No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 578 Playing with the Devil

The vengeful spirit rushed forward with a roar, and the demon's expression of fear froze. The soul power was instantly devoured, and the body fell softly to the ground.


Liang Yue was amazed.

Looking up, he saw a spaceship floating above his head. The hatch had been opened, and Lin Bei and others were standing in it.

"Paw Patrol, maintain order in the city, attack!"

"Okay, it's a piece of cake."

Liu Yun said calmly.

Bai Chengxiao grinned, "Hehe, this is my old business!" ✹

The four figures jumped directly from the spaceship, like a god-like soldier from heaven, helping the people who were attacked by demons.

Lin Bei waved his hand.

"Let's go, let's go outside the city and play with those demons."

"Oh, okay."

Gu Sining agreed quickly.

She controlled the spaceship, crossed the towering city wall, and came to the outside of the city, where there were the most demons.

There were several god-level demons who continued to attack the city wall.

The city wall was covered with cracks and the deformation was getting worse and worse. It seemed that victory was in sight.

"Eh? What is that?"

"Is it a flying machine? How dare they fly out of the city?"

"Humans are so brave!"


Several god-level demons immediately noticed the figure of the spaceship in the air.

The spaceship was suspended in the air. Lin Bei hugged his shoulders and looked down at the demons below.

"Hey, stop smashing the wall. The noise is too loud and it's a bit disturbing."


The ugly demon faces tilted their heads and looked up at the sky.

I came to attack the city.

He was still worried about disturbing the people?

And... the people in the city were really disturbed and had already fled everywhere.

"Humph! I think this guy is not in a normal state of mind." A demon said.

The demons next to him nodded frequently, "Yes, if his brain is fine, would he dare to fly out of the aircraft?"

"Let's kill him!"

Several demons jumped up with fierce looks on their faces, including some god-level strongmen.

Lin Bei was certainly not panicking. Instead, he raised his mouth and reached out to take out a blue crystal wrapped in a metal ring. The halo inside was flowing, containing destructive energy.

"Come on, let's set off cannons for fun."

"Is that... a God-killing bomb??"

The arrogant expressions of several demons froze, and they immediately showed panic on their faces. They quickly stopped and retreated back to their original positions.

They knew the power of the God-killing bomb, which could kill a god-level strongman.

He actually took out such a thing!

Lin Bei was somewhat disappointed when he saw them retreating in panic.

"Huh? No one is the first to come forward?"

"Boy! Be careful, there is only one God-killing bomb, and you will have no more after you use it up!"

The demon looked nervous, and sweat flowed on his forehead.

It was as if he had a time bomb tied to his body.

They wanted to retreat now, and they were unwilling to fight for their lives, but Erdos gave a death order that Xuantian City must be captured.

The fate of those who retreated was the same, death!

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare to use the God-killing Bullet. He has threatened us with things for many years, but he has never used it once!" One of the demons analyzed.

The other demons nodded, then turned and stared at him.

"Well, then you go first."


The demon's expression was stiff.

Lin Bei saw that they had been discussing for a long time, but no one dared to step forward, so he made a decision.

"Okay, then I will randomly pick a lucky demon."


The demons below were sweating profusely. Is this true? There is such a thing?

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lin Bei had already raised his hand, made a baseball throwing posture, and threw the God-killing Bullet with force.

The God-killing Bullet turned into an arc, leaving a trace of blue light in the air, and went straight to the place where the most demons were.

The blue light became more and more intense, as if it was about to explode.

"Damn! He really threw out the God-killing Bomb!"

"Is this guy crazy?"



The demons screamed and saw the blue light. They fled around as if they were avoiding the plague god. They were in a mess.

A vacuum zone immediately formed under the spaceship, and all the demons were dispersed.

But at this moment.

The God-killing Bomb didn't explode with a bang, but white smoke lingered, turning into a spherical soul body.

"Hehehe, I'm not a God-killing Bomb, I'm still a little soul, BOOM! Scare you to death! Lululu~~"

The demons froze, realized something was wrong, looked back, and were angry.

"Damn, we seem to have been fooled!"

"Do you need to say so? We were fooled!"

"I told you, the city wall hasn't been broken yet, they won't use the God-killing Bullet!"

"He actually dared to play tricks on us."

"Damn it, let's go back and kill him!"


The demons were fooled, and they were furious. They returned aggressively, wishing to tear Lin Bei apart.

"Hey? Didn't you run fast just now? Why are you back again?" Lin Bei looked at them with a playful look.

The demons became even more angry and rushed forward again.

"Since you want to die so much, I'll fulfill your wish!"

Lin Bei smiled slyly, still calm, and took out another God-killing Bullet and threw it down calmly.

The demons stopped dodging when they saw this.

"Come again? Do you think we are fools?"

"That's right, this time it must be a fake God-killing Bullet."

"Humph! With your IQ, you want to fool me twice?"


The demons were full of killing intent and did not flinch.

Even Da Huang on the spaceship patted Lin Bei on the arm.

“Hey, Director Lin, people may be fooled if you lie once, but no one will believe you if you lie twice.”

“This time... it’s real.”

Lin Bei stared straight down.


A huge question mark appeared on Huang Kai’s face.

At this time, a breath of destruction had begun to spread, and the blue light of the God-killing Bomb was blazing, reaching its limit in an instant.


The light below flashed, extremely dazzling, and everything was eclipsed at this moment.

The God-killing Bomb exploded completely.

The surrounding space began to collapse, and a small black dot appeared at the center of the explosion, with a strong attraction that tore everything apart.

Even light could not escape.

The black dot grew larger and larger, gradually evolving into a small black hole.

Filled with an unparalleled breath of destruction.

The demons felt this power, all with horror on their faces, their eyes full of disbelief, because at this time they had realized... the God-killing Bomb was actually real!

"It's bad!"

"Damn it! This guy has no moral principles!"

"How can this be true?"

"Cunning and cunning human!"


The demons cursed and tried to escape, but it was too late. The black hole power had imprisoned them. Their bodies creaked, and then they were torn apart and began to disintegrate.

Under the power of the God-killing Bomb, three god-level demons and a group of minions were all wiped out!


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