No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 574 Ice Valley Crack

"..." Li Muxue wanted to cry but had no tears (?_?)

As for this?

As the two of them walked forward and turned around the foot of a mountain, the scene in front of them immediately stopped them again.

I saw branches and leaves growing on the white snow, and plum blossoms blooming in the wind.

The delicate petals, showing bright red, are connected into pieces, forming a huge contrast with the white snow, which is particularly eye-catching.

"Isn't this so beautiful?"


Lin Bei nodded, but his attention was not on the plum blossoms, but on the steep peaks of the snow-capped mountains ahead. The ancient trees were tangled with their roots, and the white snow deposited on the treetops bent the branches and leaves.

According to book records, this is the pear tree where ice crystal snow pears grow.

"But...why are there no pears?"

Lin Bei looked around for the fruit, but there was no trace of the fruit.

"Is that the tree? Maybe it's covered in snow? Let me help you find it."

Li Muxue tapped her toes, jumped up, and danced like a butterfly, landing lightly on the pear tree. Her body was so light that not even half of the snowflakes were shaken off.

When Lin Bei saw this, he commented in his mind: "It's still somewhat useful."

Li Muxue looked around and saw a flawless white fruit hanging from the treetops covered with snow. It was the same color as the snow. It was indeed difficult to find.

Moreover, such a big tree only bears one fruit, and there is nothing else around it.

It can be seen that this is the essence of gathering.

With a wave of her hand, Li Muxue picked off the snow pear, turned around, jumped, and landed lightly back in front of Lin Bei.

"Director Lin, there is only one pear on the tree."

"Oh, okay."

Lin Bei nodded, it was better than he thought.

Li Muxue flexed her hand, broke the pear in half, and handed one half over.

"Here! Try it."

But Lin Bei looked at her directly and did not reach out to pick it up. After a moment of silence, he slowly spoke.

"You can't eat pears separately."


Li Muxue's beautiful eyes widened, and her pretty face suddenly turned red, like a delicate plum blossom in full bloom, full of shyness.

She guessed what Lin Bei meant. Pears cannot be separated, which comes from the homophonic pronunciation of two people not being separated. It seemed... to imply something.

Could it be...

"Well, yes, so I'll eat them all." Lin Bei took all the pears into his hands.

"..." Li Muxue's expression was stiff, so that was what he meant...

Lin Bei picked up the snow pear and took a bite. The taste was cold and refreshing. The pear was very sweet but not greasy. It was indeed one of the rare fruits recorded.

“It smells so good!”

Li Muxue stared straight at him, tears of dissatisfaction flowed from the corners of her mouth, and four words emerged in her heart: "I want to eat too..."

Fortunately, this kind of pear tree grows on the nearby snow-capped mountains and cliffs.

Although the fruits produced are still few and far between, maybe one, or two, or at most four or five, but with constant searching, the harvest is still abundant.

After picking all the nearby trees, the two returned the same way and went to the spaceship to meet the others.

Found out after going back.

The friends also picked a lot of pears.

Especially Ji Yunqing, there are resentful spirits floating in the air behind him. Each resentful spirit is holding a pear, there are hundreds of them, as if it is an exhibition.

Expert Luo is also very happy. After all, he has been growing fruits for many years and now he has seen a rare variety.

He broke off a branch and carried it on his shoulders, wondering if he could cultivate it artificially when he returned.

"Hahaha, today's harvest is good. This is the life I want. Picking pear mountains under the rocks and leisurely seeing the snow-capped mountains."

"Oh, awesome!"

Li Muxue sighed. After all, it was the first time she saw Expert Luo compose poetry, and she felt that the devil was quite literate.

Sure enough, Director Lin is surrounded by talented people and he speaks well...

At this time, Zhang Tian looked around and seemed to find a problem.

"Where did Dahuang go? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"Eh? That's right. Where's Rhubarb?"

Only then did everyone realize that no wonder they always felt like something was missing. It turned out that the rhubarb was missing.

Lin Bei pinched his chin, frowning in thought.

"He couldn't have...fled away with the pear, right?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw a thin figure on the top of the mountain in the distance, turned into a stream of light, and arrived in front of everyone in three or two jumps, very fast.

Dahuang's hands were empty, his chest was rising and falling, and his breathing was a little rapid.

Lin Bei glanced at him.

"What happened to you? Did you get chased by a dog?"


Huang Kai shook his head repeatedly, his eyes widened, and he said with an exaggerated expression: "Director Lin, what do you think I saw?"

"What? Could it be that the sows lined up and fell into the ditch?"

Lin Bei suddenly became interested.

"..." Huang Kai's head was full of black lines, "No, it's much more exciting than a sow falling into a ditch! I found corpses, many corpses, frozen in the ice!"


Everyone's eyes widened, feeling that this was indeed quite strange.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Since the distance was not close and they had to cross several mountains, everyone walked directly into the spacecraft and refrigerated the pears.

The spacecraft slowly lifted off and flew towards the location Dahuang said.

After a while, dark clouds covered the sun, the light dimmed, and it was much colder and windier outside.

Ji Yunqing felt it silently and said.

"There is an aura of the undead here, but it's not very strong."


Everyone nodded, not surprised.

Because in such a snowy mountain, there are few people around, and even demons are not willing to come. Some other things are normal phenomena.

"That mountain right in front!"

Da Huang pointed out.

Lin Bei glanced at it.

"I asked you to pick pears just now, why did you come so far?"

"What! I was picking pears, but when I was halfway through picking, I saw an old man standing on the top of the mountain waving to me. No matter how I asked him, he didn't speak. But when I passed by, the old man disappeared again, and then Appeared on another hilltop and continued to wave to me... I ran to this place after being seduced by him repeatedly. "

"What about pears?"

Lin Bei asked.

Huang Kai scratched his head.

"The pear... I ate it halfway."

"..." Everyone was speechless. From his description, they must have met a ghost. Under such circumstances, they were still in the mood to eat pears. They were really generous.

However, the ghost seemed to have no intention of harming him, and just wanted Dahuang to go to that place.

There is probably some secret hidden there.

While everyone was talking, the spacecraft arrived at the location Dahuang mentioned and began to descend slowly.

Below is an ice valley, with a huge gap opening up, like a scar on the planet, which looks shocking.

The gap was so deep and so dark that you couldn't see the bottom.

Lin Bei and other talented people were so bold that they directly drove the spaceship and fell into the crevices of the ice valley.

After a moment, the spacecraft was completely engulfed in darkness.

Gu Sining quickly used voice control.

"Little belly, little belly, turn on the searchlight..."


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