With the Jiang Family leading the way, news soon spread that the first Treasure Convention would be held in the City.

Not only in Eastsea City, but even the nearby cities had received the news.

All of a sudden, this became the hottest topic of discussion. The outsiders were obviously watching the show, but the insiders were different.

People from the neighboring cities began to ask around. Why did the Jiang Clan, who had been pretending to be a good man for more than a decade, suddenly start to act like they were raising their heads and raising their heads all of a sudden? It was a pity that not only did the people outside the city not know what was going on in the old lady's mind, but also in the inner city.

In an elegant room of an ancient teahouse in the west side of the city, the three brothers of the Jiang Clan were sitting opposite to each other with strange expressions on their faces. Although they were brothers from the same mother, their relationship had been worse than enemies ever since they could remember. They had done many evil things to each other.

Not to mention from the bottom of his heart, even if he said it out loud in front of him, it wouldn't be just one or two times if he wished for the other party to die a little earlier.

Under normal circumstances, when they sat facing each other like this, there was only one possibility. Each of them were plotting something sinister in their hearts, planning to frame the other.

However, today was different. The atmosphere between the three of them appeared to be especially harmonious. It was as if they had all suddenly remembered that they were brothers and sisters, not enemies who killed their fathers.

This was especially so for Jiang Yunmao. This was the first time he had ever had the appearance of a big brother, and his face was full of benevolence.

"Second and third brother, we must cooperate fully in this Treasure Convention. After all, we are brothers by blood. Third, you are in charge of this. If there is anything that needs to be mentioned, Second Brother and I will give you our full support! "

Hearing Jiang Yunmao's words, Jiang Yun smiled and said gratefully, "With big brother's help, I'm sure this year's grand meeting will be a success." "Hmph, Eastsea City is the entertainment city of our Jiang family. Since when have we ever let some trash steal our limelight?"

"You're right, our family has been hiding our abilities for the past few years, not doing anything big. Those trash think that they have grown a bit more, daring to compete with us, they are simply overestimating themselves. "And that Mr. Lou Ni of the Sky, Mr. Paulinus, hmph, they are all outsiders, what right do they have to compete with us?" The second brother Jiang Yunsheng had a dark expression on his face as he spoke with a domineering tone.

"It doesn't matter what we did or what we fought for, it's always at home. "However, it's different this time. Baolin's family name is Lin, and they joined up with the Dong Clan. In addition, the Flying Sky Tower has a huge tree like the Ni Clan behind Ni Fei. If we want to defeat them, we have to work together." Jiang Yunmao narrowed his eyes.

"I'm a big brother, so I'll just express my attitude here and let bygones be bygones. Anyway, now, we brothers share the same heart. If anyone dares to play any tricks behind our backs and have their own selfish motives, then don't blame us for not showing our brotherly affection at all, how about it? "

Smiling, Jiang Yunsheng said, "Of course I'm supporting Big Brother's decision. This is all for the good of the Jiang Clan. However, as for Ol 'Three, he wasn't too sure. After all, there is a cooperation agreement between the Treasure House and the Treasure House, and right now, Mister Lin is in the limelight! "

When Jiang Yun heard this, his heart sank. He immediately said, "Second brother, since we agreed to work together, I naturally wouldn't have any other thoughts. Didn't you say that it would shake the morale of the troops? Besides, the cooperation with Paulinus was handled by that damned cripple, it has nothing to do with me. "

"Well said, but it depends on how you do it. When did you break off your relationship with Baolin's side?" Jiang Yunsheng's eyes narrowed as he looked at Jiang Yuncai and spoke in a cold tone. It was as if he would not give up until he had forced Jiang Yuncai into a corner.

Jiang Yuncai was well aware that the old lady had entrusted him with such an important task this time. Firstly, it was a test, and secondly, she had intended to give him a reminder as well. Baolinzhai was now one of the biggest threats to the Jiang family, and cooperation between the two families was destined to be impossible.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun decisively said, "Eldest brother and second brother can relax. When I return, I will immediately cancel the contract with Baolin." However, during this Treasure Convention, Mister Lin will definitely make great preparations. Before I see his hidden cards, I think it would be best if we do not fall out with him. "

Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Yunmao took a step ahead of him and said, "Third brother, you're right. Right now, in the Arts City, the only people who have the ability to compete with us are the two families, Baolin and Soaring Sky Tower. The latter goes without saying. With the support of the Ni Clan, no one can beat us. "

"However, the Ni Clan doesn't have much business in the East Sea and their strength is meagre. However, if they really intended to enter, they still had to get past the Dong Clan. Therefore, although they were the most powerful, they were not a big threat. On the contrary, the biggest threat was Baolinzhai. Even now, we still have not figured out who exactly this Mister Lin is and how many cards he has that we can play. "

Jiang Yun then followed up, "I heard from Qianxue that this Mister Lin and Elder Dong are very close. The relationship between the two of them is very difficult to fathom. As can be seen from the special auction held at Paulinus, this old man has spared no effort in supporting Mr. Lin. "

"Hmph, so what if it's the Dong Clan? "Even though they are the big bosses in the jewelry and luxury industry, we are still in the literary world. Apart from the auction house, what else can Dong Qixing possibly use to fight us?" Jiang Yunsheng snorted coldly as he spoke with an arrogant and disdainful expression on his face.

"That is true, but you have to be careful. Dong Qianxing has great influence in Eastsea City. If he can stand by Lin's side without any worries, then he will at least be of great help. " Jiang Yun then turned around and said to the two of them.

"It's not that Old Third's worries are unreasonable, but isn't the invitation already sent to Baolin? The initial stages of the tournament will be held a few days earlier. Let's first check out what is in Lin's hands and make our decision after that. " After a while, Jiang Yunmao made up his mind.

Just as they were talking, Jiang Yuncai's phone rang. He picked it up to take a look and said, "Big brother and second brother, I still have some matters to take care of in the shop." We'll discuss this matter until here, and then we'll see what happens. "

"Alright, go busy yourself first if you need anything!" Jiang Yunmao nodded as he spoke, but there was no reaction in his expression.

After Jiang Yun had left, Jiang Yunsheng snorted coldly and said, "What the hell is this? The old lady just supported him and now she doesn't know who she is. How dare she put on airs in front of us?" After this Treasure Convention is over, we'll take care of him! "At that time, without the Precious Forest Academy, I want to see how long the Treasure House can hold out for!"

"Ol 'Three, that's not what I meant. Since the old lady gave Ol' Three the responsibility, we should listen to him now." A gloomy smile appeared on Jiang Yunmao's face as he said, "As long as we can do a good job and stabilize the Jiang Clan's position, it will only bring us benefits and not harm."

"Big Brother, you should think it through clearly. This time, the old granny has invested so much. It can be seen how much importance she attaches to the Treasure Convention. "It doesn't matter if Ol 'Three screwed up or succeeded in such an important matter. It's not good news for us." Jiang Yunsheng narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"I know what you mean. If we screw up the Jiang family's status and resources, we will have problems. And if it succeeds, Ol 'Three's status in the family will naturally rise, and even surpass us, right? " Jiang Yuncai said with a faint sneer on his face.

"Since big brother knows, why don't you spare no effort to support Ol 'Three?" Jiang Yunsheng looked suspiciously at Jiang Yunmao as he spoke.

"Of course, since you've said it, you cannot go back on your word. I hope that you will do the same." Jiang Yunmao said confidently, "Don't worry. I can guarantee that if Ol 'Three manages to accomplish this, all the benefits will fall into our hands."

Confused, Jiang Yunsheng asked, "If he succeeded, how did the benefits come to us?"

"Hehe, don't you think that the old lady would really leave such a huge matter to a good-for-nothing like Third Brother?" "Based on my understanding of her for so many years, doing this would just be digging a hole for Ol 'Three to jump into." Jiang Yunmao said with a sneer.

"You mean, the old lady purposely let Third Bro take the reins of power and then kicked him out of the Jiang family?" Jiang Yunsheng's heart thumped as if he had thought of something.

"Number two, you still don't know our mom well enough. In all these years, who have you seen her believe? Baolinzhai is such a big threat to us, Old Third has a cooperation agreement with them, and now that his good son-in-law is working under Lin, how could the Old Granny still let him stay? "

Jiang Yunmao's eyes were filled with a sinister light as he said, "There are some things where as long as there is even the slightest bit of doubt in your heart, the gap will constantly grow until it becomes an insurmountable chasm. No matter what kind of person they are, they will be devoured alive. "

"I understand. Since that's the case, we should head back and make some good preparations." "At the very least, we can't let Ol 'Three lose face for the Jiang Clan. Big Bro, your side should be making a move now, right?" Jiang Yunsheng said with a sinister smile.

"Of course. Although we were unhappy before, at least we were on the same side. So right now, we should also be heading in the same direction. " Jiang Yunmao said with a confident expression on his face.

Jiang Yunsheng chuckled lightly. "Don't worry, Big Bro. I'm pretty clear on this point."

"Alright, it's about time. You should go back and prepare. At the Treasure Convention, let us see how powerful this so-called Mister Lin truly is. " Jiang Yunmao narrowed his eyes and said with a chilling tone.

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