must-have top-quality ore for home and travel, you won't lose money if you buy it, you won't be cheated if you buy it!!!"

The voice was a bit harsh.

People passing by turned their heads to look at him, and then hurried away, with no intention of buying anything.

Some people even turned around and walked away from a long distance, not coming at all.

"....What's wrong with these people?"

Huang Kai felt puzzled.

Cheng Hu, Lu Junze and others hugged their shoulders, squatted on the ground, looked around, and always felt that something was wrong.

Lu Junze was worthy of being a military advisor, and hurriedly gave advice.

"Brother Huang, are you tired of shouting? Why don't you come over and rest for a while, let Xiaotang go to shout for a while."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Huang Kai looked puzzled.

He had such a loud voice, but he didn't call anyone, but Xiaotang could call them?

He was a little unconvinced.

But he still stepped aside.

Xiaotang rubbed his throat, walked to the stall, and learned to shout.

"Selling stones! Selling stones!"

The clear voice was unusually sweet, with at least four plus signs of sugar content. Even in the noisy commotion, it was particularly eye-catching.

Many young men and bad guys came over after hearing the voice.

"Eh? What a cute sister."

"It seems to be selling ore."

"It just so happens that we in Tianyuan City need to make weapons. Let's go and take a look."


A group of people gathered around, and some even offered high prices just to make friends.

In a blink of an eye, the stall was crowded and very lively.

"Black iron ore is good. I'll buy it as much as I can. I can exchange it with you for cloth."

"I'll buy it directly with soul crystals."

"We grow rice in Yunya Village. Do you need it?"


Xiaotang nodded repeatedly.

I feel like we can have more food.

Seeing this, Lu Junze smiled and greeted him.

"Boss, please follow me to the dock to pick up the goods."

After the business opened, everything went in an orderly manner and became more and more popular.

Only Huang Kai squatted beside him.

Watching everything silently.

This bleak world!


But with more and more people, it is easier to cause trouble.

Two young men with flushed faces, carrying bottles of wine in their hands, walked unsteadily and came to the stall.

"Hic~~ The girl is pretty, what are you selling here?"

One of them said.

The guests who were originally nearby seemed to know the two men and turned away as if they were avoiding the plague god.

Xiaotang said timidly.

"I... sell stones."

"Heh, selling stones is not profitable? I think you might as well sell something else."

The young man said in a weird tone.

Xiaotang scratched his head, not understanding what he meant, but felt that it was not a good thing.

Dahuang, Cheng Hu and others saw this.

Of course, they couldn't let Xiaotang be bullied, so they quickly surrounded him.

"Hey, don't make trouble here." Huang Kai said.

The young man was surrounded by several people, but he was not afraid. Instead, he grinned and pointed at them.

"I can see that you are new here. You don't even know me. You are doing business here. Have you paid the booth fee?"


Cheng Hu and others looked at each other.

They were indeed new here and didn't know what the rules were here.

Do they still have to pay the booth fee?

In each other's eyes, they all saw that they didn't understand, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

So Huang Kai shouted directly at his neck.

"Director Lin, someone wants to collect the stall fee!!"


Lin Bei was tasting fruit at a nearby stall. When he heard the shout, he turned around and looked over.

"Is there such a good thing?"

The stall owner looked at him with a fearful look, and persuaded him in a low voice.

"Young man, that guy is from the Tiansha Gang, his name is Kong Bai, and he has been managing the trading market. I heard that his cousin is a member of the Black Magic Cult. He is very arrogant in this area. We small businesses can't afford to provoke him!!"

"I know."

Lin Bei naturally grabbed a handful of blue fruit from the uncle's stall, and then turned and walked away.

The stall owner was speechless: ˉ\\\\_(ツ)_/ˉ


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