No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 515 Little Soul Egg

"Brother! Stop fighting!"

The ten-winged angel began to beg for mercy, and with a 'bang' sound, he turned into a spirit body and revealed his original form.

Dahuang looked startled.

"What is this?"

He looked carefully with his small eyes and found a misty mass surrounded by gloomy air.

Lin Bei also looked curious.

"Why did the angel turn into a soul body?"

"This should be a kind of phantom, pretending to be an angel just now."

Xin Tong also reacted.

The ten-winged angel just now was transformed by a ghost, that's why it was so weak.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" I'm sorry, I don't dare to do it anymore. I just wanted to scare you. Don't kill me." The spirit body let out a cry.


Lin Bei nodded.

I found that this thing turned into an angel, it looked quite like it, it was very magical.

"Can you change anything?"

"Yes, what do you want to do?"

The spirit body is crying.

Da Huang and Xin Tong didn't know why, and they didn't know what Lin Bei had in mind.

Lin Bei stared at the spirit body.

He hesitated for a while.

"Since I came to Blue Star, I haven't watched cartoons for a long time."

After hearing this, Dahuang seemed to have thought of what he was going to do.


Lin Bei said.

"If you become Peppa Pig, I won't kill you."

"Peppa Pig...what is it?"

Phantom was confused, of course he didn't know about that thing.

"It's just a pink pig. You can change first and then talk about it." Lin Bei commanded.

"Oh." The spirit agreed, and quickly began to transform, instantly turning into a pink pig.

But Lin Bei felt that it didn't look like it, and it was almost the same as Peppa Pig.

So I pinched it on the spot.

Phantom is like a dough, very malleable.

Not a moment.

It turned into what Lin Bei imagined.

Of course, Lin Bei's facial pinching technique is a bit rough, but you can still see the shape, which is very similar.

"Hmm...not bad."

He himself expressed great satisfaction.

Since the old ghost was looking for his younger brother, Lin Bei was bored waiting here, so he simply started playing with the phantom.

But one phantom is not enough to make a cartoon.

"Do you have any other partners?"

"Yes, they're not far from here."

The Phantom agreed and began to call his companions.

It didn't take long.

Groups of spirits flew out from the cracks in the stone.

They were loyal and did not escape in order to rescue their own people.


Under Lin Bei's command, they began to transform one after another.

Various cartoon characters appear one by one, which is more intuitive than watching cartoons.

"Isn't this more fun than a children's playground?"

Lin Bei muttered to himself.

The originally lifeless Ghost Continent began to change in style due to his arrival.

Huang Kai and Xin Tong stood there.

Staring at all this in a daze.

I don't know what to say.

Catching ghosts and turning into Peppa Pig is just what Director Lin came up with...


This time.

The old ghost has found his younger brother in the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave and is rushing outside.

One of the boys was worried.

"Brother, are you sure you can do it? That girl is very dangerous. Can she really be solved?"

"Don't worry, the ones I brought this time are masters...real masters!"

The old ghost comforted him.


The younger brother agreed.

I was very curious in my heart, who would be so highly praised by the boss.

Within a few breaths.

Yin energy erupted from the entrance of Ten Thousand Ghost Cave, like a volcano erupting, and several human figures emerged from it.

They were floating in mid-air, surrounded by thick Yin Qi, and their aura was extremely powerful.

Of course, the subordinates who can become old ghosts are not fuel-efficient lamps.

But a few ghosts stared at it and couldn't help but feel strange.

Because at this time, the scene outside the ghost cave was already very lively. There were pink pigs, black and white cats, and weird people in tight clothes with bulging eyes like eggs.


The old ghost was also startled.

But he has already seen that those strange images were transformed by phantoms.

"Brother Lin Bei, what are you doing?"

"It's okay, just have fun."

Lin Bei said.

And those few phantoms were frightened when they saw the old ghost and the powerful men, and they didn't dare to resist.

Xin Tong and Da Huang stepped forward.

"How's it going? Did you find out the whereabouts of the girl?" Xin Tong asked.

The old ghost nodded, "Well, let's go find her now."

But the older brothers felt increasingly unsure.

He looked at Lin Bei and others.

I feel that the auras on them are not as powerful as that scary girl.

"Brother, why are there two humans? Are they reliable?"

"Two humans?"

Huang Kai looked at Lin Bei and then at Xin Tong.

I feel like this ghost is not very good at counting... He is worthy of being the nine-leak fish on the Blue Star.

The old ghost nodded.

"Well, if we can't even deal with them, then we have to accept our fate."

Several phantoms were also very curious. They had heard that a girl had come to the Yinhun Continent.

It can swallow hundreds of ghosts.

No matter what type of ghosts and monsters they are, all spiritual bodies are within her absorption range.

"Are you going to deal with that girl?" Phantom asked

"Well, I'm here to take her away."

Lin Bei nodded and said.

Phantom also takes this matter seriously, after all, it concerns all the spirits in the Yinhun Continent.

"Then...can I go with you to take a look?"

"Sure, let's go."

Lin Bei agreed.


Old Ghost's men began to lead the way half-believingly, and the surrounding Yin Qi was trembling. Now thinking of the girl's figure, they were still afraid.

And around Lin Bei, several groups of spirits were flying around.

This kind of mountain spirit was born from heaven and earth, so it would not kill people and devour souls, but would only scare people with evil taste.

When they found that Lin Bei would not hurt them, they became closer.

"I humans are afraid of angels, why weren't you afraid just now?"

"What's there to be afraid of angels? I'm just afraid that there's nothing delicious."

Lin Bei said.

The spirit thought for a while and said.

"It doesn't matter if there's no delicious food. I can change it for you later, can't eat it!"

Lin Bei rolled his eyes at it. What's the use of this?

Xin Tong suddenly remembered something and asked.

"By the way, why did you become a ten-winged angel? Do ten-winged angels really exist?"

"I think so."

The spirit explained: "I heard from the elders in the tribe that a long, long time ago, this place was not called the Yinhun Continent, but an ancient battlefield. At that time, a ten-winged angel appeared, and then... this place became the Yinhun Continent."


Everyone took a breath of cold air, and was horrified.

What strength would a ten-winged angel... be?

Da Huang recalled that the eight-winged angels who descended on Earth could reach the totem level, and ten wings... were really beyond cognition and somewhat unimaginable.

However, this phantom was silly, and his IQ was obviously not as good as that of humans, and what he said might not be true.

Lin Bei didn't care so much.

"What's your name?"

"Names are the definition of humans, and I don't have a name."

The phantom explained.

"Not having a name... is not good."

Lin Bei thought for a while and felt that he could give it one, so he looked at it and found that its appearance was round like an egg, and it was still in the form of a soul.

"So... I'll just call you Little Soul Egg."


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