Although he hoped that it would be a definite answer, he also knew how Jiang Qianxue's life had been for the past four years. Especially since it had rained the night before yesterday. To Lin Jing, it was like a fish bone growing in his heart.

"That's right. Lin Jing Xue, in your heart, you are nothing but a good-for-nothing." Lin Jing said to himself in his heart, but when he saw Jiang Qianxue's bracelet on her wrist, his eyes immediately lit up.

She put it on!

Lin Jing was very clear that Jiang Qianxue's understanding of jade artifacts was limited to the markings on the jewelry shop's counter. She definitely didn't know what it was, and based on her impression of her, she reckoned that the bracelet was at most a few hundred yuan worth of stock.

On such an important occasion, she was willing to wear the stall she had given her to attend, the meaning of which was self-evident.

"She likes me." Lin Jing clenched his fists.

Jiang Xu was in high spirits today. After chasing Jiang Qianxue for so long, he finally saw hope. After today, he would soon obtain this woman he yearned for. As for Lin Jing, what use would a trash like him have?

He knew that although Lin Jing and Jiang Qianxue had been married for four years, nothing had happened between them except for a piece of paper.

How could he not be happy when such a beautiful woman was so easily within reach?

Jiang Qianxue left. Lin Jing watched her get into Jiang Xu's car. Under Liu Fen's smiling and even flattering expression, they headed downtown.

Lin Jing naturally didn't have the qualifications to participate in such a large event. Jiang Qianxue certainly wouldn't bring him along, so he could only think of his own ways.

Lin Jing touched the auction house's Black Gold Card in his hand. No matter how much money he currently had, status and status were things that couldn't be obtained in an instant. Thus, he could only ask for someone else's help.

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Jing took out his cell phone and made a call to the auction house before sneakily leaving home. No one noticed that in Liu Fen's eyes, Lin Jing had evaporated into nothingness and would never appear again.

An hour later, the auction house drove Lin Jing to the entrance of the jewelry store. The driver got off the car and respectfully said, "Mister Lin, this is the invitation that Elder Dong has instructed us to send to you. He is waiting for you inside."

"Alright, thank you very much." Lin Jing nodded.

Everyone knew his identity in the city. Everyone knew that he was a big joke, so when he was on the phone, he didn't reveal his identity.

With the invitation in hand, Lin Jing hobbled towards the main entrance.

As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by security guards. "Wait, sorry, this is a private gathering. No invitations are given and people are forbidden to enter. If you want to beg, go kneel outside."

Facing the arrogant and disdainful security guard, Lin Jing didn't say anything. He directly took out his invitation letter and said, "I have an invitation letter."

The security guard frowned as he took the paper over and mocked, "Hehe, now it's as though anyone dares to fish in troubled waters. Just a piece of paper and you dare to impersonate it …"

Before he could finish his sentence, a shocked and incredulous expression appeared on the face of the security guard. He immediately apologized respectfully, "I'm sorry, Mister Lin, I was blind, please don't be angry. If you need anything, we have a wheelchair and a service personnel specially prepared for you."

The sudden change in security attitude surprised Lin Jing. It seemed that the invitation prepared by Elder Dong wasn't just an admission pass like the one he had requested on the phone.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Jing nodded his head and said, "Alright, I'll be troubling you then."

Five minutes later, Lin Jing was escorted by security guards to the venue. The opening ceremony had already begun a while ago.

The big bosses of the jewelry shops all went up onto stage to give their speeches. The crowd below applauded from time to time. Lin Jing searched through the crowd for a long time before finally finding Jiang Qianxue and Jiang Xu standing in front.

With a high-spirited smile on his face, Jiang Xu held his head high and puffed out his chest. It was his turn to be next.

Lin Jing didn't pay any attention to Jiang Xu. The first thing he saw was the expression on Jiang Qianxue's face. She wasn't happy, or more accurately, she was sad.

There was a surge of fury in his heart. Although he didn't know what Jiang Xu had said to Jiang Qianxue in the past hour, he would absolutely not allow anyone to humiliate his lover.

"Push me over." Lin Jing narrowed his eyes.

Jiang Qianxue's heart was at a loss. At the same time, it was filled with anger. After Jiang Xu's introduction just now, she had gotten to know many well-known people in the city. This was something to be happy about.

However, Jiang Xu's attitude of treating her as his own woman made her very uncomfortable. After the introductions were finished, Jiang Xu arrogantly told her that his father had already agreed to their marriage and that he would go through the divorce procedures with Lin Jing as soon as possible.


"Qianxue, you're unhappy. Since you don't like it here, let's go back."

Jiang Qianxue suddenly heard Lin Jing's voice and frowned. She didn't quite believe it. How could he be here? He shouldn't even be able to enter through the door.

When he turned around and saw the person, his heart was moved.

He narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were filled with hatred, before turning sinister. He purposely said, "Actually, I have to thank someone today, it was she who gave me the motivation to study hard and made a contribution to the Jiang family and to the jewelry industry. Now, I want to invite her up here and announce a major decision, Qianxue, can you come up?"

Everyone's gaze fell on Jiang Qianxue, who was standing below the stage. At the same time, it fell on Lin Jing, who was standing beside her.

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