In a split second.

In front of the Heavenly Palace, a water-blue planet appeared.

Da Huang was excited to see this, because that was exactly his hometown.

Finally. Back!

"Eh? Wait, Lin Zhouzhang, you have reached the Creator Level, are you omnipotent?"

"What do you want to do?"

Lin Bei glanced at him →_→.

Da Huang scratched his head, thinking that he would meet Xiao Man soon, so he had to prepare well.

"Can you give me the ability to become handsome with one click? The kind that makes you super handsome."

"Eh? Da Huang, you finally admit that you are not good-looking?"

Li Muxue joked.

"No, no!"

Da Huang shook his head repeatedly, "Although I am quite handsome now, I still want to be more handsome, so that I can keep my original appearance and change back if I want."

"Oh. No problem."

Lin Bei understood his request.

So he waved his hand, and a burst of golden light fell.

Da Huang's body began to change. He became tall and mighty with thin body, sharp cheeks, sharp edges and corners, and three-dimensional and delicate facial features. His skin was white and delicate, like a newborn baby.

In a blink of an eye, Huang Kai became a handsome man of 1.8 meters, with extraordinary temperament and handsomeness.

After all, it was a creation-level change.

You can imagine how handsome he was.


Even Li Muxue couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Da Huang, let's make it clear first. You can't use this appearance to scum other girls, otherwise we will have to maintain order!"

Li Muxue clenched her fists, with a warning on her face.

Because the friends all know Da Huang.

He can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman.

Now with this appearance, what will happen in the future?

The handsome Da Huang nodded and promised.

"Don't worry, Brother Kai, am I that kind of person? I promise to be good to Xiao Man alone, mainly because I want to give her a surprise later."

"Well. This is more like it."

Li Muxue nodded in approval.

Afterwards, Lin Bei embedded the Tiangong into the back of the moon, and then waved his hand to send everyone to the earth.

A moment later, a supercar was running on the streets of Kyoto. Inside sat an extremely handsome man, with a bouquet of roses on the passenger seat.

The places where the sports car passed by were particularly eye-catching.

The girls on the street all exclaimed in amazement.

"Hehe, is this the treatment of handsome guys?"

This young man, of course, was Da Huang after he became handsome. He felt particularly sour at this time, thinking that after meeting Xiao Man later, she would definitely be surprised, right? ? ?

Not long after, the sports car stopped at the headquarters of the Kyoto Supernatural Bureau.

Da Huang looked at himself in the rearview mirror, carefully groomed his hair, and felt very satisfied, so he picked up the rose on the passenger seat and walked straight into the building.

Today's Longguo is peaceful.

The people at the headquarters of the Supernatural Bureau have little work, so they are all very idle, only the scientific researchers continue to work.

Da Huang took the flowers and hurried straight to the research room.

The first thing he saw when he entered the room was the figure in the white coat that he had been thinking about day and night.



Zhang Xiaoman turned around and her pretty face was immediately stunned, because the man in front of her was so handsome that she was deeply attracted to him.

Seeing his obsessed expression, Da Huang was immediately happy. It was worthy of the creation-level change, so he stepped forward and handed the rose over.

"Xiaoman, will you marry me?"

"Ah? This..."

Xiaoman's cheeks were hot and blushed. She was slightly hesitant, but she still subconsciously took the flower.

"Oh yeah!"

Huang Kai shouted in his heart, excited.

Xiaoman finally agreed.

So, his appearance changed and returned to his original appearance. He thought that it was enough to give her a surprise, and he still had to get along with her real face.

"Xiaoman, let's go to Tianyan Island to take wedding photos?"

"Eh? Are you Da Huang??"

When Zhang Xiaoman saw his face clearly, her expression was full of surprise.

Da Huang grinned.

"Yes! I'm back!"

"Eh? Wait." But soon, his smile froze, thinking about the flower delivery just now. Is there something wrong? ? ?

A few days later.

Lin Bei's manor was decorated with lights and was particularly lively, gathering all relatives and friends.

Including Chen Xuan, Chen Daxigua, and Bai Xiaomantou from the Jiangdong Supernatural Bureau, they were all on a lawn at this time, having an open-air party, talking and laughing.

"Oh, it's great. Think about it, it was thanks to me that I brought Lin Bei to the Supernatural Bureau, and he has developed to this point today." Chen Xuan said with a smile.


Bai Xiaomantou looked at him with contempt.

Bian Mingjun put his arm around Chen Xuan's shoulders.

"I say, Captain Chen, you were single when Lin Bei left, and you are still single now that you are back. Hurry up and find a girlfriend. You can find one now without any worries. There are no vampires anymore!"

"Eh? Can you stop talking about this!"

Chen Xuan's old face darkened.

There were many cakes, fruits, drinks, etc. on a row of tables on the lawn.

Xiaotang was eating with relish, eating like a hamster.

"The food at Brother Linbei's house is really delicious!"

"Xiaotang, take it slow."

The four members of the Paw Patrol sat next to him and reminded him with a smile.

Only An Yanxi, the Phoenix Totem, had a sullen look on his delicate face and was full of anger in his heart.

"Xiaotang, did Linbei really use my Phoenix feathers to grill meat?"

"Yeah, yes, it smells good!"

Xiaotang nodded, "If you don't believe me, ask Brother Dahuang. He roasted a tiger whip and didn't even eat enough."


An Yanxi stood up, fire rising in his eyes.

Zhao Xingluo quickly stepped forward to persuade.

"Hey, Lao An, forget it. Children are ignorant, so don't argue with them. Let's go and take pictures."

In front of the lawn, there are several professional photographers taking photos of everyone.

Zhan Tianming was wearing a suit and also holding a camera.

"Aren't you all classmates? Let me take a picture for you."

"Okay, okay."

Dahuang pulled Zhang Tian, ​​greeted Li Muxue and Ji Yunqing, and looked around, "Eh? Where is our Lin Zhouchang?"

"He, I don't know why he went into the house. He will come out later. Let's take pictures first."

Li Muxue replied.

At this time, Lin Bei was standing in his large 200-square-meter bedroom, looking in the mirror, adjusting his clothes, looking particularly handsome.

Looking back, I saw that there were still various small toys placed in the bedroom, including cars, Transformers, Pikachu dolls, water guns, etc.

Looking at these things, Lin Bei's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

"Master, the master and his wife are ready. They are waiting for you to go out and take a family photo." A maid said.

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Lin Bei agreed, walked out of the villa and came to the lawn.

All the friends greeted him with joy.

"Hurry! Lin Zhouchang, Auntie and Uncle Lin are waiting for you."

“Let’s take a family photo later too!”

"Hurry up and get there!"


Lin Bei glanced around and found his father and mother sitting side by side on chairs.

"Come on, my dear mother." Zhao Xingluo waved with a smile.

Lin Bei walked over and stood behind the two of them, in the middle.

The photographer picked up the camera.

"Come on, smile."

Lin Bei's family of three smiled. A gentle breeze happened to blow through their hair, and the bright sunshine shone down, making everything look particularly peaceful.


The photographer presses the shutter, and this moment is recorded forever.

Finished spreading flowers!

The story ends here. After typing the three words "End of the Book", I felt empty in my heart. What I persisted for a year and put countless efforts into, it ended like this.

In this year, although I didn’t write much every day, maybe a few short ones (#/.\#), I never stopped updating, never. The ending is pretty good, not bad at all. I consider myself a conscientious author!

This whole book is quite satisfactory overall. I have written everything that needs to be written. At least I persisted until the end and completed a work. How can I get a passing grade? Give yourself 60 points.

Of course, there must be some flaws in the content and some toxic points. Based on the feedback from my friends, I have already felt that, well, I will try to avoid it in the next book.

Speaking of the next book, many friends asked me, I haven’t decided what to write yet.

Let’s take a break for a while and clear our head, so as not to write another Huang Kai when thinking about a new book≧?≦.

Finally, thank you all for your support and companionship along the way. Thank you for having a drink. Thank you!

I also wish you all to be happy, joyful and carefree every day, but at critical moments, you can always burst out with the power to turn the tide (just like our protagonist)

The humble author retires and looks forward to meeting you next time!

August 13, 2022.

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