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Can Li An not understand the pains of Xi Yu? Nowadays, most of the surnames of Eastern Kingdom of Women 100 do n’t know enough about Great Tang, and they do n’t even understand Great Tang ’s foreign policy. They use ignorance to describe Eastern Kingdom of Women ’s 100 surname is the most suitable.

The ignorant 100 surnames are the easiest to listen to rumors. If you have ulterior motives, instill in them words that are not conducive to Great Tang, these 100 surnames are likely to believe it and gradually hate Great Tang from the bottom of your heart. Very unfavorable.

What Xi Yu needs to do is to personally walk into the Eastern Kingdom of Women 100 surname as the senior official of Great Tang, and use his own actual actions to tell the Eastern Kingdom of Women ’s 100 surname, Great Tang is a friendly country, Great Tang The Eastern Kingdom of Women is a neighbor that is friendly for generations, to eliminate the doubts of the Eastern Kingdom of Women 100 surnames about the Great Tang, and to increase their interest in the Great Tang Empire.

This is part of Great Tang’s plan to smash the Tibet. Li An had to agree to Xi Yu’s request and expressed that he would do his best to protect and ensure the personal safety of Great Tang officials.

After returning to his room, Lifei Shouyu, Kunxiong and Feiyu all saw the anxiety of Li An’s expression.

“Wuyang, what happened?”

“Assistant Minister Xi intends to divide the soldiers into 3 routes and go to different places separately, but I am worried that this will not be very conducive to our protection.”

Li An said anxiously.

“Eldest Brother, 2 Niu and Guangsheng all have missions to protect, and to protect these 3rd road officials, only 3 of us will be handed over.”

“Yes, Eldest Brother, the three of us are responsible for all the way, and they will certainly ensure their safety.”

Li An gently nodded: “It seems that this is the only way. Shou Yu, Kunxiong, Feiyu, and the task of guarding the inspection of the Great Tang officials this time will be handed over to you three.”

“rest assured.”

3 Everyone is nodded.

Afterwards, Li An continued to take out the map and study the possible route of the march once Tibet used force.

On the morning of the second day, the team of Great Tang 2 road officials, led by Lifei Shouyu, Li Kunxiong, and Li Feiyu, respectively, took some Eastern Kingdom of Women officials as guides and ran in different directions outside Queen City.

Xi Yu has made up his mind to let the 100 surnames of Eastern Kingdom of Women know the Great Tang. At the same time, he will also record many strange and strange customs and customs of Eastern Kingdom of Women, so that after returning to Chang’an City, Li Longji reports.

Li An originally planned to personally protect Xi Yu, but the situation in Queen City was unknown. He thought about it again and decided to stay and sit in the city to avoid anything from Guichang Monarch.

“Military Officer Li, just now there was a Young Master outside the door. After handing this letter to the humble office, he left.”

A Longwu army soldier came into the house and gave the letter to Li An.

Li An waved his hand, let the soldiers back down, and immediately opened the envelope.

“Let me see me at the daughter building. Who will it be? Where is the daughter building?”

The content of the letter was very short, which was to ask Li An to meet at the daughter building. The person who paid the bill was blank, which seemed very mysterious.

Li An paced in the house, and after thinking about it again, he decided to take the risk. After all, if he had n’t seen him, how could he know who the other person was.

Of course, even if Li An is adventurous, he will be fully prepared, and it is indispensable to secretly arrange manpower.

After some inquiries, Li An learned that the daughter building is the largest restaurant in Queen City. The flow of people was extremely dense, and the sense of security in my heart naturally increased by a few points.

With 5 guards and 20 Dark Guards, Li An was invited to the daughter building to prepare for this mysterious person.

Since it’s a restaurant, people who drink alcohol are indispensable. Li An just entered the daughter’s building and saw that the mess in the hall was full of alcoholic people, which made Li An quite disgusted.

“Military Officer Li, the guests on the second floor have been waiting for a long time.”

The restaurant’s Dr. walked towards Li An with a smile on his face.

“Lead the way ahead.”

Wine Dr. nodded again and again, leading the way.

Li An took 5 guards and followed the wine Dr. to the second floor step by step.

“Military Officer Li, this one.”

Li An reached out and waved the wine Dr. back, and let 5 guards stand outside.


Li An pushed the door into the room and saw a middle-aged Lord’s face. The person was flushed and his eyes were hidden by Ji-hye. At first glance, he was a very simple person, and there was only one other than the middle-aged Lord in the room. The dishes on the table.

“Military Officer Li, please look up for a long time, please sit down.”

Middle-aged Lord saw Li An coming in, and he was warmly invited.

Li An looked towards all around vigilantly, and was very surprised. He simply didn’t recognize this person. Why did this person invite himself and was so enthusiastic.

‘As the saying goes, there is nothing to be attentive, not to be stolen or stolen. The middle-aged Lord in front of him has a drink for no reason. Maybe it’s bad? ‘

Li An was sullen inside, but his expression was slightly smiling.

“We don’t seem to know how Lord is called.”

Middle-aged Lord said with a smile: “Below is a merchant of Kingdom of Nanzhou, surnamed wood, named Yang Guo, who has been doing business on the front line of Kingdom of Nanzhou, Dongnv, and Tibet all year round. The daughter building here is where I often come.”

“Oh, it turned out to be Wood Lord.”

Li An slowly nodded and asked: “Mu Lord is a merchant of Kingdom of Nanzhou, and the general is the Great Tang underneath. There seems to be no connection between us at all. Our Great Tang has a sentence called” No power is not subject to Lu “, You can’t eat you in vain! “

“Hahaha! Military Officer Li is really a quick talk, isn’t it just a meal? Why don’t you hang your teeth and admire Military Officer Li in the next, even if you have a daily meal, there is nothing wrong with it.”

Middle-aged Lord smiled all over his face and appeared extremely enthusiastic.

‘Admiration for your sister, I can’t hit you with your 8 poles, what is there to admire, and the purpose is true. ‘

Li An would not be naive to believe that this person really admired himself before inviting himself to come, especially for the unprofitable businessmen, even more impossible.

Abdominal defamation, since this person is so enthusiastic about himself, he can’t be cold-faced, Li An smiled: “Mu Lord is polite, just a few warriors, vulgar, there is nothing to admire, but, I felt that Mu Lord invited me to come, I’m afraid it’s not just admiration! “

Mu Yangguo grinned: “Military Officer Li is really smart, in addition to admiring Military Officer Li, there are some small things to consult Military Officer Li, 10000 hope Military Officer Li will not hesitate to enlighten me.”

“Wood Lord, please.”

“Military Officer Li protects King Eastern Kingdom of Women all the way, everything that happened, as well as Military Officer Li ’s achievements in the Great Tang Yuzhou, have been learned below to describe Military Officer Li with wisdom and courage. The ability is absolutely not exaggerated. Also, Military Officer Li ’s tongue against the Foreign Minister of Eastern Kingdom of Women is even more admirable. The release of the assassin shows the broad mind of Military Officer Li. Such an all-round talent is comparable to the prime minister of a country. But Military Officer Li has fallen into the position of a small school captain, which is really regrettable. “

Mu Yangguo looked sad and looked at Li An’s expression.

Li An hearing this, the expression slightly moved, praised, naturally happy, but the current position is too low, not commensurate with his ability, it will inevitably make people lose, but this kind of psychological reaction will exist for a moment, Soon, Li An’s expression returned to normal.

However, at the moment Li An’s expression changed, Mu Yangguo just saw it in his eyes, which made him very excited, and continued: “Military Officer Li has such a high ability, but he was only named as the captain, really It ’s too stubborn, and I ’m not close to Military Officer Li, but I ’m also unhappy for Military Officer Li. ”

Seeing Mu Yangguo in front of him complained, Li An felt vigilant in his heart. In his opinion, this person’s purpose is by no means simple, maybe he is holding back what’s wrong? The biggest possibility is to shake his loyalty to the Great Tang Emperor.

“Mu Lord even knows everything about Weizhou, and it’s really not simple! Now I think that Mu Lord should not be as simple as a businessman.”

Li An frowned, looked towards Mu Yangguo.

Mu Yangguo’s expression was a bit dull, and then said with a smile: “Here is indeed a businessman, but he has a wide range of interests, especially likes to inquire. Various major events happening in this world let Military Officer Li laugh.”

Li An faintly smiled, he is completely certain that Mu Yangguo in front of him is not a pure businessman, a normal businessman, only interested in pursuing interests, and the person in front is obviously not.

“Mu Lord may not be clear yet. I have a great talent in Tang, and talents like the one below can only be a school captain.”

Mu Yangguo shook his head gently: “Military Officer Li bullied me for not knowing Great Tang, but I don’t know the great Tang’s famous generals. I know everything. With Military Officer Li’s ability, it completely surpasses the general general, Military Officer Li has the prime minister. only.”

“Even if you have the talent of a prime minister, you’re still a little captain.”

Li An’s pretending to be lost is actually testing Mu Yangguo.

Mu Yangguo does n’t care if Li An is a temptation, blunt said: “Your Tang Dynasty has a sentence called ‘a talented person chooses a patron of integrity, Han Xian chooses the master and waits’ Han Xin is just a little under Xiang Yu Holding the halberd, when he came to Liu Bang, he became the marshal of the commander-in-chief of the 3rd Army. Later, he was conferred as King Chu, which is extremely beautiful, and the talent of Military Officer Li is under Han Xin. “

This is a blatant inducement, which is to make Li An betray Great Tang and enter the embrace of other countries.

“Mu Lord said carefully, be careful of the knife across my waist.”

Li An stared at Mu Yangguo.

Mu Yangguo knew that Li An would not really do it, and then said: “In the next year of business, I recognize Tibet Tsenpo, this person is thirsty for talent, and if someone like Military Officer Li is attached, it must be closed to the position of Big Advisor. This is equivalent to Prime Minister of Great Tang, under one person above ten thousand people. “

The tail of the fox finally leaked out. Li An suddenly got up and slapped on the desktop, angrily said: “You are a Tibet lobbyist. I am Li An who is a Great Tang man. Life and death are all people of Great Tang. How can the seller seek honor, Turning to thieves, not to mention Big Advisor, Tsenpo gave way, and Li An is not rare. “

“pa ……”

The door and the secret door opened at the same time, and 5 guards under Li An and 8 guards under Mu Yangguo flooded into the room at the same time.

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